EP 75: Flower Power; The Healing Wisdom of Flowers For Pets and People With Special Guest Pamela Maw
FEB 28, 2024
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About 10 years ago, from the date of this recording, I was introduced to a tool of vibrational support. It was something that I never used before, nor did I truly understand its effects.

What is this tool of vibrational support that I’m talking about?

I’m talking about the energetic frequency from flowers and how they can be placed into an essence that we can ingest, spritz, or simply integrate with on an energetic level.

Moving forward in time from 10 years ago, and to the year of 2022, I was introduced to a new flower essence that really caught my attention! It’s an essence that helps both humans and animals with electrical protection from computer screens, radiation, atmospheric changes, astral energy, viruses, bacteria, human negativity, dissonant sounds, and so much more.

Being someone who is highly sensitive, I feel things deeply. Receiving vibrations from animals through communication and energy support sessions, I need to ensure that I’m taking care of my own energy. I call it “energy management” or sometimes refer to it as “energetic hygiene”. 

If I don’t clear, support, and strengthen my own energy regularly, and come back to grounding and anchoring inside my body, I start to feel off and even start to feel unwell. Therefore, it’s an absolutely must that I stay on top of this. For how can I be of support in this way to others if I am not supporting myself?

I’ve found this particular flower essence that I’m speaking of, as well as other Flower essences to be a main tool in my energetic toolkit of support. 

And that brings us to this particular episode! Come join me as we speak with Pam Maw. Pam is a Master Flower Essence Practitioner and she and I came together to talk more about flower essences. We discuss how they work, ways they can help us as humans and our animal family, and so much more! 

I’m grateful to Pam for sharing her expertise in this area!

Let’s talk about the vibrational tool of Flower Essences! See you on the inside! :)

About Pam Maw:

Pamela Maw has a Bachelor Degree of Fine Arts from the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. As well a Bachelor of Education, from the University of Queen’s, Kingston, Ontario, Canada. Maw taught her specialties, Fine Art and Special Education at the High School level. After leaving her Headship of the Arts at Mitchell District High School, Maw moved to St. Catharines, Ontario, with her husband and dog. She is a Botanical Bio-frequencies Master Practitioner For People, and a Animal Botanical Bio-frequencies Practitioner (Level 1 and 2) working with Flower Essences, and has taken training and certification in animal communication, tuning forks and other complementary energy focused modalities.

Contact Pam at:

Cell: 905-658-6470

Landline: 905-938-3617

Location: 88 Lakeport Road, St. Catharines

Email: pamelamaw11@gmail.com

With love and heart hugs,


PS. Want to connect further? I always would love to hear from you! 

Drop me a line at: www.thegalspeaks.com and claim your FREE Animal Communication Kit there too!

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