This is the way the kingdom of GOD works
FEB 26, 2024
Description Community

"You want us to know that when we recognize that all authority has been given unto You Jesus, and then You said to go in Your name, and then You have given the apostles and the prophets the authority in the sphere of influence You have given us... the people that are working under this authority, in their power that they are able to say I am a man, I am a son, I am a citizen of authority, only because I am one under authority, and I honor that authority, and as I honor that authority, then I can say to this situation, I can say to this one: do this, and do that, and it has to happen; because I am operating in alignment with what it is that the kingdom of GOD says."

I do what Jesus did

We cannot pray without love

Love is humble

Love is honest

Love is integrity

That we get to operate in Your character... When we do anything in the Name, in the character, in the ways that You do it, in the integrity of GOD. Being made in Your image means to do things like You do them.

After Your likeness, we imagine like You, and we do things like You do them.

I pray for all of us, that we get this, this morning, so that we can dominate the sphere, in which You have given us, that we can go into all the world, and release, this good news of the kingdom of GOD, not just in word, but in deed.

That we speak it, and then it happens.

Jesus came, and He gave us the authority... And then He said to us, I give you My authority, to go and do business in My Name. Quit callin' Me and asking Me Jesus would You do this? GOD would You do this?

I have given you the authority, and you are to speak in My Name, you are to carry My character, you are to move as I move.

I live a life of integrity. I live a life of honesty. I walk with, in the name of Jesus. I walk with His character. I walk with His authority.

I live a life of purity. I live a life of holiness. I walk in His character, because His name is His character. His name is His integrity, and without that, you can't speak in His name. But with it, you can.

It does not work unless you walk in My character, My integrity.

You are operating as Me

As I am so are you, in the Earth

He came to release the kingdom of GOD

He came to bring a kingdom

He brought the message of THE KINGDOM

The purpose is so that you can move into the kingdom of GOD and operate as kings and priests.


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