The Son of God warns Thyatira that he gives according to works.
FEB 25
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Display Text: Revelation 22:12-13 <br>“Behold, I am coming soon, bringing my recompense with me, to repay each one for what he has <br>done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.” <br>(Revelation 22:12-13 can be found on page 1042, in the pew Bible) <br>Preservice Song: Psalm 84:5,6 (Page 211, In the Book of Praise)<br>* Votum and Salutation <br>* Psalm 96:1,5,6,8 (Page 235, In the Book of Praise)<br>10 Words of the Covenant<br>Psalm 94:4,5,7 (Page 230, In the Book of Praise)<br>Prayer <br>Baptism: Elliotte Sophie Jansen (Page 597, In the Book of Praise)<br> * Response Psalm 105:3 <br>Scripture: Psalm 2 (Page 448, In the pew Bible) <br>Jeremiah 17:1-13 (Page 645, In the pew Bible)<br>Psalm 139:1,2,13 (Page 331, In the Book of Praise)<br>Text: Revelation 2:18-29 (Page 1029, In the pew Bible)<br>The Son of God warns Thyatira that he gives according to works. <br>1. He exposes Jezebel’s works <br>2. He punishes Jezebel’s works <br>3. He rewards those who keep his works<br>* Psalm 2:3,4 (Page 5, In the Book of Praise)<br>Thanksgiving Prayer <br>Thanksgiving Offering<br>* Hymn 44:1,4,5 (Page 430, In the Book of Praise)<br>* Benediction<br><br><strong>Time:</strong><br>Morning<br><br><strong>Minister:</strong><br>Rev. G. Veurink<br><br><strong>Texts:</strong><br>Revelation 2:18–29<br>Psalm 2<br>Jeremiah 17:1–13