Innocent But Behind Bars
FEB 15, 2024
Description Community

There is a new program at Lourdes called the Initiative For Exoneration. It's taught by a friend I met with the Lucas Co. Suicide Prev. Coalition back in 2017, Professor Kristin Blochowski. With her on this visit is the program's director Dr. Jessica Ziegler.

The ladies give an overview of the program and what it and the students are working on and then (deep breath)...basically trying to fix all of society. 

Why are people wrongfully convicted?

Why are they often poor and of color?

How much is do to intentionally impropriety by law enforcement or otherwise?

How many people have been exonerated, if they have been at all?

Where does mental health play into this?

What is this political modern form of racism and classism at work, outcasting people at best. 

