IJSH039 - BALHAM - 22nd June 2023
JAN 18, 2024
Description Community

This episode was recorded at the Bedford Inn, Balham in the Wandsworth Arts Fringe on 22nd June 2023.

The panellists were Alex Kitson, John Rands and Arthur Smith, and the host was Richard Pulsford.

On This Day topics covered included:-
- The Charing Cross, Euston and Hampstead Railway opened (22/06/1907)
- The Holy Office in Rome forced Galileo Galilei to recant (22/06/1633)
- Beatles make first record as backing for Tony Sheridan (22/06/1961)
- The Hand of God goal (22/06/1986)
- Pétain became Prime Minister of Vichy France (22/06/1940)
- George Carlin died (22/06/2008)

- Balham: Gateway to the South
- Miss Marple and Du Cane Court
- John Sullivan, born in Balham
- Captain Sensible, born in Balham
- Pedestrian crossings


