3/2 Joshua 2 - Redeeming Our Lives
MAR 02, 2024
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Why does God use sinful people? Or more specifically, why does God use really sinful people? Well, in today's study of Joshua 2, we'll look at the faith of Rahab and how God uses her, despite her sin. Join us for another thought-provoking study in the key chapters of God's Word!


1.    Joshua 2 opens with the Children of Israel on the Plains of Moab on the Eastern Side of the Jordan River. Why did the podcast suggest that they were there? How might have Joshua’s prior experience as a spy influenced where they were considering entering the Promised Land?
2.    What was the mindset of the spies as they were going into the Promised Land this time? How was it different from their forefathers 40 years earlier? What do you think led to these differences? 
3.    The podcast suggested some possible reasons why the spies went to the home of a prostitute. Do you agree? 
4.    What report did Rahab give the spies regarding the Canaanite’s view of the Israelites? How was this similar to the former generations view of the Canaanites? What does this tell us about how the Lord would have delivered the land into the Israelite’s hands the first time, if they had only trusted the Lord in Numbers 13 & 14? 
5.    How was Rahab’s and the Canaanite’s perspective at odds with the spies of themselves (e.g. them sneaking around)?
6.    When Rahab wanted to join with the Children of Israel, what was she essentially saying regarding her desire to stay in here sinful ways and those of her people? How is this a picture of true repentance? How is her example a picture of faith?
7.    In verse 23, what was the spies report back to Joshua? How was this similar and different from the report of the spies 40 years earlier in Numbers 13 & 14?
8.    According to the podcast, how could God use such a sinful person like Rahab? What does this tell us about any time God uses any of us? How is this a picture of God’s grace? In terms of God’s grace in using us for His work, what should our attitude towards Him?

Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on Amazon!

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As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from Feedspot.com.

Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from PlayerFM.

Special thanks to Joseph McDade for providing our theme music. 

