Nervous System Reset: An Elemental Chakra Meditation for Hot Summer Days
AUG 15, 2024
Description Community

In this guided meditation, we explore an elemental balancing practice for anxiety management and nervous system regulation. Reflecting on personal experiences with balancing extreme temperatures and anxiety, I share a visualization and sound meditation that has been deeply supportive in my own practice. I hope it will be useful in your own practice as well!  

Together, we will guide our energy to move from the root chakra to the third eye, integrated with breath work and visualizations to promote balance and cooling. 

The supportive soundscape in today’s episode is a recording of a summer night in Olympic National Park from acoustic ecologist Gordon Hempton. You will hear a summer breeze swirl through tall grasses while chattering birds and a distant coyote settle down for the night.

In this episode:

00:00 Welcome and Introduction

00:46 Balancing in Extreme Temperatures

01:25 Dealing with Anxiety and Imbalance

03:05 Elemental Balancing Practice

04:32 Combining Practices: Elemental Balancing and Still Lake of the Mind

07:58 Guided Meditation: Journey Through the Elements

27:56 Closing and Returning to the Present

The sounds in today’s episode were recorded on the ancestral lands of eight tribes: Hoh, Jamestown S'Klallam, Lower Elwha Klallam, Makah, Port Gamble S'Klallam, Quileute, Quinault and Skokomish. 

Thank you to Gordon Hempton for today’s nature field recordings, to Nick McMahan for sound design, and editing, and to Brianna Nielsen for production and editing support. Find them at:

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