Laura Gallagher and Jo Pinner: Becoming a mum during your athletic career
MAR 19
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This episode of SportSpiel is a very special one, as we delve into an important subject that is still in its infancy in terms of understanding – becoming a mum during your athletic career.

Taking part in the discussion is long-time friend of the podcast, British Trampolinist Laura Gallagher, as well as England and GB Hockey star Jo Pinner who have both done just that, given birth to their first child in the last 14 months.

With both now on their way back to the top of their sport, they explain just what it takes to become a mum while competing as an athlete – from deciding when to have a child during your career, to the physical toll pregnancy, giving birth and raising a newborn takes on the body.

The pair also explain how inspiration from other athlete mums has helped them on their individual journeys and they delve into how they balance training and childcare.

There’s also the very non-linear process of returning to sports in the first place, essentially having to start again after becoming mums, and so much more more.

Both Laura and Jo talk incredibly openly about their experiences on a topic that still requires plenty of discussion – for context UK Sport’s maternity policy was only introduced in the last year.

We hope you enjoy listening and learning from this very special podcast.


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Image: Getty Images

Music: Otis McDonald