So you want to process your own animal?
SEP 21, 2023
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On this episode of Huntavore, Things are down to the wire on opening day for whitetails.  Weapons are checked, packs are loaded, and preparations for butchering that animal have been arranged, right?  If DIY hunts are your thing, then lets take it to the full circle in bringing the animal to the plate.  Nick hopes to challenge and encourage folks looking to process their own deer this year.  He answers some questions sent in that would be helpful to anyone taking on one of the most primal, yet intimidating parts of acquiring one's own meat.  So rinse off that butcher block, and put an edge back on those knives.  We’re talking processing on this episode of Huntavore

Hours of research, digital scouting, and preparations go into a DIY hunt.  Going the distance in finding the animal, putting on a stalk and perfectly placed shot is a huge accomplishment.  Yet, too many times the final task is dropped off for someone else to do.  The most primal, arguably the most intuitive, but understandably the most intimidating part.  Processing your own game.  Reasons can stack up why our trophy gets dropped off at the butchers.  There is no time, I don’t have the equipment, or I don't know how.  You can tell me when that buck shows up on a ridge in daylight and what he's eating with a single piece of equipment that costs a couple hundred dollars.  You can also tell me you put a 40 yd shot on him with a thousand dollar bow, from a tree stand or saddle more engineered than the original space shuttle.  But you also get nervous about a whole leg laying on your table.

Mission here tonight is to encourage some ownership in our harvest,  try something we may not have any experience in, and answer some questions about tackling this feat.

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Huntavore Butchering Videos:

Show Partners:

Tappecue Meat Probes

Instagram: @tappecue


Coupon Code 10% off: HUNT10

Umai Dry

Instagram: @umaidry


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