JAN 29, 2024
Description Community

Have you ever asked the question, how does a mature, obedient Christian react to the truth that a terrible judgment is about to happen to a world of sinful men?  The Bible gives us examples of such reactions.  Jonah was happy when he heard about the Ninevites.  Have you ever felt that way?  Have you ever said, “Boy it is about time God did something about so and so.”  On the other hand, Jesus was moved to tears when He looked ahead and saw the destruction of Jerusalem.  

In today’s message, I want to talk about the great Biblical truth that we can pray an intercessory prayer for those who face the judgment of God.  I want to talk about our critically important role of praying intercessory prayer for our loved ones and the world around us. 

Do we know today of any such upcoming judgments? Yes, we do.  God has promised a day of Tribulation, when judgment will come to this earth in such proportions that if He did not come to stop it, all of mankind would be destroyed.  But, right now, we live in a day of grace.  A day in which man can choose to accept Christ as his Lord and Savior.  What are we doing to be concerned about those we know are lost?  Are we concerned enough about those around us that will be left behind to suffer, and likely die, in this period of Great Tribulation, to share the Gospel message of Jesus Christ?  Are we delighted as Jonah was when God said that He was going to destroy the Ninevites, or are we moved to compassion as Jesus was at the destruction of Jerusalem?

When we think about intercessory prayer, we have to think about who it is that can pray such a prayer.  Who can be an intercessor between God and man?  They must truly be important people in the eyes of the Lord.  So, we have to ask the question who are These most important people on earth?  Are they politicians, star athletes, movie actors, the billionaires of the world, or other famous people that we read about in the news every day?  No, there are some people who are much more important than any of those so-called important people.  And many of them are unrecognized, unnoticed, unappreciated, and unpraised. They are Christians, not mere Christians, they are Christians who have learned the ministry of intercession. The most important people on earth are those who know how to pray intercessory prayer, not just any kind of prayer, but intercessory prayer.

Click on the link below to learn how you can be the friend of God and pray an intercessory prayer for those that you love, and for the world around you.  How you can be one of the most important people on the earth.

This is a live recording of The Master’s Class Bible Study at LifeChange Church Wichita, KS.

