SPE Live Podcast: Addressing the Energy Challenge With Fiber-Optic Sensing
DEC 14, 2023
Description Community

Over the last three decades, the world of fiber-optic sensing has undergone a remarkable transformation, propelling us from the pioneering days of distributed temperature sensing (DTS) in the 1990s to the cutting-edge inclusion of optical-based pressure gauges, seismic accelerometers, flowmeters, and an array of innovative point sensors in the 2000s. Fast forward to the 2010s, and the introduction of distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) has further revolutionized the optical sensing system, encompassing fibers, cables, sensors, deployment, processing, and interpretation technologies.

The result? Astoundingly improved and novel quantitative well and reservoir monitoring that has not only elevated early project stages but also enriched the entire asset lifetime.

Join us for this SPE Live on Addressing the Energy Challenge with Fiber-Optic Sensing as a preamble of the SPE Workshop Fiber-Optic Sensing Applications for Field Development, Integrity & Optimisation, where we’ll delve into the world of fiber-optic monitoring technologies, unlocking their immense potential in optimizing reservoir and field development and operations.

• Andres Chavarria, LUNA OptaSense
• Pierre Bettinelli, SLB
• Garth Naldrett, Silixa

Moderated by Dennis Dria, Myden Energy Consulting
