Have you ever come against an opponent that is just way better than you? How did you handle that match? How did you feel? Let's make it personal. Have you ever come up to a situation in your life where it seemed insurmountable? Where you felt like you could never win this battle you were going through? How did or do you feel? We dive into 2 Chronicles 20 and the song "Battle Belongs" and try to understand that God will go before us and bring us victory. I pray this blesses your weekend.
God has been teaching me through His Word that we are MORE THAN CONQUERORS through Him. I want to share what God has shared with me. Hope God speaks through me to you today.
In the midst of the storm of quarantine and the coronavirus, be encouraged that God is still sovereign. That God is still in control in the midst of the storm all we need to do is have faith and focus on Him.
Have you ever been on a rollercoaster? Have you ever noticed on the way up the excitement for what is to come? Once you get over that hill, you get thrown from side to side and up and down. Even in the midst of your roller coaster... press on. God Bless and enjoy.
Do you miss your First Love? Do you miss how life used to be like when you first met Jesus? He hasn't moved. I often get asked how we grow closer to God in our daily walk. This is a discussion/devotion about what God has spoken to me about how to get closer to Him. Enjoy. Please send an email to thevolleyacademy@gmail.com if you have any needs or suggestions. God Bless.
Sorry it is so loud and quality is not ideal. I’m on the road and I got excited. God has you covered and protected. He is big enough to help get you over or through any obstacle or mountain in your life. God’s got you and God’s got this.
As a college volleyball coach, I deal with players who often are trying to find the purpose of life. What they are supposed to do with their lives. Major, boyfriend/husband, job to take, place to live... God tells us through His Word to all of us our purpose in life. Know Him! Make Him known!
Do you ever get nervous in a big-time situation? Are you afraid that you might let someone down? Are you looking to impress your coach or a college coach? The question comes up, who are you playing for? May God add value to you through His Word.
God has a promise for you. Are you looking for direction, clarity, guidance? Are you looking for forgiveness, mercy, grace? Are you looking for healing? God is looking to give you all of that and more. All He asks is that we do four things. Enjoy and God Bless.
Are you overwhelmed? Has anxiety weighed you down to where you cannot even move? God shows us through His Word about how to find perfect peace in Him. We walk through 8 simple steps to find perfect peace. To walk without worry and to run freely in His love and protection. I hope you enjoy. To God be the Glory, great things He has done.
All things work together for good. Not some things, but ALL things. We walk through a couple of verses that talk about God's power, His presence, and His knowledge of what you are going through. What the enemy meant for evil, God will turn it for good. I pray this podcast will help you to find the good.
This is our first podcast. These are made so that you can listen and hear the Word of God even is you are away from your local church during a club volleyball tournament weekend. Please enjoy and let me know if you need anything. I am here to add value to you and pray for you. God Bless. After listening, please find the song "Chain Breaker" by Zach Williams and give it a listen. I pray God uses me to speak to you today. Enjoy.