It’s Friday Night! And you know what that means? It’s the PWC FRIDAY NIGHT CARNAGE! Join hosts Jimmy T & 8-Trac Black! Aka Michael Davis! As the boys of the PWC return for the first show of 2022! And boy do we have a doozy!! Jimmy T goes on a huge rant about racial equality in aew! We also chime in about the whole tk and big swoel situation!? And who was right? And who was wrong!? We also get into the whole Brad Shepard vs hmg feud!? Any why Brad just doesn’t seem to understand what he did wrong? Also we talk Brandi and why we feel she’s insecure in her own skin? Oh and we review aew rampage! All this and MUCH MORE! Be sure not to miss the inaugural show of 2022! As the PWC STARTS WITH A BANG! To ring in the new year!