The Most Simple Plan For Building the Body You Want in 2024
JAN 08, 2024
Description Community
Our lives are a whirlwind, and who needs more complications?
In this episode of Embrace Your Real, we're unwrapping the secrets to building the body you desire in the most straightforward and effective way. No fluff, just the essentials for the biggest impact. Join me for a chat on embracing simplicity in your fitness journey. We're exploring the minimal effective dose – the key to achieving maximum results with minimum effort. By the end of this episode, you'll have a clear roadmap on keeping it simple yet highly effective. Forget complex workout plans and expensive supplements; we're focusing on the basics that bring remarkable results.
What I discuss:
  1. Resistance train at least 2x a week.
  2. Focus on protein daily. 
  3. Use macro counting as tool in your tool box for when you get off track. 
  4. Move your body for 30 minutes daily.
  5. Stop focusing on weight loss. 
If you want more from me, be sure to check out...
Movement With Julie | App:
Macro Counting Made Simple Online Academy: