Reading Revelation Responsibly - Week 3
FEB 02, 2023
Description Community

John Sullivan (FBC Trustee + Deacon) - Revelation 2-4 (Revelation 2:12-29; 3:1-22; 4:1-11; Ezekiel 1:2-19)


Women riding many-headed beasts?  Talking eagles? Many-faced creatures that sing on a sea made of glass? The Book of Revelation can be confusing, and even a little frightening.

Although we often focus on the prophetic nature of the Revelation, it is meant to give hope to believers in every age. Let's study this often-misunderstood part of the Bible.


​Reading Revelation Responsibly - Week 3

Lesson Handout

I. Introduction
A. Recap
B. Theme: "The Lamb Overcomes the Systems of the World"
--- 1. The Roman System
--- 2. Economic/Political/Religious/Social/Cultural Systems

II. The Letters to the Churches
A. Structure – Commendation, Condemnation, Exhortation
B. Pergamos
C. Thyatira
D. Sardis
E. Philadelphia
F. Laodicea

III. Tying the Letters Together
A. Compromise with the Culture
B. Improper Worship
C. Are the Churches in the Letter Symbolic?
--- 1. actual letters to actual people and places
--- 2. problems in the church
--- 3. church ages (progression over time)

IV. Revelation 4
A. "Seeing in 4 Dimensions"
B. The Divine Council
C. The Four Living Creatures
