Four Four Premiere: Lucas Ogma - Ogham Alignment [Ogma Records] (Free Download)
MAR 07
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Fuinneamh’s Lucas Ogma has shared the first two singles from his debut album ‘Native Wildflower’ on our Soundcloud, along with an exclusive interview about the project. His debut album is a homage to the natural world and its inherent impact on music, focusing on deep, lush, and textured sounds throughout 14 tracks.

Luke Reddy, also known as Lucas Ogma, is one of the most influential figures in the Irish dance music industry right now. The Fuinneamh founder has dedicated his life to creating safe and unique dance spaces, and his passion for authenticity and freedom of expression pervades all aspects of his work. Lucas’ music, like his festivals and parties, exudes a profound sense of tranquillity. A sense of security and connection to both our forebears and the natural world. The Sligo-based artist’s unique approach to music-making blurs the lines between traditional Irish percussive rhythms and those of the electronic continuum, resulting in a distinct Gaelic take on the quintessential techno sound.

His latest musical undertaking is his most bold and honest yet. The 14-track album provides a glimpse inside the mind of one of Ireland’s most adventurous creatives. Lucas delves further into the world of layered hypnotic techno, with each track exuding a genuine feeling of sorrow and romanticism. The project is categorised as techno. Pure techno. However, describing this as club music seems somewhat reductive. The album is slightly unconventional in terms of techno, with an acute sense of story-telling and cinematic bravado coursing through its epicentre. The relationship between the painter and the painting runs deep in this project. The prospect of releasing music that has been largely sequestered for so long seems heartbreaking. This is important to him. It’s more than surface-level bangers; it’s a record of life thus far.

From the smoky basement growls of ‘Introspect’ and ‘Surveillance’ to the flickering beams of fantasy-style bliss on ‘Left Behind’, the album shifts from light to dark in a delicately poignant manner, gently bringing listeners from Panorama to Berghain at the flick of a switch. Lucas’ distinctive approach to the dub sound pays homage to pioneers Moritz Von Oswald and Mark Ernestus. Lucas takes a purist and organic approach to techno, drawing on a luxurious bed of pulsating atmospheres to lay the groundwork for fluttering delay swells on luscious chord stabs that echo through the soundscape like a gust of wind blowing through the towering oak trees on the Fuinneamh grounds. Despite the evident inspirations, there is a strong sense of solitude in this offering. Lucas was isolated in his home of Sligo while writing the album, shielded from the world of warehouses and murky dance floors. He curated a sound that mirrored his journey. This is the quintessential Fuinneamh sound: a groove that honours our roots and history

SC: @lucasogma

Four Four Magazine



