11-15-2023 Liberty RoundTable with Sam Bushman
NOV 15, 2023
Description Community

Hour 1

* Guest: James Edwards – Race, Politics & Hypocrisy in 21st Century America – ThePoliticalcesspool.org

* New York Governor Says She’s Watching Your Social Media – If you
live in New York, you’ll have to soon watch what you say: Kathy Hochul
is watching to make sure no one feels insulted by what you say.

* The governor of the Empire State announced that “in response to a
rise in hate crimes and incidents of harassment, the State of New York
will increase staffing to the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force. Governor
Hochul has directed an additional $2.5 million to the New York State
Police to deploy ten additional investigators in New York City, Albany,
Buffalo and Rochester, ensuring the State Police has a presence in all
JTTF investigative groups and areas.

“I immediately deployed the New York State Police on October 7 to
protect at-risk communities and we have continued our laser focus on
public safety since then. Surging resources to the Joint Terrorism Task
Force is a critical step to ensure New Yorkers are protected from
domestic and international threats.”

* Man in NYC Charged for Trying to Stop Homeless Man From Robbing Woman on Subway.

* California Sheriff Alleges Target Blocked Deputies From Arresting Shoplifters – TheEpochTimes.com

* Paivi Rasanen Acquitted Over ‘Hate Speech’ for Sharing Bible Verse.

* Shame! Steve Scalise: We must FEDERALLY MANDATE voter identification laws in the United States!

* Watch this truck driver react to a choking woman who waves him down
on a busy highway – USA Today. – ‘Her angels and my angels got together
and it worked out’.

* Would you let exterminators release 100 roaches inside your home for $2500?

Hour 2

* Sam Interviews Political Prisoner Ken Cromar From The ‘DC’ Correctional Facility!

* If it could happen to Barbie & Ken, it could happen to you – MiraclesInGodWeTrust.com

* The Fact Is, They Want To Jail Us All!

* Glenn Beck Writes Letter to Prime Minister of the Israeli government Begging for Citizenship.

* But, seriously, why are the Jews so hated? – Glenn Beck, TheBlaze.com

* It’s a question that demands an answer, especially considering we’re on the verge of Holocaust 2.0.

* So why are the Jews historically hated?

* “Jews have something unique — they have an eternal identity that
has been spoken, and it’s an identity that is built on traditions, laws,
promise, faith in God, a covenant — a rock of a covenant — and the
Jewish people work hard at studying and teaching that covenant,” he
continues, adding that the Jewish people have “handed down the
traditions and blessings from one generation to another for thousands of

* Unfortunately, knowing who you are; preserving traditions, customs,
and conventions; and holding tightly to a faith in God not only “makes
you a little peculiar in today’s world,” but it also clearly puts a
target on your back.

* “I think why the Jews are so hated is it’s Satan’s way of winning against God,” says Glenn.


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