The Disappearance of Jeremy Alex
APR 23, 2024
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2004 - Northport, Maine.
Something about 28-year-old Jeremy Alex was different. He wasn’t his usual free-spirited self—lately, he’d been acting more and more paranoid that bad guys were coming after him. 
Then, on the cool evening of April 24, 2004, Jeremy suddenly ran into his former teacher’s backyard in a panic, wad of cash in hand. Despite trying to calm him, Jeremy ran off into the thick Maine forest, never to be seen again.
The truth of what happened that night is just as bizarre and murky as it was in 2004. But the Alex family is hopeful that through a tangled web of speculation and rumors, the truth will eventually emerge. After all, how much longer can somebody keep a secret?

If you have any information on the disappearance of Jeremy Alex, please contact the Maine State Police Major Crimes Central at (207) 624-7076 ext. 9.

Episode sources and photos: blog coming soon!
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