NSP:273 Deep Durbanite, Taravana & Building Boats | Don Solomon
SEP 04, 2024
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Interview with Don Solomon Todays interview is with Don Solomon, a spearfishing legend from South Africa! Specializing in deep spearfishing, Don is a treasure trove of diving knowledge and spearfishing wisdom. Having competed in the Sardinia spearfishing world champs and regularly hunting fish in 40m-50m of water, Don dives at another level. Listen in on the conversation as we scratch the surface on what Don has to offer, we chat about spearfishing clubs, competitions, sharks, diving extremely deep and building world class spearfishing boats! Don also has personal experience with Taravarna, or decompression illness, having suffered from it in the Sardinia world champs and has some interesting insights into it and how to prevent it from happening to you.   Important times 00:13 Intro 07:25 Welcome Don Solomon, president of SAUFF 08:05 Spearfishing clubs 10:15 What if I don't like competitions? 17:15 South Africa's best spearfishermen & competitions in South Africa 25:40 Your first ever fish while spearfishing 28:10 How do you deal with a fish after shooting it? 31:20 Sharks in South Africa 35:45 Building and spearfishing from boats 37:25 How to build a spearfishing boat; Osprey 420 43:55 Outboard size 53:45 Fish finder transducer hacks and tips 56:05 Deep diving is extremely accurate diving: reading electronics 1:03:20 Deep diving buddy Corry, Deep EQ 01:05:30 Why do you dive so deep? 01:10:55 Adapting to diving deep 01:15:55 Relaxing 01:21:00 Taravarna, Decompression Illness 01:28:30 How to prevent Taravarna: stay hydrated 01:34:25 The day before diving is extremely important 01:40:15 Why don't you like shooting Billfish? 01:41:15 Pathos ambassador 01:45:15 Thanks for joining us Don!   Listen in and subscribe on iOS or Android Important Links     Noob Spearo Partners and Discount Codes | Get Spear Ready and make the most of your next spearfishing trip! 50 days to better spearfishing! . Use the code NOOBSPEARO save $20 on every purchase over $200 at checkout – Flat shipping rate, especially in AUS! – Use the code NOOB10 to save 10% off anything store-wide. Free Shipping on USA orders over $99 | Simple, Effective, Dependable Wooden Spearguns. Use the Code NOOB to save $30 on any speargun:) | 10% off for listeners with code: NOOBSPEARO | Get 10% off Sharkshield Technology | Freedom7 or Scuba7 enter the code NOOBSPEARO | ‘Spearo Dad’ | ‘Jobfish Tribute’ | 99 Spearo Recipes use the code SPEARO to get 20% off any course 28-day Freediving Transformation | Equalization Masterclass – Roadmap to Frenzel | The 5 minute Freediver | Break the 10 Meter Barrier – Use the code NOOBSPEARO to save . Listen to 99 Tips to Get Better at Spearfishing | Wickedly tough and well thought out gear! Check out the legendary
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