Choosing the Right Conferencing Tool for Podcast Editors
SEP 29, 2022
Description Community
As podcast editors, most of us work remotely and have use some kind of software solution for calls and meetings. But how happy are you with the tool you're using? Is it the right one for you?
When it comes to choosing a conferencing tool for podcasting purposes, there are many factors to consider. The most important factors are usually ease of use, cost, and (probably) how good the conferencing tool looks. 
Listen today and also join the conversation to share your thoughts and ask your questions. ([ 🗨️ Join the Conversation ])
Listen to DiscoverWhat conferencing tools our Yetis use
One tool many people forget about
A cool way to let potential clients choose their preferred communication method
Some uncommon things you might want to consider about your conferencing tools
Ideas about when it's time to change tools

BONUS: How and why we use markers in our production processes.
Links And Resources (Zoom Video Conferencing) - Bryan uses Zoom because of the integration with Book Like a Boss. Carrie uses it too. But it's definitely not a free service. (Libsyn Studio | Create and Launch your podcast today!) - Patrick mentioned libsyn Connect, which led us to a short reference to libsyn Studio. (How to Take Podcast File Sharing and Collaboration to the Next Level) - This is where we talked with Kam from Notetracks about file sharing and collaboration. (Slack) - Slack has a new "huddle" conferencing function. (Calendly) - Daniel used to use Calendly for bookings. (Book Like A Boss) - Bryan uses Book Like a Boss for scheduling client and prospect calls, as well as booking podcast interviews. He loves how it integrates with Zoom and how he can have both free and paid offerings. (Qualifying purchases with this link benefit Bryan.) (MeetFox | Free Scheduling and Meeting Software) - Daniel uses Meetfox to schedule and host his conference calls. (Google Meet) - If you use Google Calendar, you can use Google Meet to handle your video conferences.

Join Us Live!We stream live to our (Facebook page) and to (YouTube) every other week.

Our EditorThis episode of the Podcast Editors Mastermind was edited by Alejandro Ramirez. You can (find him on Facebook) if you're interested in talking with him about editing your show.
Be a GuestIf you're a podcast editor, we'd love to see if you'd be a fit for a future episode. (Fill out this form to let us know you're interested), and we'll contact you to see if it's a good fit.

Your Yetis AreDaniel Abendroth | (Roth Media)
Carrie Caulfield Arick | (YaYa Podcasting)
Bryan Entzminger | (Top Tier Audio)

About the Podcast Editors MastermindThe Podcast Editors Mastermind is for professional podcast editors who want to grow their business and get more clients. We’re creating a community of like-minded professionals that are passionate about the art and science of editing podcasts.
Our goal is to help you build your business by providing tools, resources, and support so you can focus on what matters most—your craft. This isn’t just another group where everyone talks about how great they are at podcast editing; we show our work!
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