Isaiah 44:1-23: Idols Are Stupid
MAR 12, 2024
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The LORD tells His people to listen, for He has formed them from the womb. They need not fear, as the LORD brings even Gentiles to faith in Him so that they see along with Israel that the LORD is the only God who declares and accomplishes what is to come. Isaiah exposes the foolishness of idolatry, as if a statue fashioned by a man could ever be worshiped as almighty. Those who worship idols are led astray into lies, and there is no deliverance for them. When Israel remembers this reality, they will sing for joy at what the LORD alone can do for them.

Rev. Brian Flamme, pastor at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Roswell, NM, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Isaiah 44:1-23.

"The Fifth Evangelist” is a series on Sharper Iron that goes through Isaiah 40-66. Though Isaiah lived one hundred years beforehand, he writes to the people of God in exile in Babylon to assure them that their God reigns and will rescue them through the work of His servant. These promises are fulfilled in Jesus Christ, whose work Isaiah proclaims vividly seven hundred years beforehand.