Isaiah 49:14-50:3: The LORD Will Not Forget or Forsake
MAR 22, 2024
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When the LORD’s people claim that He has forgotten them, He proclaims that His memory of them is even greater than that of a mother for her child. He has even engraved them on the palms of His hands. He promises to enlarge the people of Israel so that they will need more room for everyone; this is His doing to draw the nations to Himself through the signal of His Son’s cross. The LORD is able to rescue His people from their captors, and He will do so because their separation from Him is not permanent. He will call His bride back to Himself.

Rev. Dr. Adam Filipek, pastor at Holy Cross and Immanuel Lutheran Churches in Lidgerwood, ND, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Isaiah 49:14-50:3.

"The Fifth Evangelist” is a series on Sharper Iron that goes through Isaiah 40-66. Though Isaiah lived one hundred years beforehand, he writes to the people of God in exile in Babylon to assure them that their God reigns and will rescue them through the work of His servant. These promises are fulfilled in Jesus Christ, whose work Isaiah proclaims vividly seven hundred years beforehand.