'How can I talk to my kids about porn, in a non-alarming way?'
Let’s dig deep into three simple ways to make this easier.
The answer to this question comes from the Courage pillar of the Evolved Family method.
As you might know, if you watch Sitting in a Car quite a lot,
the Courage pillar has to do
with how we as adults can take responsibility for speaking up,
and the tools we can use to do it.
We learn how to start conversations, and what sentences and words to use.
The Courage pillar is especially helpful here,
because a lot of grown-ups feel afraid of this topic!
We might try to shield our kids from ever seeing porn in the first place (not possible),
or we might worry that if we talk about it… they might go look for it.
So how can we chat with our kids about porn,
in a way that is non-alarming?
For lots of specific tips, watch this week’s episode here.
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x Sarah