#213 - “Bangers & Mashups” Part VII | Songs of the Working Man | Songwriters Can’t Unionize, Yet
SEP 07, 2023
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Greg leads off with a tasty clip from his Ye-ye gig last week and then leads us on our seventh “Bangers & Mashups” expedition. We explore the past (DJ Morgoth), present (DJ Cummerbund), and, potential future (DJ LoVi) of the genre, while continuing to refine our definition of what makes a good mashup.


DJ Morgoth - “Never Gonna Give Up Your Teen Spirit”

DJ Cummerbund - “Sweet Lord House”

DJ LoVi - “Meshuggar Hill Gang”

Next, to celebrate Labor Day, Jay presents us with songs of the working man. Music has, throughout history, been a powerful vehicle for amplifying the voices of the downtrodden, sometimes doing it through storytelling, commiseration, or even humor. Jay gives us a taste of each…


“Union Maid” featuring Billy Bragg, Mike & Ruthy Merenda, Dar Williams, and New York City Labor Chorus

John Lennon - “Working Class Hero”

Johnny Paycheck - “Take This Job and Shove It”

Last up, Nick submits the band Woods for contention in the next “Dad Rock” listicle and then brings us a new Pitchfork article. “Why Songwriters Can’t Have Their Own Strike—Yet” [Pitchfork] summarizes the decisions from the US legal system that have crippled musicians ability to organize for better compensation. The article points out, however, that the tides may shift if the House approved “Protect Working Musicians Act” is taken up by and passed by the Senate. While Greg remains dubious about the effectiveness of unions as a means of negotiation, he firmly supports having more money. Nick would like anyone who does agree that unions can be effective at negotiating better pay, to send their Senator a letter via this helpful website: https://actionnetwork.org/letters/support-the-protect-working-musicians-act


Woods - “Strange to Explain”

Woods - “The Void”
