In the 10th installment of ALD Stories, Tyler meets up with Professor Mikko Ritala at the University of Helsinki. A professor of chemistry and renowned ALD scientist, Mikko has been working with ALD since the 90s. Following a stellar lab tour, Tyler and Mikko discuss ALD activities at the University of Helsinki, including their new tools, work on area-selective processing and partnership with ASM Microchemistry.
In this video:
00:00 – Intro
02:30 – The Ritala Lab
09:33 – ALD in the Past
17:05 – Helsinki ALD Cluster Tool
24:26 – Area-Selective ALD & ALE
43:36 – Partnership with ASM
47:49 – Ending & Outro
Follow Mikko and the Helsinki ALD Group on Twitter at @mikkoritala & @HelsinkiALD
Read about the Helsinki ALD Group’s work here:
Follow Tyler on Twitter @TyMyTheALDGuy