Artemis's 2022 Highlight Reel
DEC 29, 2022
Description Community
Part highlight reel, part blooper episode: Artemis's end-of-year special is back. Hear the most memorable clips from our THIRD year on the airwaves. As always, thank you for being here.
1:00 Artemis's Women in Conservation Leadership series aired this spring, an 8-episode dive into the stuff strong leadership is made of
4:00 Check out Artemis's field episodes: A rabbit hunt with Mary Lynn and turkey camp in South Carolina
6:00 This year we brought you field events, book clubs, tactics courses, a year's worth of podcasts, and more. If Artemis has meant something to you, please share the show with a friend or leave us a review wherever you listen. If you're able to donate, all financial contributions are put toward expanding access for women in sporting.