November Oracle: A Time of Mastery, Union & Deepening
NOV 05, 2023
Description Community

In this leading-edge episode, you'll receive your November 2023 Oracle Reading taken from our book Sacred Love in Sacred Times (published privately in 2021). Learn more about the power of this 11th month of the year, along with a special invitation to delve into as we start to close out 2023. Grab a cup of organic herbal tea, an Apothe-Cherry or Pumpkin Spice Latte and cozy up to tune in. We recommend listening to this podcast episode for the first time, at least, somewhere you can sit meditatively and soak up this Oracle reading. 

We cover Master number 11, Sacred Union internally and externally, spiritual practice, the need to deepen your practices as life ebbs and flows, the comedy of the "intensive" Ascension periods in one's enlightenment journey, and so much more.

Resources mentioned during today's episode:
