S1E20 - The DCA Vlog #30: Handling Rejection
MAR 21, 2020
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One of the hardest thing to go through in life and entrepreneurship, is rejections. You will get it often, and you will get it hard, in your face. To stay on this course, you have to learn to grow a thick skin and changing your perspective on rejection itself, changing it from a limitation to an opportunity.

Thanks for watching my Vlog! This is where I share with you my daily experiences and journey of an entrepreneur in Vietnam. Be it running my businesses, cooking on TV or at home, everyday is a new adventure that helps me grow and get closer to where I want to be.

Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/daochianh
Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/daochianh/
Read my blog on Medium: https://daochianh.blog/

Check out my businesses:
Kitchen Art Vietnam: http://www.kitchenart.vn/
Tpot Journal: http://tpotjournal.com/
Nep Magazine: http://nep.com.vn/

Dao Chi Anh is an Entrepreneur, Founder and CEO of Kitchen Art - a 6 year old business that sells homeware, kitchenware and produces food content for publication and online media, former CEO of KAfe Group, Publisher of Nếp Magazine and T•pot Collections, TV cooking show host on Vietnamese National TV (VTV3, VTV7) and Cookbook Author of Our Sweet Kitchen (Page One Publishing) and "Chuyen 2 Can Bep" (Nha Nam Publishing).

Waves là nền tảng âm thanh trực tuyến cung cấp các audiobook và podcast tại Đông Nam Á. Hãy truy cập vào waves8.com để truy cập miễn phí hàng triệu podcast hoặc liên hệ Waves nếu bạn muốn tạo ra những podcast riêng của mình nhé!

Website: https://waves8.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WavesVietnam
Instagram: @wavesvietnam

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