3/6 1 Samuel 1 - Broken-Hearted Faith
MAR 06, 2024
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There are times in life when God answers our prayers in ways that are slower than we’d like. Today, we’ll look at 1st Samuel 1, and see how Hannah trusted the Lord as she waited for Him to answer her prayers. Join us! 


1.    What did the podcast say about the religious stability of the people of 1st Samuel during these opening chapters? What led to this condition? 
2.    In verse 2, Elkanah has two wives. Although this was technically permissible in the Old Testament, what kinds of problems did the podcast explain that these marriages tended to produce? Why?
3.    What is the significance of Shiloh in verse 3? What later happened to Shiloh in Jeremiah 7:12-14? What does this tell us about the spiritual drift that is commonplace among people? 
4.    In verses 4: & 5, what kind of offering did Elkanah present to the Lord? From our studies in Leviticus 3, what were these offerings for? Why were they eating of this offering? 
5.    In verses 5 & 6, what was Hannah’s condition? What caused this? 
6.    Who did Hannah call upon in verse 11? What name did she use? What did this name mean? 
7.    How did Eli treat Hannah in verse 12? What did this reflect about Eli’s (and the nation’s) spiritual alertness? Are there times or ways that we can be oblivious to the work of God’s Spirit that is going on around us?
8.    What happened in verse 20? Why do you think the Lord waited until now to bless Hannah in this way?
9.    What does Hannah do in verse 24? How is this a fulfillment of Votive Offerings from Numbers 15:8-10?
10.    In what ways did Hannah dedicate Samuel to the Lord in verse 24? How is this a picture of what it looks like to dedicate everything to Him? 

Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on Amazon!

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As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from Feedspot.com.

Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from PlayerFM.

Special thanks to Joseph McDade for providing our theme music. 

