This week we discuss impactful anime, Jurassic Park, and the historical manga Shinkuro, Hashiru!! Then we take a look at Mari Okazaki's Will I Be Single Forever? and share how it personally resonates with us!!!
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- Intro, Royal Rumble, Manga Machinations Ko-fi - 00:00:00
- Listener Question: Impactful anime - 00:04:23
- Jurassic Park - 00:23:42
- Shikuro, Hashiru! - 00:28:45
- Next Episode Preview - 00:41:09
- Will I Be Single Forever? - 00:43:47
- Outro - 01:17:17
Songs Credits:
“Galaxy Groove” by Yarin Primak
“Slappy” by Ido Maimon
“Whipped Cream” by Steven Beddall
“Psychedelic Funkadelic” by Evert Z