Ep 202 - Regulating PPG - Brian Goff - Run Into The Sky Paramotor Podcast
JAN 16, 2024
Description Community

Learn to fly a paramotor for only $1200 from the nonprofit http://www.RunIntoTheSky.org

Ep 202 - Brian Goff - Run Into The Sky Paramotor Podcast

Brian Goff founded ParaFlight, LLC, https://www.paraflightnc.com

in 2009, to offer people the experience of powered paragliding/paramotoring. After many years of other flying experience and training, became solidly sold on the advantages of powered paragliding.
He has been involved in all aspects of aviation since he was a kid. He discovered Powered Paragliding 15 years ago and has fallen in love with the sport. Brian has over 4000 hours of paramotoring experience to share with anyone considering the sport. He feels that nothing gives you the sensation of flying quite like powered paragliding.
Brian has taken his aviation background and applied it to Powered Paragliding, offering people training, maintenance, and equipment sales. It's important to him that when people come into this sport that they do things right. 

A&P Mechanic
Helicopter Pilot





Based on the meeting transcript, the participants discussed various topics related to paramotoring, including FAA regulations, training, and upcoming fly-ins. Brian Goff mentioned his experience in dealing with the FAA and emphasized the need for region-specific knowledge when addressing airspace issues. The conversation also touched on personal matters like snowstorms and family plans. Towards the end, Sean Symons mentioned the podcast "PPG Grandpa's Paramotor Podcast" and their involvement with the nonprofit organization "Run to the Sky Paramotor." Overall, the meeting covered a range of paramotoring-related discussions and personal updates.
