Southwestern multi-talented singer/songwriter Eric Diamond is my special guest with “All of Me"!
FEB 14, 2024
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Southwestern multi-talented singer/songwriter Eric Diamond talks about his latest release “All of Me” featuring the title track, “Oklahoma Bound”, “When Right is Wrong”, “Waylon, Willie, Haggard & Jones” and his previous release “The Call Me A Playboy”! Eric began his career at 15 and a state finalist of the Jimmy Dean Country Showdown, played in Santa Fe, NM; Durango, CO; before moving to Nashville and later performing in Texas, Missouri, and Oklahoma with the Rocky Mountain Playboys, and the winner of numerous awards in Western Swing with plenty of followers on Spotify, YouTube and more! Check out the amazing Eric Diamond and his latest release on all major platforms and today! #ericdiamond #southwesternsinger #westernswing #rockymountainplayboys #allofme #oklahomabound #whenrightiswrong #waylonjennings #willienelson #merlehaggard #georgejones #bismarck #northdakota #santafenewmexico #durangocolorado #jimmydeancountryshowdown #spreaker #iheartradio #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnerericdiamond #themikewagnershowericdiamond
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