Fresh Start Pt 1: Start with Belief
OCT 09, 2023
Description Community

Welcome to the first episode of the 4 part Fresh Start Series. 

This series will help you go from feeling stuck in endless ups and downs with your eating and feeling exhausted by diets to knowing your next steps to feel empowered in your journey.

In this first episode, I share how changing what you believe about your goals and your journey can be a game-changer. 

This is not about quick fixes or one-size-fits-all solutions; this is about finding a sustainable and personalized approach to feeling better around food and moving towards your goals.

Join me as we take the first step towards breaking free from the yo-yo diet cycle and start a journey towards a healthier lifestyle. 

Make sure to hit 'Subscribe' so you don't miss any episodes in this transformative 4-part series. 

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Want more support staying focussed on applying everything you learn in the podcast?  Come join me in the FREE Thriving As A Physician Facebook Community.  You must be a physician to join. Join us at

Come hang out with me on Facebook or Instagram.  Follow me @drsiobhankey to get more practical tools to thrive in your weight loss and your life.

Questions? Comments? Want to share how this podcast has helped you? Shoot me an email at  I would love to hear from you.
