Cherie Turner: Over 50, Sub 20, 5k Project: Part 3, The Reset
JAN 05, 2024
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In this episode, part 3 of this series, Cherie shares how a freak non-running injury caused her to take time away from structured workouts and formal training. While the injury was a bummer, in the end, it provided a healthy reset. Cherie shares how the recovery process has gone and why she feels like navigating this period of relative downtime has finally resulted in her truly enjoying the process of going after a tough goal.
In June of 2023, Women's Running Stories host and producer Cherie Turner closed the chapter on running longer distance races (at least for now), like marathons and ultras, and turned her attention to the 5k. Her goal: break 20 minutes in the 5km. Cherie is currently 54 years old and she has never dipped under 20 minutes at this distance. The closest she's ever gotten was back over a decade ago, when she ran 20:19.
This update that spans November and December 2023. Part 1 of this series concluded with Cherie setting a baseline time of 21:10 on August 30. Part 2 ended with Cherie learning more about how to train well and some of the lessons she's continuing to work on. Please click the links below to hear those episodes (they're not prerequisites to this episode, but they do provide helpful context).
Come along for the journey.
Mentioned in this episode
Cherie Turner: The Over 50, Sub 20, 5k Project: Part 1, Setting the Baseline:
Cherie Turner: The Over 50, Sub 20, 5k Project: Part 2, Learning to Train Well:
Sue McDonald: 9 Times a Masters World Record Holder:
Cherie Turner at Comrades 2023:
Cherie Turner at Comrades, a Collaboration with Hear Her Sports 2022:
Shane Benzie, Running Reborn:
Ways to Connect and Engage with Women's Running Stories
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