00:00 Trailer 02:38 Fighting in War in Gaza 03:15 Chaims Background 05:22 Military Breakdown 07:45 Familys Reaction to Joining IDF 11:18 Growing Up with Anti-Zionist Idealogy 13:50 Disagreeing on Rebellion 17:47 CubX Ad 19:06 Views on Israel 20:13 Training in the Army 23:41 Hanunas Story 25:30 Levels of Command 27:18 Is Genocide Happening? 29:00 What Happened Oct. 7th? 37:09 The Battlefield 43:52 Relationship with Bibi Netanyahu 49:57 Wealth in Gaza 55:23 There Is No Occupation 59:17 Expected Resistance 1:00:33 Anxiety of Going to War 1:04:45 Yeshiva Kids Going to the Army 1:08:35 Mental Health Post-War 1:14:23 Ice Shaker Ad 1:15:30 Doing Anything to Help 1:17:10 Is It Possible to Destroy Hamas? 1:20:46 Israel is the Most Moral Army in the World 1:24:52 Bibis Motives 1:29:58 Buses on Shabbas? 1:41:53 Bibis Judicial Reform 1:45:11 Exchanging Hostages 1:52:30 From Army Life to Regular World Podcast Info: → Spotify - https://spoti.fi/3iy0Kee → Apple Podcasts - https://apple.co/3zdMqOz → Google Podcasts - https://bit.ly/3eVtSee → Buzzsprout - https://mislaibeled.buzzsprout.com Social: → Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mislaibeled/ → Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Mislaibeled → TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@UCQlZulYicKVNOhwC16JzYQw
00:00 Trailer 02:59 Welcome Back Menachem Poznanski 05:22 The Chillest Therapist Alive 07:19 Who Do People Look Up To? 09:15 Realizations After Oct. 7th 16:29 Politicians Mind Tricks on Society 20:20 CubX Ad 23:30 Problem with Chuck Schumer 25:22 Why Do People Make Stupid Decisions? 30:21 Chuck Schumer Makes Me Angry 34:24 Is Chuck Schumer Self-Hating Jew? 36:33 Zionism is a Farce 40:22 Laibel & Trump 46:34 Hilary Clinton vs Trump 48:05 Menachem Meets Trump 51:05 Hubris It Takes to Lead a Country 54:48 What Drives Trump? 58:56 Narrative of Torah 1:01:05 Healthy Sense of Ego to Lead 1:04:47 America was an Experiment 1:07:44 Impossible to Contain the Ego Without Torah 1:08:40 Ice Shaker Ad 1:09:49 Viveks Perspective 1:13:58 People Make Decisions Based on Who They Like 1:15:52 Responsibility of Context 1:20:17 Laibel Living Under a Rock 1:24:32 Normand Finkelstein 1:26:27 Toxic Femininity vs Toxic Masculinity 1:40:55 Pushing Kindness Without Pushing Real Life 1:44:58 Our Generation Doesnt Understand Sacrifice Podcast Info: → Spotify - https://spoti.fi/3iy0Kee → Apple Podcasts - https://apple.co/3zdMqOz → Google Podcasts - https://bit.ly/3eVtSee → Buzzsprout - https://mislaibeled.buzzsprout.com Social: → Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mislaibeled/ → Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Mislaibeled → TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@UCQlZulYicKVNOhwC16JzYQw
00:00 Trailer 02:45 Vivek’s Authenticity & Trump 06:30 Vivek’s Religious Background 12:25 CubX Ad 13:47 Lost Ivy League Schools 19:52 The Original Fire 21:51 America First 25:04 Israeli-American Alliance 30:05 Isolationist Label 35:00 West Bank Settlements 40:20 Ice Shaker Ad 41:30 America’s Identity Crisis - Secular Religions 49:30 Media Taking Things Out of Context 54:04 When Did Vivek Become Cool?! 56:04 Advise on Being Successful 59:24 We Need Someone the Country Podcast Info: → Spotify - https://spoti.fi/3iy0Kee → Apple Podcasts - https://apple.co/3zdMqOz → Google Podcasts - https://bit.ly/3eVtSee → Buzzsprout - https://mislaibeled.buzzsprout.com Social: → Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mislaibeled/ → Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Mislaibeled → TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@UCQlZulYicKVNOhwC16JzYQw
00:00 Trailer 01:38 Intro to Adam Sosnick 02:27 Age Ain’t Nothin but a Number 04:06 Go Wide or Deep 07:26 Marcello Story 12:41 Mislaibeleds Come Up! 15:53 CubX Ad 17:26 Adam Sosnicks Jewish Background 20:12 The Bar Mitzfah Thing 22:50 Football or Yom Kippur 31:06 Antisemitism in the World 39:07 The Jews Throw Down 54:21 Woke Mind Virus 1:00:29 Future of the Government 1:03:23 Covid Revealed Everyones Hand 1:06:45 The Future is Female 1:15:18 Andrew Tate Take 1:27:00 Tate on Modern Feminism 1:33:07 Teaming Up with PBD 1:36:44 Andrew Tate on Feminism & Family 1:46:55 LeBron James Helps Adam Get Married 1:52:38 How to Raise Your Sons with Confidence 2:06:17 Origin of Justifying the Double Standard 2:10:37 Capitalism Giving Options 2:13:02 Relationship with PBD 2:23:01 PBD Bill Marr Interview 2:28:41 Who Are You Voting For? Podcast Info: → Spotify - https://spoti.fi/3iy0Kee → Apple Podcasts - https://apple.co/3zdMqOz → Google Podcasts - https://bit.ly/3eVtSee → Buzzsprout - https://mislaibeled.buzzsprout.com Social: → Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mislaibeled/ → Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Mislaibeled → TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@UCQlZulYicKVNOhwC16JzYQw
00:00 Trailer 02:31 Mayor Speaks Common Sense 00:00 Intro to Mayor Suarez 03:48 Miami Sports 08:12 Mayor Legacy 10:51 Cuban Americans 12:36 CubX Ad 15:14 Father-Son Relationship 17:34 Technology & Mental Health 19:42 Recipe to Success 22:45 Moving to Miami 25:42 Miami’s Support After Oct. 7th 32:55 Funding Our Police Force 41:37 Miami Transitions 43:54 “How Can I Help?” 45:51 Ice Shaker Ad 46:59 Presidential Perspective 50:35 Will You Run Again? 52:30 I’ve Done Enough 54:50 Obligations to Family 57:10 Visionary for the Future 1:01:15 Government Backgrounds 1:06:10 What Would You Do With This Generation? Podcast Info: → Spotify - https://spoti.fi/3iy0Kee → Apple Podcasts - https://apple.co/3zdMqOz → Google Podcasts - https://bit.ly/3eVtSee → Buzzsprout - https://mislaibeled.buzzsprout.com Social: → Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mislaibeled/ → Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Mislaibeled → TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@mislaibeled
00:00 Trailer 04:25 Meet the Girls 19:40 First Question! 26:13 CubX Ad 27:46 Will Guys Change? 35:55 Hitting the Club! 39:20 Do & Don’t Dos 48:00 Modest By Malka 58:48 How Much Does a Guy Need to Make? 1:10:19 Nervous Breakdown on Dates 1:21:45 Why Do Guys Say No? 1:25:09 Sex Before Marriage 1:34:11 Ice Shaker Ad 1:35:19 Dating Someone Two-Faced 1:42:00 Disclosing the Past 1:51:35 Malka the Comedian 1:58:24 What Area Are Guys Failing in Relationships? 2:07:50 Is Only Looking At Pictures a Problem? 2:12:53 Should Shadchan Not Give a Picture? 2:16:40 Full Length Pictures…PLEASE! 2:31:24 Shadchanem Need to CHANGE ASAP! 2:40:00 Is It Ok to Hookup While Dating? 2:47:35 Do You Think Its Different for Men vs Women? 2:59:25 Questions About Guys 3:00:28 What Makes a Guys Say Yes to 2nd Date? 3:02:40 Are Older Guys Ready for Serious Relationships? 3:06:06 Questions About Dating Divorcees 3:09:10 Dating Based Off Age 3:11:25 Found Shmueli a Date! Podcast Info: → Spotify - https://spoti.fi/3iy0Kee → Apple Podcasts - https://apple.co/3zdMqOz → Google Podcasts - https://bit.ly/3eVtSee → Buzzsprout - https://mislaibeled.buzzsprout.com Social: → Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mislaibeled/ → Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Mislaibeled → TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@mislaibeled
00:00 Trailer 02:15 Shmueli Moves to Cleveland 03:55 How Shmueli & Laibel Get Evicted 08:00 The Whole Truth 11:45 July 4th Argument 14:45 Frats VS Frum 16:49 CubX Ad 18:29 Shmueli Debunks Gender Inequality 20:52 Wedding During the Super Bowl 23:27 Laibel Ruins the Super Bowl 24:50 Recapping the Super Bowl 28:00 Taylor Swift’s Hired Friends 29:40 Blake Lively & Shmueli Together Forever 34:50 Laibel Takes His Date to See Aaron Rodgers..Sort of 45:14 THE STORY Long Beach Toll 50:07 Long Beach 52:00 Guys Vs Girls 57:24 Dating Details 1:00:00 Upset About Rejection 1:04:13 Taylor Swift’s Relationship 1:07:36 Ice Shaker Ad 1:08:55 You Need a Good Story 1:10:19 Mr. Beast Pays Off Shmueli 1:16:00 Shmueli the Famous Podcaster 1:19:06 Does Anything Surprise You? 1:20:30 Non-Jewish Fantasies 1:22:00 True R&B 1:24:20 Britney Mahomes Sports Illustrated Cover 1:32:00 Kim K is a Touchy Subject Podcast Info: → Spotify - https://spoti.fi/3iy0Kee → Apple Podcasts - https://apple.co/3zdMqOz → Google Podcasts - https://bit.ly/3eVtSee → Buzzsprout - https://mislaibeled.buzzsprout.com Social: → Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mislaibeled/ → Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Mislaibeled → TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@mislaibeled
Podcast Info: → Spotify - https://spoti.fi/3iy0Kee https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbWw5VThTcDRmNzJFV18xNnNBODFRM0N6dVI2QXxBQ3Jtc0trRE9VRWd5bEVmU045SFRtSlplb2t6S0kxdmx0RkUzenZkMnNYVGljMkdCeXpvdy1jeEFiNXlCZHVPNjFxZWQtVVpabzhlY211SXpTQjJGTXFDejJlQ1d3YWxaWUN3UHJpT1B1dWo2RkI0VGFaSjNQZw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fspoti.fi%2F3iy0Kee&v=MAwcdtRBXqM → Apple Podcasts - https://apple.co/3zdMqOz https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbEh3MnhjWmlQV3V0NHZ6U3FSWC1PNjZqd2d0UXxBQ3Jtc0trMG1JSlhjUkxGWElRcW9JQzlHLURVc3hiRXg0RzQwM0RGUDdmMXEtYjVrck5qZDloOU45TXlWVkUwVDJKYV9kaG16NjFCb1Q1NmI4R3ROREp6UE1ENXJZQ3BROUt1SHY2TzY0U19NTDUzdEtCbUtobw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fapple.co%2F3zdMqOz&v=MAwcdtRBXqM → Google Podcasts - https://bit.ly/3eVtSee https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa2R0SHVKX2lqQWlUY0o0SE9waVNYUTdWWXJQQXxBQ3Jtc0tsRWNOX0NEbWJqTHpMbE1VSWRyVEIxNFhOMDI2akVoeDlUZEtoUFRHM3J6WnAzcGh4RGxjZWFtWXRlT3BoTlJOUVZoelF5dVBGT3VTLWw3RlJicVdPQ1dTZERTVkpmaUJPSnE5VnhUSkF4amNNN1c0RQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2F3eVtSee&v=MAwcdtRBXqM → Buzzsprout - https://mislaibeled.buzzsprout.com https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbGdaam84aTJXMW94bzNEOGFsUU5NaF9paFZVUXxBQ3Jtc0trMnFOMkRoWmhzWFVXT01pOWM0bVRTc3NJSjFydU5mM3VyS2VhY0JGeTF1azY2Vk5qVmp2Z2JjVmVUUWY2T3RBWGZ0dnVmSndhek5pM1JwZzhqRkV2QzFBc0x2MDVpX1VtZlJhMXF4X09fXzlseEo5QQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fmislaibeled.buzzsprout.com%2F&v=MAwcdtRBXqM Social: → Instagram - / mislaibeled https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbUJxOWtjOVd3UndMdExsMDBaSWZTaGk3X2FGd3xBQ3Jtc0tubUdBdDlsNkl2NnNpek9sYS1RMjBzU3ZYTTdNQ2dnYVl4RklaTlc3OTE3eWxjdmcwV1FtMXhueHBTOUR1Yjc5Z05nazNQQ0Vab3RfV0JfY3RxQjNEeEtDN0cxN3dHYlE0QTd1bng1RFBqYUJKbkFVWQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Fmislaibeled%2F&v=MAwcdtRBXqM → Facebook - / mislaibeled https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbWd4T1Y3SE16NGNxZTVUTjY3dS1RUXBfdjdoZ3xBQ3Jtc0tuZXNxdWUzZXY0OTM4VmhnSzBIY2tVelRJbjFvTTdlQlJvR2NvTlMwMHQzZWdEWDMxcHBtbExOSjVGRVVSNUxtdEZOSWJrWk8xZW9JLURlaGtzVFYyVFliXzZTZ0I2SjhVc0JFVnNrQVBZaV9jTXBNSQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FMislaibeled&v=MAwcdtRBXqM → TikTok - / mislaibeled https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbUxkQ1N6YlF0elhzcWc0YmxCZlhkOUd6XzdrUXxBQ3Jtc0trX0s4ekZnX2NhZ1o5VkVkeGdIZ3Y4QS1CSERzZWxLRlZuUHp1a0dtbHBENGRwejJBTjRjUURZaFNzVktLQWlVbGlOVUo2N0RzRXVZLTFFU2VpSW9tYzlTNVpzZV9ROHE3dGlYN0xCMmpzMmZwX1JqQQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.tiktok.com%2F%40mislaibeled&v=MAwcdtRBXqM
00:00 Trailer 02:40 Humor From Your Dad 04:08 What Happened At New York Comedy Club 06:05 High Eye - Pranks All Over the City 07:40 Most Viral Moment 08:20 Outcast From Black Community 09:45 Joke Stealing 13:12 Ice Breaker Ad 14:20 Chabad Tunnels Connection 18:03 Connection to Jews 18:49 Recipe For Jewish Success 21:52 Rabbi Poor 22:44 Jewish Baddies 25:15 Cancel Culture 28:02 We Can Help You Get Cancelled 28:45 Benefits of Trump Winning 30:46 Last Time the World Was United 32:00 Free Fat Seats 33:34 Taking Mark Normand to Israel 36:50 When Is It No Longer a Joke? 39:45 CubX Ad 42:09 Prejudice is Prejudice 43:30 Mark’s Career Beginnings 45:20 How Long Did It Take To Feel Success? 48:05 Money Isn’t Everything 48:50 Standup Comedians & Anxiety 51:55 Anxious Interactions 52:55 Business Side of Comedy 55:30 Relationship with Family 56:40 Growing in Comedy & Opening for Seinfeld 59:05 Separate the Craft From the Person 59:24 What’s Next for Mark Normand? 1:02:10 Standup VS Writing a Movie 1:05:20 Ruining New York 1:08:35 Experiencing Rogan 1:11:20 Disowning Bernie Sanders 1:13:10 Tranny Nanny 1:15:50 New Orleans = Vegas with Culture 1:18:33 Ari Shafir 1:19:30 Joe Rogan’s Dong 1:21:00 I am Kevin Hart 1:23:15 How Long Does It Take to Write? 1:25:50 Comedy Special Preferences 1:27:50 Differences in Comedians 1:28:50 Clean VS Unclean Comedy 1:30:45 Bill Bur 1:32:45 Comedy Never Ends & Taylor Swift 1:37:33 The Internet is Winning 1:39:05 Social Media Rotting Our Brains Podcast Info: → Spotify - https://spoti.fi/3iy0Kee → Apple Podcasts - https://apple.co/3zdMqOz → Google Podcasts - https://bit.ly/3eVtSee → Buzzsprout - https://mislaibeled.buzzsprout.com Social: → Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mislaibeled/ → Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Mislaibeled → TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@mislaibeled
00:00 Trailer 02:50 Reaching Out to Daniel Finkelman 03:55 Propaganda War from October 7th 05:40 Rome Film Festival 08:08 I Don’t Care About the Backlash 11:19 Chabad Beginnings 14:49 CubX Ad 16:22 A Miracle Before Your Eyes 21:05 Intro to Music 24:56 Chabad Girls Are HOT! 31:00 Always Wanted to Be a Film Maker 33:20 How Long You Date Someone Affecting Marriage 35:25 Chabad Is a Good Cult 39:10 How You Got Into Filmmaking 46:10 Music Videos to Hollywood 48:30 High Quality Perfection 52:10 Tapping Into Jewish-Film Niche 54:28 Josh Weinstein 58:30 Holocaust Survivor Band 1:00:00 Menashe Story 1:04:10 Mis-translating Culture 1:05:00 Struggle With Finances as an Artist 1:08:10 Film Industry Evolution 1:11:20 Making Money on Films 1:13:05 What Is a Producer? 1:15:50 Filming in Your Home 1:17:15 Biggest Budget 1:20:05 Jeremy Piven’s Pitch 1:27:50 Jeremy Piven Best Acting 1:30:17 Consuming Hollywood 1:35:30 Boundaries in Hollywood 1:39:00 Intimate Scenes on Camera 1:41:59 Ego Management 1:43:00 Religious Evolution 1:51:30 Danger of Taking What I Like 1:55:50 Unique Family Dynamic 2:04:40 Show the Beauty in Hasidic World 2:07:30 Lack of Anger Within 2:09:30 Wife’s Comfort 2:15:40 Mislaibeled Love From Daniel Finkelman 2:17:15 Expansion Advice 2:20:50 Positive Energy 2:24:30 Closing Remarks Podcast Info: → Spotify - https://spoti.fi/3iy0Kee → Apple Podcasts - https://apple.co/3zdMqOz → Google Podcasts - https://bit.ly/3eVtSee → Buzzsprout - https://mislaibeled.buzzsprout.com Social: → Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mislaibeled/ → Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Mislaibeled → TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@mislaibeled
00:00 Trailer 01:49 Craziest Night in Dovi’s Life 04:19 Remembering Dovi’s Grandfather 07:00 Zalmy Silver 09:33 Hating New York City 15:13 CubX Ad 16:45 770 Tunnels 21:45 Israel & Gaza Aftermath 30:10 Two-State Solution Through Violence 35:40 Trump Understands the Regular American 40:13 Biggest Threat To Judaism 46:18 Obama Started This 50:40 Illegal vs Legal Immigrants 56:35 D.E.I. Plane 59:46 Media F*cking Up the Country 1:07:02 America Is Divided 1:12:24 Jimmie Kimmel vs Aaron Rodgers 1:18:30 Take On Dave Chapelle 1:25:35 Logo Conspiracies 1:26:55 Redzone = P*rnography of Football 1:31:54 Basketball Coaches Are Ego Managers 1:33:04 Zalmy the Foodie 1:35:35 Zalmy’s Fight With Liberal 1:36:35 Favorite NY Restaurant Podcast Info: → Spotify - https://spoti.fi/3iy0Kee → Apple Podcasts - https://apple.co/3zdMqOz → Google Podcasts - https://bit.ly/3eVtSee → Buzzsprout - https://mislaibeled.buzzsprout.com Social: → Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mislaibeled/ → Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Mislaibeled → TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@mislaibeled
00:00 Trailer 02:20 Only Steakhouse in Queens 04:10 Special Thanks to Zach 05:46 Intro to Dovid Bashevkin 07:05 2 Reasons I’m Here 09:30 Purpose in Your Outfit 11:10 Laibel’s Great Grandpa 12:37 How Laibel Is Perceived 15:15 Biggest Difference On & Off the Show 18:55 Call It How I See It 22:12 Dovid’s Background 22:23 CubX Ad 28:30 Rebounding From Failure 30:30 Where Does the Other-ness Come From? 33:10 Dovid’s Career 36:06 The Comedian 38:35 The Destination Doesn’t Exist Until You Get There 45:30 Fear of What If 48:00 What Is 1840? 55:10 Cursing On Air 59:00 Solution To Transitioning To What’s Next 1:06:00 Self Development 1:13:40 What Is Orthodoxy? 1:22:00 Family Dealing With 1:29:15 No Tolerance Policy 1:38:38 Ice Shaker Ad 140:00 Life Being Single 1:41:43 Men Vs Women Going Off the Deruch 1:59:20 Why Is Laibel Still Single 2:04:44 What Prevented Dovid From Getting Married 2:07:40 Dovid Mean Tweets 2:10:10 Favorite Book
00:00 TRAILER 01:21 Dovi’s Props 02:14 Ami Kozak Only a Jew These Days 04:57 48 Flavors of Orthodox Jew 05:54 Sarfati Jews 07:22 The Switch Jewish Activist 10:50 What Makes You a Competitor? 13:54 Shining the Light on Jews Post October 7th 14:50 Did You Lose Non-Jewish Followers? 17:00 Cooking Up Impersonations 19:12 SNL in Hot Water 20:45 How Did Ami Grow Up 24:00 Parental Support at Berkeley 28:00 Just Do It! 31:35 Awards for Jingles 32:46 Fave Comedians 34:25 Music in Film 36:35 Avenue Into Comedy 39:10 Building Impressions 41:25 Interviewing Gary Vee Rizz 42:40 Trump Joins the Show? 48:58 Trump’s Official Statement 50:05 Laibel Weiner the Trumper 1:01:30 The Kanye Effect 1:03:18 Candace Owens Discourse 1:14:30 Professor Galloway Leaning Into Jewish Identity 1:16:25 How Plugged In the War Are You? 1:22:55 Who Decides What Self-Defense Is? 1:25:00 Will Killing Hamas, Open the Door for the Next Regime? 1:30:18 What Do You the Result Being? 1:32:00 Laibel Tunes In 1:36:40 Healthiest Place to Sing 1:38:06 Norman Finkelstein 1:41:18 Prank Calls History 1:43:06 Laibel’s Trauma 1:46:35 Flatbush Girl Saga 1:55:36 Cancelled Culture Is Optional 1:59:15 Chappelle Canceled By Jews 2:04:00 Transgendered Jokes 1:06:25 Funny is Determined By the Mood & Culture at the Moment 1:08:40 Live Reaction of Ami’s Change Podcast Info: → Spotify - https://spoti.fi/3iy0Kee → Apple Podcasts - https://apple.co/3zdMqOz → Google Podcasts - https://bit.ly/3eVtSee → Buzzsprout - https://mislaibeled.buzzsprout.com Social: → Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mislaibeled/ → Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Mislaibeled → TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@mislaibeled
00:00 Trailer 03:40 Laibel Leads the Class to Success 06:20 Survey Into Kids in Jewish Camp 06:57 Hustler For Things You Care About 08:19 Zach Hustling 09:29 Dove, The Jewish Matt Rife 10:55 Believe You Can Be Great 11:42 CubX Ad 13:15 Back To Dovi 15:20 People Do Not Join Mislaibeled 16:10 Soak Up the Hate 17:20 Hunter Biden Spending 200K on Sex 18:25 Origin of Dovi 20:00 Did You Know Wanted To Be a Comedian? 21:25 Opening Jim Gaffaghan 22:25 Producing Comedy Shows 23:15 Meet Your Favorite Comedians 26:30 DIY in Comedy 27:05 Workout Sets 28:05 Life in the Upper Westside 29:25 Winner of the 3rd Co-Host 30:03 How I Knew I Made It 30:29 Gary Vee Comment 31:44 Popped a Zanny to Israel 33:55 Kicked Out of Therapy 34:45 Non-Jewish Fans 37:15 Hanukkah Parties in Upper Westside 38:55 Non-Jewish Music 42:30 We Love Cash Advance Guys 44:55 Orthodox Jewish Market is Huge! 47:23 Are Orthodox Jews Running Things? 48:10 White Trash Walmart Rant 51:20 Laibel in Public 53:13 Fake App Jewish 55:30 Laibel’s Alpha Move 56:34 Safoosh Banned from the Pod 58:05 What People Do For Money 58:30 Watching Random Things 1:01:35 Dovi Talks Baseball 1:05:30 Dovi Talks Football 1:07:55 Girls on the Pod 1:11:05 Grooming New Co-Host 1:13:15 Hiring Co-Host 1:15:55 The Truth of What Happened 1:18:38 Flatbush Girl is Next Up 1:19:26 The Congressional Hearing 1:22:30 Kanye’s New Wife 1:23:20 Kids Growing Up Watching Your Content
00:00 TRAILER 01:40 Gary Vee’s Advice 03:21 Organic Social = Foundation to Awareness 06:00 Devastated I’m Too Busy to Stream 06:41 CubX Ad 07:31 Respect the Slang of Individual Platforms 08:53 Viewing Social as Distribution Instead of Cultivating It 11:34 Relationship with Judaism 13:35 Natural Born Mother 14:34 Did Religion Help You Find Your Humanity? 16:00 Intensity No Emotion in Business 18:45 Bosses Love Using Fear to Get Things Done 19:56 Garage Sale Stuff = Preview to My Soul 20:40 Any Regrets in Your Pursuit of Success 23:00 Confidence in Your Goodness Podcast Info: → Spotify - https://spoti.fi/3iy0Kee → Apple Podcasts - https://apple.co/3zdMqOz → Google Podcasts - https://bit.ly/3eVtSee → Buzzsprout - https://mislaibeled.buzzsprout.com Social: → Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mislaibeled/ → Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Mislaibeled → TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@mislaibeled
00:00 Trailer 02:00 Growing Up with Jewish Pride 02:34 How Did You Get Out of Israel? 02:54 Describe Love for the Jewish People 03:56 Aunt = Famous Speaker 05:28 Returned to Hug Israel 06:40 Dying to Live 07:56 A lot People Are Scared to Speak Out 09:40 Colleges Rallying Against Israel 14:44 We Also Did Bad Things 16:13 The People Who Hate Israel, Hate America 16:43 Background in Real Estate 18:35 The Current Market is Terrible 20:10 What Are You Seeing in New York? 22:33 Aaron’s Work Ethic 24:24 Saving 8 Sec./Minute 25:36 How Many Hours Did You Work? 26:30 Studied Harder Than Most! 28:00 Why Not Go to Big Firm? 30:10 What Is Driving You to Keep Going? 32:00 Involved in Israel 32:45 What’s Between You & Kyrie Irving? 34:35 Don’t Like the Eagles 36:30 Where Did Anti-Semitism Fight Start? 38:25 Tips On End of Deal 39:35 Empathy = Control 41:35 Letting Someone Fall 44:08 Who Would You Be Without No Real Estate? 45:25 Scariest Moment of Our Lives 47:35 Podcast Thing is Working Out 50:00 Disappointed in Those Equalizing What Happened 52:23 Anti-Semites on Twitter 54:56 Recapping Israel 59:19 Daily Schedule 1:01:22 Correct Way in Handling Failed Deal 1:05:21 Thoughts on Technology in Real Estate 1:06:43 Let’s Talk Music & New York 1:08:34 Love For Therapy Without Blame 1:11:28 Childhood Wealth 1:13:32 How Much of You Closed? 1:15:00 Advice For the Youth 1:16:24 Best Deal Ever Did Podcast Info: → Spotify - https://spoti.fi/3iy0Kee → Apple Podcasts - https://apple.co/3zdMqOz → Google Podcasts - https://bit.ly/3eVtSee → Buzzsprout - https://mislaibeled.buzzsprout.com Social: → Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mislaibeled/ → Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Mislaibeled → TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@mislaibeled
00:00 Trailer 01:22 Welcome Frank the Tank! 02:25 Frank 20 Years in the Making 03:58 Barstool Origins 05:07 Newark Beginnings 08:18 Why Idaho? 12:08 No Law Zone 14:20 Frank & Cameo 16:32 Future Brand Deals 17:50 Fumbling Joey Chestnut 19:46 Falling Out of Love with WWE 22:02 CubX Ad - CubX.com 23:36 Frank vs Technology 26:02 Alexa & Sky Night 27:30 Who Knows More Sports than Frank 28:53 What Do You Have Against Barclays? 31:26 Changes with the Mets 35:10 Cleveland Browns 38:28 Kyrie Implosion 45:52 Frank vs Shmueli Showdown! 55:15 Would You Rather… 1:01:55 Dave Giving Frank His Props 1:02:53 Chicago Split 1:03:34 Favorite Part About Working at Barstool Sports Podcast Info: → Spotify - https://spoti.fi/3iy0Kee → Apple Podcasts - https://apple.co/3zdMqOz → Google Podcasts - https://bit.ly/3eVtSee → Buzzsprout - https://mislaibeled.buzzsprout.com Social: → Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mislaibeled/ → Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Mislaibeled → TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@mislaibeled
00:00 TRAILER 01:53 George Santos Fake It to Make It 02:56 Fire Festival 03:31 Yannis Intro 06:45 Rosedale Stole Laibel’s Keys 08:17 Late Night Gerber Munchies 11:13 Pain of Being Shot 12:48 Welcome to Jewish Heaven 14:08 Jews Run to Florida 15:24 Mommy Support Group 18:01 Comedy During Pandemic 19:31 Starting This Journey 22:43 Comedy & Sports 24:15 TV Networks 25:27 Yannis Freaky Twin 27:27 Nazis Being Inclusive 30:13 War in Ukraine 33:00 Germany Loves the Jews Now 35:55 How Old is Old? 39:13 Do Politician Live Forever? 40:33 Sleep Apnea 42:25 What’s Worst, Podcast vs Coke? 44:15 Paint Over the Pain 46:15 Beautiful Pessimism 47:25 Creating Reality 49:18 Selling the Night Sky to Advertisers 53:00 Mislaibeled Pod Leveling Up 58:00 Conspiracy Theories 59:45 Successful Podcasts 1:02:15 Tragedy or Comedy 1:05:54 Comedy Brings People Together 1:09:10 One of the Comics Who Cares the Least 1:11:57 How Much Do You Practice 1:13:23 Comedy Styles 1:15:51 Jewish Relations 1:17:33 History Lesson 1:20:33 Religious Background 1:23:55 Tel Aviv Turnt Up, Thanks LGBTQ 1:25:25 I’m Here to Dance! 1:28:16 Women Like Its As Much As We Do 1:32:53 How Much Control Are You In? 1:35:20 Controlling Comedic Nature at Home 1:39:21 Laibel’s Hookah Fix 1:41:15 Why Did We Start Mislaibeled? 1:45:13 How Many Podcasts Are You On? 1:46:25 Podcasts Replaced Comedy Movies Podcast Info: → Spotify - https://spoti.fi/3iy0Kee → Apple Podcasts - https://apple.co/3zdMqOz → Google Podcasts - https://bit.ly/3eVtSee → Buzzsprout - https://mislaibeled.buzzsprout.com Social: → Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mislaibeled/ → Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Mislaibeled → TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@mislaibeled
00:00 Trailer 01:06 Where We’ve Been During These Times 03:26 Laibel Fumbled Fox News 08:12 Shmueli’s Feelings on Hamas 09:31 Shmueli’s Feelings on Palestine & Israel 13:29 Zach’s Processing Israel & Palestine Conflict 16:16 What Do You Know? 18:45 Growing Up Distant from Atrocities 21:18 Laibel’s Response to Traumatic Scenes 27:20 Gaslighting 101 29:24 What is the Goal of Massacring Innocent People? 31:25 The Idea of Proportional Response 33:25 Perspective on Occupation Conflict 35:19 They Don’t Think Like Us 37:36 What Do You Believe is Right VS Wrong 42:08 No One Has a Right to the Land 44:56 Why Did They First Attack Us? 47:36 Recap of the Wars after 1948 49:36 Never Felt Such Heartbreak 52:00 We Take America For Granted 53:12 Blind Eye to Human Suffering 56:38 Shmueli Scared of Everything 58:13 Zach Terrified in Israel 59:49 Laibel Naps During Attack 1:03:25 Finding Out We Are in War 1:07:50 How Shmueli Got Out! 1:14:35 White Australians in Detroit 1:17:10 Non-Jews Condemning Anti-Semitism 1:19:20 Taylor Swift’s Hot Body Guard 1:20:40 Hamas Sabotaged Taylor Swift’s Relationship 1:22:36 Zach’s Heroes of the Week! 1:24:22 Do You Have Friends Defending Hamas? 1:26:22 Toothpaste in Nostrils Saves the Flight 1:31:30 Did Adam & Eve have Belly Buttons? 1:33:25 Importance of Watching Certain Things 1:34:50 Coming Together Through Tragedy 1:36:24 Thank You 1:37:15 Recognized in Israel Podcast Info: → Spotify - https://spoti.fi/3iy0Kee → Apple Podcasts - https://apple.co/3zdMqOz → Google Podcasts - https://bit.ly/3eVtSee → Buzzsprout - https://mislaibeled.buzzsprout.com Social: → Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mislaibeled/ → Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Mislaibeled → TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@mislaibeled
00:00 Trailer 01:37 Intro to Safoosh 04:15 Safoosh Does Shrooms 05:00 Excited for Israel! 06:26 Classic Shmu Move 09:05 Shmueli’s Luggage Crisis 10:10 Zach Finds Love Rosh Hashanah 11:25 Glutton Free Zach 12:45 Dr. Sarona 13:20 Shmueli’s OCD Prayers 14:17 Aaron Rodgers Situation 16:17 Who is Aaron Rodgers Again?? 17:58 Zach & Aaron Rodgers Go Way Back 19:30 Post Rodgers Injury 20:38 What Sports Stars Are Into 22:20 Zach’s Camping with Elite Jews 23:59 Elite’s Lack of Trauma 24:58 Shmueli ALO Origins 25:47 Zach is Racist Now?! 27:40 Laibel the Fashionista 30:04 Buy 2 Cars Get a Free T-Shirt! 34:07 Mislaibeled Locks It Down 35:40 Back to Laibel’s Sketchy Fashion 37:44 Buckle Up Beef 39:02 Marge Simpson Joins the Pod 40:10 Misunderstanding Mislaibeled 43:56 Does Laibel Agree with Parents? 45:14 Steiny is Shmueli’s Nephew 47:53 Steiny vs Andrew Shulz 49:02 Laibel is Anti Loop 58:00 Playing God on Loop 59:25 Indian & Jews Mesh on Loop 1:02:12 Are Most Celebrity Douchebags? 1:05:00 Noticing Mislaibeled 1:08:03 Mislaibeled Enters Stand Up Comedy! 1:10:28 Hardest Part of Stand Up 1:12:36 Let’s Steal Some Jokes ! 1:13:37 Laibel Driving Like a Pothead 1:19:00 Shmuck of the Week = Rite Aid 1:22:23 Deion Sanders is Our Hero of the Week! 1:24:35 Can You Imagine Donald Trump Coaching? 1:25:40 Lauren Boebert Story Time Podcast Info: → Spotify - https://spoti.fi/3iy0Kee → Apple Podcasts - https://apple.co/3zdMqOz → Google Podcasts - https://bit.ly/3eVtSee → Buzzsprout - https://mislaibeled.buzzsprout.com Social: → Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mislaibeled/ → Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Mislaibeled → TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@mislaibeled
00:00 Trailer 01:39 Laibel’s Beef with ANONYMOUS Comedian 04:07 What Would Judge Judy Do? 05:56 You Gotta Do Your Research! 09:40 MISLAIBELED Context 12:31 Knowing Who You Are 13:50 Intro to Sean Millea 14:18 Lakewood Anti-semitism 16:32 Amish = Christian Hassidic 18:36 Issues with Hassidim 20:19 Religious Background 22:39 Does MISLAIBELED Believe in God? 24:14 Laibel Can Get To ANYBODY! 27:12 Secret Revealed! Reaching Out to Guest 30:43 Laibel Slides in DMs! 33:14 Sean’s Hustle & Flow 37:30 Laibel’s Comedy Set 39:00 What Do People Not Know About Comedy? 40:44 Truth About Cringe 44:24 Another Submarine Chat 48:36 Over-Under Bets on the Submarine 52:10 How’d Mislaibeled Meet? 55:20 Tinder Finessing 57:38 Best Ice-Breaker 59:10 Comedians Are the New Rockstars 1:03:20 Favorite Comedians 1:06:20 Thin Wall Between You & Celebrities 1:08:40 I Spy MILF’s 1:11:17 Recap Trump Pod 1:13:44 Scaramucci Recap 1:15:30 Conflicting Opinions in the Media 1:19:32 Prison Horrors 1:21:54 AGT Sob Stories 1:24:39 Remote Places on Earth 1:26:38 Do We Believe in Aliens? 1:30:00 Joe Rogan’s Turd? 1:30:14 Why Are People Into Horror Movies? 1:31:51 How Much Do We Know About the Ocean? 1:34:14 Dr. Phil & Celebrity Judgement Podcast Info: → Spotify - https://spoti.fi/3iy0Kee → Apple Podcasts - https://apple.co/3zdMqOz → Google Podcasts - https://bit.ly/3eVtSee → Buzzsprout - https://mislaibeled.buzzsprout.com Social: → Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mislaibeled/ → Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Mislaibeled → TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@mislaibeled
00:00 Trailer 02:45 5 Brothers 05:30 Competitive Household 06:55 Dad Helping Kids Develop 07:40 When Did You Realize You Could Do This? 09:27 Who Did You Play With in College? 11:00 Did You Know Rob Would Become Who He Is? 13:23 Skillset = Out of My Mind! 14:29 Its So Hard to Make It NFL? 16:53 Serious Injuries 18:28 Did You Lost the Joy of the Game? 20:15 How Does the Locker Room Reconcile Wage Gap? 22:35 How Much Work Are Putting In Everyday? 25:50 Healthy Culture In New England 27:38 NBA Rest VS NFL Rest 28:29 Relationships Off the Field 30:47 Hard to Understand NFL Lifestyle 31:47 Tik Tok Stardom 34:53 Taxes & Teams 36:10 Doubting Rehab Process 38:39 The $50k Rookie Dinner with Dez Bryant 41:29 New Business Venture 43:55 Tik Tok Secrets 46:00 What Made You Choose Ice Shaker? 47:50 Shark Tank Behind the Scenes 50:18 Ultimate Goal with Shakers 54:33 Fixing Favorite Products 56:19 No One Will Believe in You 58:45 Customization Keeps Them Coming Back 1:00:30 Jewish Mexican Plug 1:02:20 Parents Instilling Success In You 1:05:07 Super Mom Gronkowski 1:07:25 Raising Kids Today 1:09:50 Life Lesson Look Different Today 1:11:53 Dad Clinics Coming Soon 1:15:09 How Close Are the Gronk Bros? 1:16:03 Ground Parties in Arizona 1:18:57 Shmueli & Laibel Get Evicted 1:22:11 Professional Coaching Career for 6 year olds Podcast Info: → Spotify - https://spoti.fi/3iy0Kee → Apple Podcasts - https://apple.co/3zdMqOz → Google Podcasts - https://bit.ly/3eVtSee → Buzzsprout - https://mislaibeled.buzzsprout.com Social: → Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mislaibeled/ → Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Mislaibeled → TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@mislaibeled
00:00 Trailer 02:00 Jewish Holidays 03:43 Heading to Israel 05:41 Laibel on Vacay 07:51 Celebrities in Israel 08:49 Shmueli’s Access to IG 10:17 Shmueli’s Taking His Job Seriously 13:12 Laibel Gets Fired! 14:57 Mislaibeled Short Term Focus 17:10 Success Isn’t Cute 18:41 Working Smarter & Harder 19:53 Work Voices 21:00 Utility Musak 24:06 Laibel’s Voice Has Been Through the Holocaust 26:58 Laibel = Future RFK 28:21 Side Effects of Viagra 30:26 Subway Chronicles - Dancers on the Subway 34:35 A Shoulder to Sleep On 36:00 Joseph Bender Nightmares 38:00 Putin’s Warlord Chef 42:17 Putin’s Parody 43:13 Trump Mug Shot 45:00 Trump Indictment 46:32 Trump Back on Twitter 49:15 No New Names 51:20 Andrew Shuls Hitler Cut 52:44 Unimpressed Ripped Black Guys 55:15 Working Out Good for Mental Health 58:53 Top Fives! 1:01:50 Shmueli’s New Found Crush 1:03:07 Shmueli’s Wedding Rant 1:05:57 Shushers at Weddings 1:07:05 I Am Whispering! 1:08:57 Quick Questions*** 1:10:23 How Can We Meet You? 1:12:06 Do Your Friends/Family Support You? 1:15:00 Why Doesn’t Laibel Care? 1:16:48 JJ the Hater 1:18:16 Mislaibeled Background 1:23:40 Shmueli’s Business Idea 1:27:00 Who’s Least Religious? 1:31:30 Tephilim Chat 1:33:20 Air Guitar Laibel Rocks the Show 1:34:30 Over Weight Catfishing Podcast Info: → Spotify - https://spoti.fi/3iy0Kee → Apple Podcasts - https://apple.co/3zdMqOz → Google Podcasts - https://bit.ly/3eVtSee → Buzzsprout - https://mislaibeled.buzzsprout.com Social: → Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mislaibeled/ → Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Mislaibeled → TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@mislaibeled
00:00 Trailer 04:24 Origins of Nissim Black 07:00 D-Black the Rapper 08:33 Double Life 09:54 Saved by the Call 11:22 Religion Coming to You 13:41 What Happened to Hip-Hop? 16:55 Who Controls the Music? 18:08 What It’s Like to Grow Up in the Hood? 23:50 Finances as Independent Artist 27:42 Who’s My Audience? 31:42 The Audience is a Piece of You 34:04 Are There Non-Jewish Nissim Fans? 35:30 Rejection of Your Skin Color 40:20 I Came Here for Hashem 41:46 Digging for the Truth 44:52 Moving Through Religion 48:27 What Is Brasluv? 53:35 Losing Mother So Young 56:28 Are You Still In Touch with Past Life? 58:30 Necessary Changes of the Process 1:01:47 Importance of Embracing Human Side 1:03:31 HBO Dramedy 1:05:43 Combat Anti-Semitism with Comedy 1:11:15 Jewish Spark Being Inside 1:13:09 Does Nissim Black Feel Like He Belongs? 1:15:10 Why People Don’t Move to Israel 1:17:44 Rapid Fire! 1:20:38 Nissim & Macklemore 1:22:17 Instant Coffee is a NO NO 1:23:07 More Singing, Less Rapping 1:24:14 Do You Listen to Current Rappers? Podcast Info: → Spotify - https://spoti.fi/3iy0Kee → Apple Podcasts - https://apple.co/3zdMqOz → Google Podcasts - https://bit.ly/3eVtSee → Buzzsprout - https://mislaibeled.buzzsprout.com Social: → Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mislaibeled/ → Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Mislaibeled → TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@mislaibeled
00:00 Trailer 01:11 Who is Flatbush Girl? 03:45 Refusing to Shut Up 04:43 What Got You Into Social Media Game? 06:21 The Birth of Flatbush Girl 08:29 Extremism Influencing Halacha 10:46 Joseph Bender AD 11:33 Equality vs Inequality 13:35 Systemic Roots that Led to Agunah Crisis 16:10 The Burden of Forceful Privacy 19:42 You Want Every Halacha to Make Sense? 21:50 White Supremacy 23:32 What Do We Do About It? 26:42 Why is the Agunah Crisis a Manifestation of These Issues 29:04 2 Ways to Change Society 32:40 Its Not An Emotional Desire to Want to Free a Woman 35:06 The Root Issue 37:13 Mislaibeled Thesis 38:37 Redefining Leadership 42:02 Why Would They Play Dumb? 43:49 Imbalanced Education 46:20 Good & Bad in the System 47:12 Do You Have a Chance at Change? 50:13 Leaders with Broad Shoulders 58:37 The Holocaust Happened 1:00:52 Difference B/W Being Curious & Promoting Conclusions on Our Own 1:10:32 What is a True Leader? 1:12:24 Surface Level Opinions 1:13:45 What’s the Definition of Standard 1:15:40 Accepting Traditional Values 1:18:20 What’s So Funny? 1:20:58 My Goal is to Create More Equality 1:24:15 Context Matters? 1:27:28 Consideration for the Audience 1:28:49 Sensitivity to Normalizing Harassment 1:32:12 Building Sensitivity vs Full Free Speech 1:37:02 I Will Not Apologize 1:40:02 Beliefs on When Get Should Be Given 1:45:31 Lack of Sensitivity of Men Losing Kids 1:51:06 Religious Abuse vs Child Abuse 1:56:41 My Unorthodox Life 2:01:56 You Don’t Have to Agree to be an Ally 2:02:03 Truth About Flatbush Girl 2:06:21 Its Called Accountability Podcast Info: → Spotify - https://spoti.fi/3iy0Kee → Apple Podcasts - https://apple.co/3zdMqOz → Google Podcasts - https://bit.ly/3eVtSee → Buzzsprout - https://mislaibeled.buzzsprout.com Social: → Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mislaibeled/ → Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Mislaibeled → TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@mislaibeled
00:00 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdMes4OH6Oo&t=0s Trailer 02:09 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdMes4OH6Oo&t=129s Dream Sponsors 03:20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdMes4OH6Oo&t=200s Nechama RECAP + FEEDBACK 05:39 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdMes4OH6Oo&t=339s Men Talking About Agunahs 07:00 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdMes4OH6Oo&t=420s What Were You Worried About? 09:54 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdMes4OH6Oo&t=594s Kids as a Bargaining Chip 13:30 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdMes4OH6Oo&t=810s What is Equality? 16:31 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdMes4OH6Oo&t=991s The Chosen Comedy Festival 18:10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdMes4OH6Oo&t=1090s We Need Some Comedy in Our Lives 21:29 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdMes4OH6Oo&t=1289s Laibel’s Long Lost Cousin 26:25 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdMes4OH6Oo&t=1585s Laibel Get’s Along with EVERYBODY 27:25 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdMes4OH6Oo&t=1645s Dave Portnoy Bought Back Bar Stool 32:15 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdMes4OH6Oo&t=1935s What to Say vs What Not to Say 42:11 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdMes4OH6Oo&t=2531s Bar Stool Part 2 47:04 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdMes4OH6Oo&t=2824s Bobbi Taylor Interviews Drake 51:57 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdMes4OH6Oo&t=3117s Secret Behind Mislaibeled Guests 53:30 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdMes4OH6Oo&t=3210s Zuckerberg vs Musk in the Coliseum 1:01:35 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdMes4OH6Oo&t=3695s Ocho Cinco & Viagra Secret Juice 1:06:08 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdMes4OH6Oo&t=3968s Jose Ramirez Brawl 1:09:45 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdMes4OH6Oo&t=4185s Zach Getting Back in Basketball 1:15:24 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdMes4OH6Oo&t=4524s Dream Guest 1:18:52 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdMes4OH6Oo&t=4732s Next Trend in Jewish Community 1:19:54 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdMes4OH6Oo&t=4794s How to Get Invited onto Mislaibeled 1:20:54 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdMes4OH6Oo&t=4854s What Would You Do if Get Refuser Refused Your Daughter? 1:21:55 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdMes4OH6Oo&t=4915s Find Orthodox Jewish Guys Fascinating 1:24:53 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdMes4OH6Oo&t=5093s Smart Intimidating Women Podcast Info: → Spotify - https://spoti.fi/3iy0Kee https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbnNzN1VtRTZnRFNwd1VCU1VLSWlhX2IyakdGUXxBQ3Jtc0tsemZWbnpFckxQTHJRcGMyQ0xJQ0pfQmtVVDA2OHVNMllQWlZheTlPNlFlQm9SNDltSTVMcHFvUzRHdUJfUEhoYmNLUncyaWt4czlKb08wSG5oa3g2bTlsV3dRUndqMGNGWDljNEdfX1d4NlJsbUh0VQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fspoti.fi%2F3iy0Kee&v=bdMes4OH6Oo → Apple Podcasts - https://apple.co/3zdMqOz https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbXgzX2tjdzM2aFBTN05GZGRoS21MSUJHYnd5UXxBQ3Jtc0tubk9Sc1c4cGhNTUk2cVhZdjROVmhRWk8tSENYdTdlbkJsU0NDQU5lUzVLdk9wUm1VeGxKNnowX1E0YTFQSFQ2dkhzS2dkYjNtMmhBRFFNM1ZwQ2tXMHFPTHRSV0plMk9XWjZNVzJpT3B5WE9oWDB2aw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fapple.co%2F3zdMqOz&v=bdMes4OH6Oo → Google Podcasts -
00:00 Trailer 02:47 Intro to Nechama Wasserman 04:42 Beginning & End of Marriage 06:47 Why Divorce Takes So Long 08:21 People Taking Sides 10:56 Losing the Family 14:22 Why Did You Do This? 15:54 I’d Rather Die Alone 17:25 Do They Think You Deserve a GET? 21:00 Did His Brother Actually Try to Help? 22:25 What Doe HE Actually Want? 23:41 PSAK KIFIAH - Forcing Him to Give a GET? 28:02 What People Afraid of? 31:15 Is There a Rabbi On Your Side? 35:05 Does a GET Make Sense? - Changing the Divorce Process 39:04 Divorce Needs to Be Simplified 41:05 Does Your Demeanor Affect the Change? 45:06 What Does He Want? - Part II 48:07 How Is He Living? 50:26 No Tolerance Policy 54:00 Holding the Family Accountable 1:03:53 Jewish Leadership is Failing Us 1:13:13 Problem with Grassroots Effort 1:16:29 Different Level of Fidelity 1:18:52 Problem with Our System 1:20:40 Has This Affected Your Faith in God? 1:22:59 Why Blur Your Face? 1:27:11 What Can the Average Person Do to Help? Podcast Info: → Spotify - https://spoti.fi/3iy0Kee → Apple Podcasts - https://apple.co/3zdMqOz → Google Podcasts - https://bit.ly/3eVtSee → Buzzsprout - https://mislaibeled.buzzsprout.com Social: → Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mislaibeled/ → Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Mislaibeled → TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@mislaibeled
00:00 Trailer 01:40 Our Favorite Jewish Comic 03:08 Jewish Family Background 04:58 Birthright 06:18 Laura’s Intro to Judaism - Comedian in the Jewish Scene 10:30 Misconceptions About Comedians 12:17 Artists Finding Their Voice 15:23 Bombing as a Comedian 18:08 Swimming into DMs 21:27 Crippling Mindset of Sports 24:19 Healthy Breakdown of Comedy 25:57 Comedy = Gateway to Being More Lovable 27:42 Barrier b/w Success & Happiness 29:32 Math Junkies 32:03 Regular Guy with Puns 35:24 Pokemon Master 38:56 Controlling the Narrative of Pretty Privilege 40:05 Success Mindset 41:30 Success in Cancel Culture 43:11 The Wife, I Mean “Girlfriend” 45:30 Do You Know Any Orthodox Jews? 47:48 Clean Chabad Show 51:30 Orthodox Jewish World is Changing 1:00:42 Extreme Jews Compare to Other Religions 1:01:41 Chabad & Tephilim 1:04:05 Bragging About Right Over Left Fashion 1:07:32 Origin of Monotheism & America 1:11:08 Importance of Swimming 1:16:27 Brooklynized Fashion 1:18:03 Love Kid Cudi & Jews Love Hip Hop 1:20:27 Favorite Rapper Today 1:21:41 Lived All Over & LA is the WORST 1:26:17 Which is Hornier? LA vs NY 1:30:39 Why’d You Leave LA? 1:33:02 Comedian Power Couple 1:36:51 Last Rapid Questions Podcast Info: → Spotify - https://spoti.fi/3iy0Kee → Apple Podcasts - https://apple.co/3zdMqOz → Google Podcasts - https://bit.ly/3eVtSee → Buzzsprout - https://mislaibeled.buzzsprout.com Social: → Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mislaibeled/ → Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Mislaibeled → TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@mislaibeled
00:00 Trailer 01:19 Tommy Smokes Recap 03:03 Who Mugged Shmueli? 18:13 Joseph Bender Ad 18:53 Best July 4th 23:10 Zach’s 4th of July 25:39 Hiking in Thunderstorms 28:15 Laibel the Anti-Snow Man 29:55 Snowboarding 35:23 Mislaibeled on Threads & Social Media 37:33 Scandalous Social Media - Zuckerberg Villainous 38:47 Elon Musk Roast Comments 40:43 Rumor Kim K & Tom Brady 47:39 Michael Reuben’s Party 48:23 Larry Nester & Child Molesters 53:33 Shmuck of the Week - Leaked Jonah Hill Text 1:13:26 Hero of the Week Lottery 1:17:39 Founding Fathers Are Shmucks 1:19:22 Founding Fathers Are Heroes with No Dental Care 1:21:00 Risk Takers Shouldn’t Be Saved 1:24:15 Silence in the Sauna 1:25:46 White Girl Shmueli 1:29:42 Does Your Car Reflect Who You Are? 1:35:34 Moon Landing Real or Fake? 1:41:25 Bermuda Triangle Being the Leviathan 1:44:30 Zodiac Signs Podcast Info: → Spotify - https://spoti.fi/3iy0Kee → Apple Podcasts - https://apple.co/3zdMqOz → Google Podcasts - https://bit.ly/3eVtSee → Buzzsprout - https://mislaibeled.buzzsprout.com Social: → Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mislaibeled/ → Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Mislaibeled → TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@mislaibeled