Legends of Native Americans
OCT 22, 2023
Description Community

In this captivating episode of the "Anthology of Horror" podcast, we delve deep into the rich tapestry of Native American folklore from the United States. These timeless stories are carefully selected to transport you to a world of enchantment and mystery.

As your host and narrator, Spring Heeled Jack, takes you on this journey, the interlude is graced by haunting melodies, featuring "Moonlight Sonata" and "Prelude in C Sharp Minor," both masterfully played by Spring Heeled Jack himself. These timeless compositions add an extra layer of enchantment, immersing you in the ambiance of the tales.

And as the episode draws to a close, we bid you farewell with "Come Join the Murder" by The White Buffalo. This evocative song encapsulates the emotions and intensity of the stories you've just experienced, leaving a lasting impression.

So, as we conclude this episode, remember that the darkness has many secrets left to reveal, and we'll be here to unveil them together. Thank you for joining us on this enchanting journey, and stay tuned for more chilling tales yet to come.

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