Leveraging Your Skills & Passions - with Pam Krueger
JUL 09, 2023
Description Community

Pam Krueger is a recognized investor advocate, personal finance journalist and author. She created and co-hosted the investor education TV series, MoneyTrack, which aired on PBS from 2005-2019 and was funded by the Investor Protection Trust. At the request of her viewers, she created Wealthramp as a free tool to help people who were looking for an advisor they could trust. She is also the co-host of the Friends Talk Money podcast.

Pam connects with people every day who are planning for their retirement and setting new goals. Today she talks about how to take the skills and experience you've got and combine them with your interests to find a new hobby that could turn out to be exactly what you're looking for!

You can connect with Pam on social media:

Twitter: @PamKruegerTV

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pamkrueger

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pamktv/

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