Episode 526 The Eye of the Needle (Mark 10:17-31)
FEB 12
Description Community

This week, BibleWorm eads Mark 10:17-31, sometimes referred to in our biblical headings as “A Rich Man’s question”, but that word “Rich” can sometimes let us hide from the tug of this passage on each of us. What is it about our attachment to our possessions, however many or few – about the things that help us feel secure and self-sufficient in this world – that makes it so difficult to really dwell in the kingdom of God? We wonder if this text is more of a call into a life of vulnerability and interdependence, and the ways in which possessions are a barrier to that, than a statement about wealth on its own. But either way, it is a mind-bendingly hard ask for us humans – as hard as getting a camel through the eye of a needle.
