163: They won't be back... I don't think they like me. | Fire in the Sky (1993)
OCT 08, 2023
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Well it's October season and we're here to bring the thrills and chills. Charles picked this one and by about 20 mins in I was terrified. The concept of any type of abduction is terrifying, alien or not. While this was released in '93, its based on a true story that happened in the 70s. 

We had a time chatting this movie including the male logging thirst trap montage early on, the fashion choices, and why you should never leave the house or get out of a car to investigate a strange hovering red beam of light in the dar forest.

Off-topic rants include: Roswell tv show, Jaws, the Canadian tuxedo


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Hosts: Lauren @lauren_melanie & Charles @charleshaslam

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