Free Talk Live 2024-03-20
MAR 21, 2024
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Inventor of karaoke dies at 100, never patented :: People should be allowed to kill themselves :: What is consciousness? :: Taxation is theft :: Politicians want qualified immunity now :: Incentivizing low IQ 3rd worlders to come to the US :: Why would someone work if they can mooch off of the government? :: Gaza censorship :: The news is bad for your health :: Welfare was created to oppress people :: Lana Del Rey Oscars snub worse than 9/11 to Bonnie :: Are You actually against war? Do you still use the US dollar? :: Gen Z most disillusioned voters :: You can learn anything on the internet :: Government's reaction to Covid caused drop in IQ :: Missouri law preventing divorce during pregnancy :: 2024-03-20 Hosts: Bonnie, Lori, Nikki