3/4 Joshua 6 - Walking in God's Promises
MAR 04, 2024
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As we continue to walk with the Children of Israel, today we turn to Joshua 6 and the Fall of Jericho. While the events of this chapter are straightforward, the spiritual and practical gems of this chapter are rich and numerous. Join us as we mine out key principles of God’s Word!


1.    Jericho was a well-fortified city on a hill. In normal conditions, it was safe and secure. However, what does verse 1 tell us about the state of the city? What does this show us about their perspective of the threat of the Jews?
2.    What did the Lord promise in verse 2? What did the Lord tell Joshua to have the people do in verses 3-5? How did the Lord’s promise in verse 2 make sense of the Lord’s instructions in verses 3-5?
3.    How does verse 8 describe the people’s obedience? What does this show us about the mindset and perspective of the people? How was their obedience different from the mindset and perspective of the previous generation that failed to enter the Promised Land?
4.    What happened when the people marched around the city for 6 days and then seven times on the 7th day? What did they do to the entire city in verse 24? How was this in obedience to the Lord’s instructions in verses 17-19? Why did everything belong to the Lord (in verse 17)?
5.    Who was saved out of Jericho in verses 17 & 22-23? How was her salvation from the fires of Jericho a picture of our salvation from God’s eternal fire of judgment? 
6.    What does Joshua do in verse 26? How was this fulfilled later in 1st Kings 16:34? What principle does this teach us about toying with something that God has cursed?
7.    What does this passage show us about the relationship between faith and obedience? What does it show us about the relationship between our faith in God and our lack of clamoring after this world’s goods? 
8.    Who was in charge throughout this chapter? How was this reality demonstrated throughout this chapter? 
9.    What does this chapter teach us about obeying God, even when obedience seems impossible? 
10.    What does this chapter show us about working together in unity? How did their unity show us how the people were on board with what the Lord was doing? In your own life, in your own church, are there places that you can get more on board with what the Lord is calling your church to be?

Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on Amazon!

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Special thanks to Joseph McDade for providing our theme music. 

