251 - Keeping the Last Best Fishery with editor Niall Clancy
MAR 10, 2024
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This week Kadie chats with Niall Clancy about the recently released book, Keeping the Last Best Fishery: advice from Montana's biologists to the next generation, which is a series of interviews that he edited and published. Throughout this conversation, we talk about how this book came about, some key takeaways, and Niall's favorite piece of advice he gathered from these interviews. And, while the book is focused on Montana's fisheries biologists, the advice is broadly applicable to states outside Montana and fields besides fisheries. 


Main point: We should care more about non-game fish.


Check out a free online version of the book here. You can purchase a physical copy of the book via the publisher. The cover art for this book was done by T. David Ritter, you can find more of his work here.


If you'd like to get in touch with Niall, you can get in contact via his website: niallclancy.org, or email him at Niall.Clancy@uwyo.edu.


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Thanks as always to Andrew Gialanella for the fantastic intro/outro music.

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