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24 episodes

Behold - Behold

We have to see Jesus to be able to show others Jesus.

Nov 29, 2020
Thankful - Thankful

Being Thankful at all times.

Nov 22, 2020
Week 6 - Think Bigger, Think Better, Think Blessed

Thinking bigger, better, and blessed is ultimately up to each one of us. Jeremiah 29:1-14

Nov 08, 2020
Week 5 - Think Bigger, Think Better, Think Blessed

All creation, that which we see and know and that which we do not, constantly reveals His wisdom, power, and greatness. Isaiah 40:12-31

Nov 01, 2020
Week 4 - Think Bigger, Think Better, Think Blessed

Transformation is an ongoing process; therefore, being renewed is as well, and a renewed mind is the key to staying on the right path with God.

Oct 25, 2020
Week 3 - Think Bigger, Think Better, Think Blessed

The truth in which Jesus was presenting did not fit into the expectations of Peter's thinking... Matthew 16:13-23

Oct 18, 2020
Week 2 - Think Bigger, Think Better, Think Blessed

2 Corinthians 4:1-18 That which your mind dwells upon is most likely the direction in which your steps will take you.

Oct 11, 2020
Week 1 - Think Bigger, Think Better, Think Blessed

That which your mind dwells on, is most likely the direction in which your next steps will take.

Oct 04, 2020
Set Apart By Grace - Set Apart By Grace

God is calling us to live at a new level of spiritual growth in prayer, faith, courage, transformation, and influence.

Sep 20, 2020
Eternity - Eternity

2 Corinthians 4:16-18, Philippians 1:20-24

Sep 13, 2020
Sacrifice - Sacrifice

Romans 12

Sep 06, 2020
Something New - Something New

Acts 9:1-19 - What can we learn about "something new" from God?

Aug 30, 2020
Week 4 - Navigating Through Uncertainty

Cross the finish line with your faith unbroken. 2 Timothy 4:6-22

Aug 23, 2020
Week 3 - Navigating Through Uncertainty

Continue to move forward with an understanding and awareness of the time you live and the difficulties ahead. 2 Timothy 3:1-4:5

Aug 16, 2020
Week 2 - Navigating Through Uncertainty

Navigating through uncertainty will tempt you while at the same time grow you. 2 Timothy 2:1-26

Aug 09, 2020
Week 1 - Navigating Through Uncertainty

God will always help us navigate through the moments of our lives.

Aug 02, 2020
Week 2 - Built Upon the Rock

The start of living on the foundation of Jesus is seeing things the way Jesus does.

Jul 19, 2020
Week 1 - Built Upon the Rock

The Beatitudes and building our lives on the rock that is Jesus.

Jul 12, 2020
Live Free - Live Free

The most liberating freedom a person can experience is through the love and grace of Jesus!

Jul 05, 2020
Week 7 - Coming Back Stronger

Moving forward with patience, expectation and powerful and effective prayers. James 5:7-20

Jun 28, 2020
Week 6 - Coming Back Stronger

Wisdom from above or below... James 3:13-18

Jun 21, 2020
Week 5 - Coming Back Stronger

Our words, spoken and written, carry much weight in living out a strong faith.

Jun 14, 2020
Week 4 - Coming Back Stronger

We are saved by faith and our words and actions justify that faith.

Jun 07, 2020