Kali Mandir Satsang

Kali Mandir


Spiritual discourses given at Kali Mandir Ramakrishna Ashram, a traditional Hindu temple, ashram, and seminary dedicated to the worship of the Divine Mother in Laguna Beach, California.

Available on


292 episodes

Kālī Sahasranāma (talk 46): "She who is Confusion" etc. by Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati

Discourse by Pujya (Revered) Dr. Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati on names 263 & 267 of verse 34 of the "Thousand Names of Kali" given at Kali Mandir Ramakrishna Ashram on 30 March 2023, followed by arati and kirtan. भ्रान्तिर्भवानी रुद्राणी मृडानी शत्रुमर्दिनी । उपेन्द्राणी महेन्द्राणी ज्योत्स्ना चन्द्रस्वरूपिणी ॥ bhrāntir-bhavānī rudrāṇī mṛḍānī śatru-mardinī | upendrāṇī mahendrāṇī jyotsnā candra-svarūpiṇī || 52 ||   267. bhrāntiḥ 268. bhavānī 269. rudrāṇī 270. mṛdānī 271. śatru-mardinī

1h 57m
Mar 31, 2024
Kālī Sahasranāma (talk 45): "She who exist in the Chakras" by Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati

Discourse by Pujya (Revered) Dr. Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati on names 263 & 267 of verse 34 of the "Thousand Names of Kali" given at Kali Mandir Ramakrishna Ashram on 23 March 2023, followed by arati and kirtan.  पद्मा पद्मालया पद्ममुखी पद्मविभूषणा ।  डाकिनी शाकिनी क्षान्ता राकिणी रुधिरप्रिया ॥ ३४॥ padmā padmā-layā padma-mukhī padma-vibhūṣaṇā ।  ḍākinī śākinī kṣāntā rākiṇī rudhira-priyā ॥ 34॥2 63. ḍākinī  264. śākinī 265. kṣāntā 266. rākiṇī  267. rudhira-priyā 

1h 43m
Mar 25, 2024
Kālī Sahasranāma (talk 44): ”She Who Dwells in the Lotus” by Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati

Discourse by Pujya (Revered) Dr. Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati on names 258 & 261 of verse 34 of the "Thousand Names of Kali" given at Kali Mandir Ramakrishna Ashram on 30 December 2023, followed by arati and kirtan.  पद्मा पमालया पममखी पमवभषणा ।  डाकिनी शाकिनी क्षान्ता राकिणी रुधिर-प्रिया ॥ ३४॥ padmā padmā-layā padma-mukhī padma-vibhūṣaṇā ।  ḍākinī śākinī kṣāntā rākiṇī rudhira-priyā ॥ 34॥ 258. padmā  259. padmā-layā  260. padma-mukhī  261. padma-vibhūṣaṇā 

1h 12m
Dec 31, 2023
Kālī Sahasranāma (talk 43) ”She Who Worthy of Praise” by Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati

Discourse by Pujya (Revered) Dr. Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati on names 251 & 257 of verse 33 of the "Thousand Names of Kali" given at Kali Mandir Ramakrishna Ashram on 16 December 2023, followed by arati and kirtan.  सुनन्दा नन्दिनी स्तुत्या स्तवनीयस्वभाविनी |  रण्किणी भण्किनी चित्रा विचित्रा चित्ररूपिणी |३३| sunandā nandinī stutyā stavanīya-svabhāvinī |  raṇkiṇī bhaṇkinī citrā vicitrā citra-rūpiṇī |33| 251. स्तुत्या  stutyā 252. स्तवनीयस्वभाविनी  stavanīya-svabhāvinī  253. रण्किणी  raṇkiṇī 254. भण्किनी  bhaṇkinī 255. चित्रा  citrā 256. विचित्रा  vicitrā 257. चित्ररूपिणी  citra-rūpiṇī

1h 55m
Dec 17, 2023
Satsang with Swami Sarvadevananda on Holy Mother

Discourse by Pujya (Revered) Swami Sarvadevananda Puri Maharaj, senior monk of the Ramakrishna Math and spiritual head of the Vedanta Society of Southern California given at Kali Mandir Ramakrishna Ashram on 9 December 2023. Pujya Swamiji speaks spontaneously on Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi, spiritual consort of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. 

1h 49m
Dec 10, 2023
Kali Sahasranama (talk 42): ”She Who is Delightful” by Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati

Discourse by Pujya (Revered) Dr. Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati on names 249 & 250 of verse 33 of the "Thousand Names of Kali" given at Kali Mandir Ramakrishna Ashram on 2 December 2023, followed by arati and kirtan. सुनन्दा नन्दिनी स्तुत्या स्तवनीयस्वभाविनी |
  रण्किणी भण्किनी चित्रा विचित्रा चित्ररूपिणी |३३| sunandā nandinī stutyā stavanīya-svabhāvinī |
  raṇkiṇī bhaṇkinī citrā vicitrā citra-rūpiṇī |33| 249. सुनन्दा sunandā  250. नन्दिनी nandinī  

1h 50m
Dec 03, 2023
”Reminiscences of Swami Muktananda and Swami Yogadananda” by Swami Chetanananda

Discourse by Revered Swami Chetanananda Puri Maharaj, senior monk of the Ramakrishna Math and Minister of the Vedanta Society of St. Louis, given at Kali Mandir Ramakrishna Ashram on 16 September 2023.  Swamiji reads from his new book "Stories of Vedanta Monks, Vol. 2" as he remembers the life and message Revered Swami Muktananda, a disciple and Mahapurush Maharaj and Revered Swami Yogadananda, a disciple of Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi.

1h 9m
Sep 17, 2023
Amavasya Kali Puja (14 September 2023)

New moon worship of Ma Dakshineswari Kali performed by Rev. Dr. Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati

2h 53m
Sep 15, 2023
”Reminiscences of Swami Muktananda” with Swami Chetanananda

Discourse by Revered Swami Chetanananda Puri Maharaj, senior monk of the Ramakrishna Math and Minister of the Vedanta Society of St. Louis, given at Kali Mandir Ramakrishna Ashram on 26 August 2023.   Swamiji reads from his new book "Stories of Vedanta Monks, Vol. 2" as he remembers the life and message Revered Swami Muktananda, a disciple and Mahapurush Maharaj.  _____________________ https://kalimandir.org/ https://vedantastl.org/

1h 28m
Aug 27, 2023
Devi Gita (class 21) RELOADED: ”We bow the Goddess” by Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati

Reposted scripture class on Devi Gita, chapter 1, verse 44, given by Rev. Dr. Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati to students of Ramakrishna Seminary via Zoom on 7 September 2022. नमो देव्यै महादेव्यै शिवायै सत्तं नमः | नमः प्रकृत्यै भद्रायै नियताः प्रणताः स्म ताम् || ४४ || namo devyai mahā-devyai śivāyai sattaṃ namaḥ | namaḥ prakṛtyai bhadrāyai niyatāḥ praṇatāḥ sma tām || 44 || 44. "Hail to the Goddess, to the Great Goddess; to the Auspicious One always hail! Hail to Nature, to the Propitious One; we humble ourselves attentively before Her." ____________ https://kalimandir.org/ https://www.ramakrishnaseminary.org/ Support the work of Kali Mandir>> https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=A553KAKCBJSUE&fbclid=IwAR0E1E8EUXizcGekLx6Fuq9HVy0qIEZ7ppo9BNOwa20AlFTgY1DqYZ9oYmg

1h 32m
Aug 24, 2023
Devi Gita (class 13) RELOADED: ”Like Ten Million Suns” by Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati

Scripture class by Rev. Dr. Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati on Devi Gita, chapter 1, verse 27 & 28 given to students of the Ramakrishna Seminary at Kali Mandir on 15 June 2022 on Zoom. चतुर्दिक्षु चतुर्वेदैर्मूर्तिमद्भिरभिष्टुतम् | कोटिसूर्याप्रतीकाशं चन्द्रकोटिसुशीतलम् || २७ || catur-dikṣu catur-vedair-mūrtimadbhir-abhiṣṭutam | koṭi-sūryā-pratīkāśaṃ candra-koṭi-suśītalam || 27 || "Praised on all sides by the four Vedas incarnate, It blazed like ten million suns, yet soothed like ten million moons." विद्युत्कोटिसमानाभमरुणं तत्परं महः | नैव चोर्ध्वं न तिर्यक्च न मध्ये परिजग्रभत् || २८ || vidyut-koṭi-samānā-bhamaruṇaṃ tat-paraṃ mahaḥ | naiva cordhvaṃ na tiryak-ca na madhye pari-jagrabhat || 28 || "Flashing like ten million streaks of lightning tinged with red, that supreme lustrous power, shone forth encompassed above, across, and in the middle." _____________________ https://kalimandir.org/ https://www.ramakrishnaseminary.org/ Support the work of Kali Mandir>> https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=A553KAKCBJSUE&fbclid=IwAR0E1E8EUXizcGekLx6Fuq9HVy0qIEZ7ppo9BNOwa20AlFTgY1DqYZ9oYmg  

1h 17m
Aug 24, 2023
”Life of Swami Saradeshananda” (part 7) with Swami Chetanananda

Discourse by Revered Swami Chetanananda Puri Maharaj, senior monk of the Ramakrishna Math and Minister of the Vedanta Society of St. Louis, given at Kali Mandir Ramakrishna Ashram on 12 August 2023.  Swamiji reads from his new book "Stories of Vedanta Monks, Vol. 2" as he remembers the life and message of the great ascetic Most Revered Swami Saradeshananda, a disciple and attendant of Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi.  _____________________ https://kalimandir.org/ https://vedantastl.org/    

1h 45m
Aug 13, 2023
Reminiscences of Swami Saradeshananda (part 6) by Swami Chetanananda

Discourse by Revered Swami Chetananandaji Maharaj, senior monk of the Ramakrishna Math and Minister of the Vedanta Society of St. Louis, given at Kali Mandir Ramakrishna Ashram on 27 August  2022.  Swamiji reads from his new book "Stories of Vedanta Monks" as he remembers the life and message of the great ascetic Most Revered Swami Saradeshananda, a disciple and attendant of Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi.  _____________________ https://kalimandir.org/ https://vedantastl.org/  

1h 19m
Aug 06, 2023
”Ramakrishna’s Name and Words” Satsang with Rev. Swami Chetanananda

Discourse by Rev. Swami Chetanananda Puri, senior monk of the Ramakrishna Math and Mission, and Minister of the Vedanta Society of St. Louis, given at Kali Mandir Ramakrishna Ashram on 29 July 2023.

1h 28m
Jul 30, 2023
Short Reading: ”Dance in Ecstasy” by Swami Vishnudevanand Saraswati

Two Poems by His Holiness Guruji Swami Vishnudevanand Saraswati of Prayagraj~Allahabad (1904-1997), read by Rev. Dr. Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati. Guruji wrote these poems in 1978 sitting on a bench in Central Park in response to a devotee's question: "What is vairagya?"   ADMONITION I Oh Son of Immortality! You are the Divine Dweller You have come here as a stranger and a traveler   It is a domain of diversity and endless dilemma Life is perpetually puzzling in its phenomena and panorama   Here there is always attractive and repulsive illusion You may play or struggle but be detached from delusion   The life of sensuality is confused, deviated, and fallacious slavery The habit of mundane greediness is temptation and bad beggary   Be free from this changing farce and absurdity of duality Don't be blindly absorbed in this transitory sensuality   This mysterious dramatic stage is not your final goal Play dispassionately and finish your ordained role   Go to the background of plurality, quality, and quantity Know that Unity, Self-identity, and Inconceivable Divinity   There is neither darkness or light or nothingness But Plenum, Superconsciousness, and Full Awareness   It is not a mental conception, imagination or hallucination But Supersensuous Perception and Self-Realization   It is the culmination of culture and the consummation of wisdom It is the life of emancipation and the Divine Freedom   ADMONITION II Oh Dearest Soul, Rise from animality; cross the realm of humanity Taste the Immortality and realize the Eternal Divinity   Refrain from ignorant sensuality; know your Self-Identity Dance in ecstasy in the the innermost field of felicity   Go beyond the changing pleasure and pain, timidity, and knavery Control the stubborn mind and be free from empirical slavery   Through the inner senses enjoy the innermost Light and Sound Transcend this profane world; recognize the Provident Profound   Internal Existence is the embodiment of Peach, Bliss, and Wisdom External perception is hallucination, delusion, and bad boredom   The external force is the field of mysterious phantasmagoria It is a tantalizing puzzle spreading like infectious bacteria   How wonderful is the Perennial Peace of Celestial Scenery Is the fruit of Yogic Meditation and Spiritual Discovery   Be heedful and free from the live of corruption and pollution Realize the Self and attain Everlasting Joy of Blissful Liberation   Go beyond good and evil, mind and speech, and the sensual bound Dive deep into the River of Rapture; reach the Divine Ground   If you be desireless, in the nothingness you may find The Ubiquitous, All-knowing, the Superconscious mind   The Self knows no anger, hate, nor enmity Self remains unchanged from infancy to maturity   He is beyond space and time; He has no form or hue He is you whom you seek; He seeks all of you   He is the Creator, Destroyer, and Inner Ruler He is the All-sustainer and Cosmic Controller

Jul 01, 2023
{{REPOST}} Devi Gita (Class 36):”Maya and Vimarśa in Kashmir Shaivism” with George Barselaar of the Lakshmanjoo Academy.

Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati is joined by special guest scholar George Barselaar, a disciple and attendant of the great master of Kashmiri Shaivism His Holiness Swami Lakshmanjoo, live from Swamiji's ashram in Srinagar, Kashmir. We are continuing the discussion we started last week on verse 2.10: विमर्श इति तां प्राहुः शैवशास्त्रविशारदाः | अविद्यामितरे प्राहुर्वेदतत्त्वार्थचिन्तकाः || १० || 10. vimarśa iti tāṃ prāhuḥ śaiva-śāstra-viśāradāḥ | avidyāmitare prāhur-veda-tattvārtha-cintakāḥ || 10 || "Those versed in Shaiva scriptures (Shaivites) declare Her to be vimarśa (reflective awareness), while those who contemplate the doctrines of the Vedas (Vedantins) declare Her to be powerful avidya (ignorance).”    

1h 39m
Jun 27, 2023
Short reading: ”Our Thoughts are Filled With the Divine Mother” by Swami Chidananda Saraswati

A short exert from "Advice for Spiritual Living" by His Holiness Gurudev Swami Chidananda Saraswati (1916-2008), read by Rev. Dr. Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati.  "Blessed Immortal Atman! "It is now the holy period of Navaratri as I write this. The atmosphere is surcharged with deep devotion to Maha-Devi and vibrant with the fervor of worshipfulness, adoration and prayer. Our thoughts are filled with the glorious Divine Mother, and Her Blessed and wondrous manifestation as Durga-Lakshmi-Saraswati. She is the great Mystery, the inscrutable Power of the Supreme Brahman, who holds in Her Hands both bondage and Liberation. "The grace of the Divine Mother it is, that enables you to walk the path of Divine Life. Through Her benign blessings you are able to shine as a sincere spiritual seeker and a man of dharma. To worship the Mother with devotion is to be immediately uplifted by Her strength and power. She works within your inner being as the triple force of destruction, evolution and illumination. Destroying the impure and vicious aspects of one’s lower nature, the unworthy, base, and bestial in the individual personality, and helping evolve the human nature into sublime heights of goodness, nobility and the purity of beauteous virtue. She illumines the jiva with supreme divine wisdom. Thus the Divine Mother is the very life and support of the aspirant’s spiritual sadhana. She makes your quest fruitful with attainment. The Divine Mother grants kaivalya moksha or eternal release and immortality. "To worship and to adore the Blessed Mother is to welcome Her divine help in working out your highest good and everlasting welfare. When you thus seek Her divine aid, Her compassionate response is immediate. She sets to redeem you in Her own way. She sends experiences both pleasant and painful, through trials and difficulties. She molds and strengthens you, through sorrow and suffering, She refines and purifies your nature. She enriches and blesses you with spiritual experience and raises you to exalted heights. She makes use of your very life and its experiences to make you perfect and bestow upon you divine peace and joy and the Illimitable splendor of Self-realization. Therefore, O beloved seeker! learn to accept the joys and sorrows, the temptations and the trials of your life with wisdom and understanding. Seek to recognize their hidden meaning and purpose for your own evolution and supreme good. Find Her divine hand behind all occurrences and see the Mother’s will working through them. Then will you behold your entire life as the expression of the Mother’s immeasurable love for you. "Resolutely overcome all defects, faults and wrong tendencies in your nature and behavior. Develop noble character. Grow in virtue. Ever walk upon the path of perfect righteousness. Seek the immortal, Be thou an embodiment of Divine Life. Let the sacred name of Gurudev Sivananda be glorified by thy true discipleship into him. Personify his ethical and spiritual teachings. May the world find in you a source of inspiration. Let thy presence elevate all. May the Divine Mother shower Blessings upon you! Jai Sivananda!

Jun 24, 2023
Short Reading: ”Claim Your Birthright Now” by Swami Sivananda

A short exert from Sadhana, a Textbook of the Psychology and Practice of the Techniques to Spiritual Perfection (pg 365-367) by His Holiness Swami Sivananda Saraswati, read by Rev. Dr. Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati.  "Why should you prolong your bondage unnecessarily? Why should you not claim your birthright right now? Do it now. Stand up. Gird your loins. Do rigorous and vigorous sadhana and attain freedom, immortality and eternal bliss. Make the lower nature the servant of the higher through discipline, tapas, self-restraint and meditation. This is the beginning of your freedom. Build your character. Purify the heart. Develop divine virtues. Eradicate evil traits. Conquer all that is base within you. Endeavor to attain all that is worthy and noble. Only when you have purified the heart, silenced the mind, stilled the thoughts and surging emotions, withdrawn the outgoing senses, thinned out the vasanas, can you behold the glorious Atman during deep meditation. Even a ray of inner light during meditation will lighten your path. It will give you you encouragement and inner strength. It will goad you to do more sadhana. You will experience this ray of light when the meditation becomes deeper and when you rise above body-consciousness. Meditation and worship are the means of evolving your potentialities and seeking a higher level of consciousness. Life is the unfolding of the latent capacities of the soul. Lead the divine life. Generate sublime divine thoughts through meditation, japa, kirtan and study of sacred scriptures. Bask the body in physical sunlight. Bask the soul in the sunlight of the Eternal. You will have good health and everlasting life. Sit down with a compose mind. Assert your mastery over body and mind. Plunge deep into the chambers of the heart and enter into the stupendous ocean of silence. Listen to the voice which is soundless. Build your spiritual life upon a sure foundation, upon the rock of divine grace and strength of character. Take refuge in the Lord and His law. There is no power in heaven or on earth that can bar your march now. Success in Self-realization is certain. There is light on your path. All is brilliant."

Jun 22, 2023
”Maya and Vimarśa in Kashmir Shaivism” with George Barselaar of the Lakshmanjoo Academy.

In tonight's Devi Gita class, we are joined by special guest scholar George Barselaar, a disciple and attendant of the great master of Kashmiri Shaivism His Holiness Swami Lakshmanjoo, live from Swamiji's ashram in Srinagar, Kashmir. We are continuing the discussion we started last week on verse 2.10:विमर्श इति तां प्राहुः शैवशास्त्रविशारदाः |अविद्यामितरे प्राहुर्वेदतत्त्वार्थचिन्तकाः || १० ||10. vimarśa iti tāṃ prāhuḥ śaiva-śāstra-viśāradāḥ |avidyāmitare prāhur-veda-tattvārtha-cintakāḥ || 10 ||"Those versed in Shaiva scriptures (Shaivites) declare Her to be vimarśa (reflective awareness), while those who contemplate the doctrines of the Vedas (Vedantins) declare Her to be powerful avidya (ignorance).” This class was given on Zoom to students of the Ramakrishna Seminary on 21 June 2023.

1h 39m
Jun 22, 2023
Devi Gita (Class 35): ”The Many Views of Maya” by Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati

Scripture class by Rev. Dr. Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati on Devi Gita, chapter 2, verses 9 & 10 given to students of the Ramakrishna Seminary at Kali Mandir via Zoom on 14 June 2023. केचित् तां तप इत्याहुस्तमः केचिज्जडं परे | ज्ञानं मायां प्रधानं च प्रकृतिं शक्तिमप्यजाम् || ९ || kecit tāṃ tapa ityāhus-tamaḥ kecij-jaḍaṃ pare | jñānaṃ māyāṃ pradhānaṃ ca prakṛtiṃ śakti-mapyajām || 9 || 9. "Some call this Maya the power of austerity; others call it darkness; still others, dullness, or knowledge, illusion, matter, nature, energy, or the unborn." विमर्श इति तां प्राहुः शैवशास्त्रविशारदाः | अविद्यामितरे प्राहुर्वेदतत्त्वार्थचिन्तकाः || १० || vimarśa iti tāṃ prāhuḥ śaiva-śāstra-viśāradāḥ | avidyāmitare prāhur-veda-tattvārtha-cintakāḥ || 10 || 10. "Those versed in Shaiva works call it intelligence (vimarśa), while the Vedantins call it ignorance (avidya)."

2h 9m
Jun 15, 2023
Short Readings: ”God’s Name is the Path” by Swami Ramdas

A short selection from "Ramdas Speaks, Vol. V" by His Holiness Swami Ramdas (Beloved Papa), read by Rev. Dr. Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati

Jun 09, 2023
Devi Gita (Class 34): ”The Cosmic Seed” by Swami Bhajanananda Saraswatiss

Scripture class by Rev. Dr. Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati on Devi Gita, chapter 2, verses 7 & 8 given to students of the Ramakrishna Seminary at Kali Mandir via Zoom on 7 June 2023. स्वाशक्तेश्च समायोगादहं बीजात्मतां गता | स्वाधारावरणात् तस्या दोषत्वं च समागतम् || ७ || svāśakteśca samā-yogād-ahaṃ bījātmatāṃ gatā | svādhārā-varaṇāt tasyā doṣatvaṃ ca samāgatam || 7 || 7. "By uniting with this inherent power of mine, I become the cosmic seed. By obscuring Me, its own basis, this power is prone to defects." चैतन्यस्य समायोगान्निमित्तत्वं च कथ्यते | प्रपञ्चपरिणामाच्च समवायित्वमुच्यते || ८ || caitanyasya samāyogān-nimittatvaṃ ca kathyate | prapañca-pariṇāmāc-ca sama-vāyitvam-ucyate || 8 || 8. "Through its association with consciousness, Maya is called the efficient cause of the world. Through its evolution into the visible realm, it is said to be the material cause."

1h 28m
Jun 08, 2023
Kali Mandir’s 30th Annivesary Celebration (part 2) featuring Trevor Hall

Narendra Hathaway, Dante, and Trevor Hall (Rampriya Das) perform in Laguna Canyon in celebration of Kali Mandir's 30th anniversary. 

2h 14m
May 30, 2023
Kali Mandir’s 30th Annversary Celebration (part 1) Puja and Bhajans

Morning worship of Ma Dakshineswari Kali and bhajans recorded on 28 May 2023

2h 55m
May 30, 2023
Devi Gita (Class 32): ”As Heat Exist in Fire” by Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati

Scripture class by Rev. Dr. Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati on the Devi Gita of the Srimad Devi Bhagavatam, chapter 2, verses 5 & 6 given to students of the Ramakrishna Seminary at Kali Mandir via Zoom on 17 May 2023. पावकस्योष्ण्यतेवेयमुष्णांशोरिव दीधितिः | चन्द्रस्य चन्द्रिकेवेयं ममेयं सहजा ध्रुवा || ५ || pāvakasyoṣṇyateveyamuṣṇāṃśoriva dīdhitiḥ | candrasya candrikeveyaṃ mameyaṃ sahajā dhruvā || 5 || 5. "As heat inheres in fire, as brilliance in the sun, as cool light in the moon, just so this Maya inheres firmly in me." तस्यां कर्माणि जीवानां जीवाः कालश्च सञ्चरे | अभेदेन विलीनाः स्युः सुषुप्तौ व्यवहारवत् || ६ || tasyāṃ karmāṇi jīvānāṃ jīvāḥ kālaśca sañcare | abhedena vilīnāḥ syuḥ suṣuptau vyavahāravat || || 6 || 6. "Into that Maya the actions of souls, the souls themselves, and the ages eventually dissolve without distinctions, as worldly concerns disappear in deep sleep."

1h 54m
May 18, 2023
Devi Gita (Class 32): ”Indescribable” by Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati

Scripture class by Rev. Dr. Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati on Devi Gita, chapter 2, verses 3 & 4 given to students of the Ramakrishna Seminary at Kali Mandir via Zoom on 10 May 2023. अप्रतर्क्यमनिर्देश्यमनौपम्यमनामयम् | तस्य काचित् स्वतः सिद्धा शक्तिर्मायेति विश्रुता || ३ || apratarkyam-anirdeśyam-anaupamyam-anāmayam | tasya kācit svataḥ siddhā śaktirmāyeti viśrutā || 3 || 3. "It is beyond reason, indescribable, incomparable, incorruptible. From out of itself evolves a certain power renowned as Maya."   न सती सा नाऽसती सा नोभयात्मा विरोधतः | एतद्विलक्षणा काचिद्वस्तुभूतास्ति सर्वदा || na satī sā nā’satī sā nobhayātmā virodhataḥ | etadvilakṣaṇā kācid-vastu-bhūtāsti sarvadā || 4 || 4. "Neither real nor unreal is this Maya, nor is it both, for that would be incongruous. Lacking such characteristics, this indefinite entity has always subsisted."

1h 42m
May 11, 2023
Devi Gita (Class 31): ”I Alone Existed in the Beginning” by Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati

Scripture class by Rev. Dr. Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati on Devi Gita, chapter 2, verses 1 & 2 given to students of the Ramakrishna Seminary at Kali Mandir via Zoom on 26 April 2023. शृण्वन्तु निर्जराः सर्वे व्याहर्न्त्या वचो मम | यस्य श्रवणमात्रेण मद्रूपत्वं प्रपद्यते || १ || śṛṇvantu nirjarāḥ sarve vyāharntyā vaco mama | yasya śravaṇa-mātreṇa mad-rūpa-tvaṃ prapadyate || 1 || 1. "May all the gods attend to what I have to say.
 By merely hearing these words of mine, one attains My essential nature."   अहम्वेवास पूर्वं तु नान्यत् किञ्चिन्नगाधिप | तदात्मरूपं चित्संवित् परब्रह्मैकनामकम् || २ || aham-evevāsa pūrvaṃ tu nānyat kiñcin-nagādhipa | tadātma-rūpaṃ cit-saṃvit parabrahmaika-nāmakam || 2 || 2. "I alone existed in the beginning; there was nothing else at all, O Mountain King.
 My true Self is known as pure consciousness, the highest intelligence, the one supreme Brahman.

1h 33m
Apr 27, 2023
Devi Gita (Class 30): ”May I Become One With You” by Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati

Scripture class by Rev. Dr. Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati on Devi Gita, chapter 1, verses 71-74 given to students of the Ramakrishna Seminary at Kali Mandir via Zoom on 13 April 2023. न जानेऽस्मत्पितॄणां किं स्थानं स्यान्निर्मितं परम् | एतादृशानां वास्याय येषां वंशेऽस्ति मादृशः || ७१ || na jāne’smat-pitṝṇāṃ kiṃ sthānaṃ syānnirmitaṃ param | etādṛśānāṃ vāsyāya yeṣāṃ vaṃśe’sti mādṛśaḥ || 71 || 71. "I know not what heavenly realm has been prepared for my ancestors to rest in, so blessed are they to have one such as myself born in their family.   इदं यथा च दत्तं मे कृपया प्रेमपूर्णया | सर्ववेदन्तान्तसिद्धं च त्वद्रूपं ब्रूहि मे तथा || ७२ || idaṃ yathā ca dattaṃ me kṛpayā prema-pūrṇayā | sarva-vedantānta-siddhaṃ ca tvadrūpaṃ brūhi me tathā || 72 || 72. "As you have already granted me one favor through Your loving compassion, would You also please describe for me Your true nature as explained in all the Upanishads."   योगं च भक्तिसहितं ज्ञानं च श्रुतिसम्मतम् | वदस्व परमेशानि त्वमेवाहं यतो भवेः || ७३ || yogaṃ ca bhakti-sahitaṃ jñānaṃ ca śruti-sammatam | vadasva parameśāni tvamevāhaṃ yato bhaveḥ || 73 || 73. "And further describe the paths of both yoga and knowledge combined with devotion, as approved by scripture. इति तस्य वचः श्रुत्वा प्रसन्नमुखपण्कजा | वक्तुमारभथाऽम्बा सा रहस्यं श्रुतिगूहितम् || ७४ || iti tasya vacaḥ śrutvā prasanna-mukha-paṇkajā | aktumārabhathā’mbā sā rahasyaṃ śruti-gūhitam || 74 || 74. (Vyasa spoke): "Hearing these words of Himalaya, and with Her lotus face kindly disposed, the Mother undertook to reveal the mystic teachings hidden in scripture."

2h 10m
Apr 13, 2023
Devi Gita (Class 29): ”The World Mother Become Daughter” by Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati

Scripture class by Rev. Dr. Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati on Devi Gita, chapter 1, verses 66-70 given to students of the Ramakrishna Seminary at Kali Mandir via Zoom on 29 March 2023. व्यास उवाच vyāsa uvāca Vyasa said:   हिमालयोऽपि तच्छ्रुत्वात्यनुग्रह-करम् वचः | बाष्पैः संरुद्धकण्ठाक्षो महाराज्ञीं वचोऽब्रवीत् || ६६ || himālayo’pi tacchrutvātyanugraha-karam vacaḥ | bāṣpaiḥ saṃ-ruddha-kaṇṭhākṣo mahā-rājñīṃ vaco’bravīt || 66 || 66. "Hearing Her exceedingly kind words, Himalaya on his part replied to the Great Sovereign Queen, his eyes and throat congested with tears." महत्तरं तं कुरुषे यस्यानुग्रहमिच्छसि | नोचेत् क्वाऽहं जडः स्थाणुः क्व त्वं सच्चित्स्वरूपिणी || ६७ || mahattaraṃ taṃ kuruṣe yasyānugraham-icchasi | nocet kvā’haṃ jaḍaḥ sthāṇuḥ kva tvaṃ sac-cit-svarūpiṇī || 67 || 67. "You greatly ennoble whomever You wish to favor. For who am I, so dull and motionless, compared to You who embody infinite being and consciousness?"   असम्भाव्यं जन्मशतैस्त्वत्पितृत्वं ममानघे | अश्वमेधादिपुण्यैर्वा पुण्यैर्वा तत्समाधिजैः || ६८ || asambhāvyaṃ janma-śataistvat-pitṛ-tvaṃ mamānaghe | aśvamedhādi-puṇyairvā puṇyairvā tat-samādhijaiḥ || 68 || 68. "That I should become Your father in the course of hundreds of births is astonishing, O Faultless One, even with all the merit gained by performing horse sacrifices and other religious penances."   अद्य प्रपञ्च कीर्तिः स्याज्जगन्माता सुताभवत् | अहो हिमालयस्यास्य धन्योऽसौ भाग्यवानिति || ६९ || adya prapañca kīrtiḥ syāj-jagan-mātā sutā-bhavat | aho himālayasyāsya dhanyo’sau bhāgyavān-iti || 69 || 69. "Now I shall be renowned, for all the world will think: 'The World Mother has become the daughter of that Himalaya, wonder of wonders! How blessed and fortunate is he'."   यस्यास्तु जठरे सन्ति ब्रह्माण्डानां च कोटयः | सैव यस्य सुता जाता को वा स्यात्तत्समो भुवि || ७० || yasyāstu jaṭhare santi brahmāṇḍānāṃ ca koṭayaḥ | saiva yasya sutā jātā ko vā syāt-tat-samo bhuvi || 70 || 70. "She whose womb contains tens of millions of worlds has been born as his daughter—who on earth is his equal?"   _____________________ https://www.ramakrishnaseminary.org/ https://kalimandir.org/ Support the work of Ramakrishna Seminary https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=8KB34WH56NS78&fbclid=IwAR0cP5ScmTngyr7-ufvdO0PiLcOvQioamE0TTtIsKX8Hqa2WPo65Q22ErJE>>:        

2h 18m
Mar 30, 2023
Devi Gita (Class 28): ”Daughter of the Mountain” by Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati

Scripture class by Rev. Dr. Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati on Devi Gita, chapter 1, verses 63-65 given to students of the Ramakrishna Seminary at Kali Mandir via Zoom on 15 March 2023. इति तेषां वचः श्रुत्वा प्रोवाच परमेश्वरी | मम शक्तिस्तु या गौरी भविष्यति हिमालये || ६३ || iti teṣāṃ vacaḥ śrutvā provāca parameśvarī | mama śaktistu yā gaurī bhaviṣyati himālaye || 63 || 63. (Vyasa continued): "The Supreme Ruler listened to these words of theirs  and gave reply." (The Goddess spoke): "My potency who is Gauri will be born to Himalaya." शिवाय सा प्रदेया स्यात् सा वः कार्यं विधास्यति | भक्तिर्यच्चरणाम्भोजे भूयाद्युष्माकमादरात् || ६४ || śivāya sā pradeyā syāt sā vaḥ kāryaṃ vidhāsyati | bhaktiryaccaraṇāmbhoje bhūyādyuṣmā-kamādarāt || 64 || 64. "She will be given in marriage to Shiva and will furnish what you need. You shall be devoted to My lotus feet due to Your earnest desire." हिमालयो हि मनसा मामुपास्तेतिभक्तितः | ततस्तस्य गृहे जन्म मम प्रियकरं मतम् || ६५ || himālayo hi manasā mām-upāste’ti-bhaktitaḥ | tatastasya gṛhe janma mama priyakaraṃ matam || 65 || 65. "Himalaya, moved by intense devotion, truly worships Me in his heart. Thus I consider it a pleasure to take birth in his house." _____________________ https://www.ramakrishnaseminary.org/ https://kalimandir.org/ Support the work of Ramakrishna Seminary https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=8KB34WH56NS78&fbclid=IwAR0cP5ScmTngyr7-ufvdO0PiLcOvQioamE0TTtIsKX8Hqa2WPo65Q22ErJE>>:    

1h 32m
Mar 16, 2023