The GolfRules Questions Podcast

David Blake with Co-hosts Ross Flannigan and Stuart McPhee


Golf Rules because GolfRules

Have you ever had a question about a golf rule? Been left confused about why a rule is what it is. Had to question a playing partner over a rules decision or just intrigued by the rules of this great game of golf.

Well, then The GolfRules Questions Podcast is the place for you.

Join resident GolfRules Questions guru Blakey and co-hosts Stuart & Rossco as they dive in behind the scenes to help bring you the latest information from the world of golf rules in a fun and entertaining way.

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117 episodes

Putting Greens - how are they defined? Who Drops from Shoulder Height these days; Groups changing order; and what about order of play for someone who is behind the tee? - THE GRQ PODCAST EP112

Putting Greens - how are they defined? Who Drops from Shoulder Height these days; Groups changing order; and what about order of play for someone who is behind the tee? - THE GRQ PODCAST EP112 We also have merchandise that you can purchase so that you are representing the best Golf Rules podcast in the world. Grab a t-shirt, a hat, or even a hoodie featuring the Rules Roo, or the Wombat caddie. And now whether you are in your car, or going for a walk, or just taking a break after mowing your lawn. Enjoy this episode of the GolfRules Questions Podcast. GRQOTW111: If a ball is on the green and on its Line of Play is an immovable obstruction, then the player is allowed free relief, even if this IO is off the green.The NPCR is at the nearest spot on an arc, and this could be off the green. Regardless of where this NPCR is, the ball is to be placed.Episode 112Blakey takes us through some interesting ruling from his recent time overseas in Muscat, Jeddah, Hong Kong and Macau, including a player that wanted to drop from shoulder height, and what is least intrusive when it comes to moving loose impediments.Stuart also had a recent tournament, where his main rulings were regarding TIOs and praying the balls didn’t move on the green.We also go through some clubland stories including what makes a putting green a putting green, why did we say there is no free relief from interference by a rabbit hole, and clarifying what the Rules say about playing two balls. GRQOTW 112: Andy the Average Golfer is playing an individual stroke round at Wombat Hills Golf Club. On the 5th hole, his ball is lying just on the front of the putting green for 4 and he has interference from temporary water on the green between his ball and the hole. He lifts his ball from the putting green without marking the spot nor without announcing to anyone what he is doing. He estimates his nearest point of complete relief, which is just off the green on the fringe. He changes the ball and drops a new ball near the NPCR which then rolls away from the hole, however it remains within 1 club length of the NPCR. He takes another 4 strokes to hole out - how many strokes has Andy the Average Golfer had on the 5th hole? GOLFRULES QUESTIONS MERCHANDISE Get yourself a Roo&Coo polo: . DO YOU HAVE A RULES OF GOLF QUESTION: Email - WANT TO TEST YOUR RULES OF GOLF KNOWLEDGE? Head to: WANT A QUICK GOLF RULES REFERENCE Head to Instagram: @golfrules_questions ( OR JOIN THE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY LISTEN TO THE GRQ PODCAST ON APPLE OR SPOTIFY Click here: SUBSCRIBE to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules #GolfRules #GolfRulesQuestions #blakey

1h 1m
Mar 29, 2024
Practice Balls lying all over the fairway and what you can do with them, having your ball taken by someone else and declaring a higher handicap - The GolfRules Questions Podcast Advanced #3

This is an advanced GRQ Podcast with some recent questions/answers off the Facebook groups: The Golf Rules Samaritan USGA Rules of Golf Discussion In Advanced#3 we cover: Practice balls are sitting on the fairway, An outside influence takes my ball, Is there any situation where declaring a higher handicap does not result in a penalty. Join this channel to get access to perks: SUBSCRIBE to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules . GOLFRULES QUESTIONS MERCHANDISE Get yourself a Roo&Coo polo: . DO YOU HAVE A RULES OF GOLF QUESTION: Email - WANT TO TEST YOUR RULES OF GOLF KNOWLEDGE? Head to: WANT A QUICK GOLF RULES REFERENCE Head to Instagram: @golfrules_questions ( OR JOIN THE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY LISTEN TO THE GRQ PODCAST ON APPLE OR SPOTIFY Click here: SUBSCRIBE to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules #GolfRules #GolfRulesQuestions #blakey

Mar 25, 2024
GUEST: Michael Thomas - Director of Instruction at Chartwell Golf and Country Club fills us in on his Rules of Golf journey, the junior league competition, and more - THE GRQ PODCAST EP111

GUEST: Michael Thomas - Director of Instruction at Chartwell Golf and Country Club fills us in on his Rules of Golf journey, an interesting junior match play scramble competition, and more - THE GRQ PODCAST EP111 We also have merchandise that you can purchase so that you are representing the best Golf Rules podcast in the world. Grab a t-shirt, a hat, or even a hoodie featuring the Rules Roo, or the Wombat caddie. And now whether you are in your car, or going for a walk, or just taking a break after mowing your lawn. Enjoy this episode of the GolfRules Questions Podcast. GRQOTW110: Barney has correctly taking stroke and distance relief for a penalty of one stroke. He was allowed to change his mind on which option he was choosing, as he made the change before the ball was dropped. His actions to care for the course are allowed as per Rule 12.2b(3), because when Barney had intention to take relief outside the bunker, he was allowed to touch/smooth the sand, even if it was on his line of play, which in this case it was. Michael Thomas Director of Instruction at Chartwell Golf and Country Club and Member of the PGA Championship Rules Committee.- Junior League Scramble Match Play- USGA Rules Workshops- Teaching Golf- Being involved in Rules situations GRQOTW 111: When the player’s ball is on the putting green, their line of putt is through the fringe. In this fringe is two sprinkler heads. Is the player entitled to free relief from the sprinkler heads and if so, how do they take relief? GOLFRULES QUESTIONS MERCHANDISE Get yourself a Roo&Coo polo: . DO YOU HAVE A RULES OF GOLF QUESTION: Email - WANT TO TEST YOUR RULES OF GOLF KNOWLEDGE? Head to: WANT A QUICK GOLF RULES REFERENCE Head to Instagram: @golfrules_questions ( OR JOIN THE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY LISTEN TO THE GRQ PODCAST ON APPLE OR SPOTIFY Click here: SUBSCRIBE to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules #GolfRules #GolfRulesQuestions #blakey

1h 3m
Mar 07, 2024
Fixing pitch marks on the future line of play, Local Rule for power lines, using tee markers as swing aids and practise swings in a different bunker - The GolfRules Questions Podcast Advanced #2

Advanced #2 - The GolfRules Questions Podcast This is an advanced GRQ Podcast with some recent questions/answers off the Facebook groups: The Golf Rules Samaritan USGA Rules of Golf Discussion In Advanced#2 we cover: Fixing Pitch Marks on the future line of play before taking relief, A player finds out the Rule about power lines, Using tee markers as swing aids, Taking practise swings in a different bunker. GOLFRULES QUESTIONS MERCHANDISE Get yourself a Roo&Coo polo: . DO YOU HAVE A RULES OF GOLF QUESTION: Email - WANT TO TEST YOUR RULES OF GOLF KNOWLEDGE? Head to: WANT A QUICK GOLF RULES REFERENCE Head to Instagram: @golfrules_questions ( OR JOIN THE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY LISTEN TO THE GRQ PODCAST ON APPLE OR SPOTIFY Click here: SUBSCRIBE to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules #GolfRules #GolfRulesQuestions #blakey

Feb 26, 2024
GUEST: Tim Murphy - Rules expert, and frequent TGRS contributor speaks with Stuart about his Rules journey. And make sure to listen to the end for Tim's GRQOTW - THE GRQ PODCAST EP110

GUEST: Tim Murphy - Rules expert, and frequent TGRS contributor speaks with Stuart about his Rules journey. And make sure to listen to the end for Tim's GRQOTW - THE GRQ PODCAST EP110 We also have merchandise that you can purchase so that you are representing the best Golf Rules podcast in the world. Grab a t-shirt, a hat, or even a hoodie featuring the Rules Roo, or the Wombat caddie. And now whether you are in your car, or going for a walk, or just taking a break after mowing your lawn. Enjoy this episode of the GolfRules Questions Podcast. GRQOTW109: Danni scored a six as the ball dropped was incorrect, but she was lucky enough to have found her original ball within the three minutes, and as per Rule 14.5, she continues with her original ball. Tim Murphy Working with the Wisconsin State Golf Association. His favourite round at Erin Hills playing alongside the person he believes is the best Rules educator on the planet. Going to the USGA Referee school, and hearing Stephen Cox's little nugget of advice - 'The players do not care how much you know the Rules'. The amazing resource of The Golf Rules Samaritan that Fraser Nicol has produced. GRQOTW 1010: Barney the B Grade golfer hits his approach shot into a green side bunker on the short 15th hole of the very prestigious golf club at Wombat Hills. The ball is in the middle of a large collection of temporary water in the middle of the bunker. As the only relief area in the bunker would put the ball in a very difficult position on a slope, Barney decides to take BOL relief outside of the bunker. After making this decision, Barney walks into the bunker to retrieve his ball. In doing so, he creates footprints. Barney retrieves a rake and smooths the footprints, and then correctly drops his ball outside the bunker…but instead of using BOL relief, he has changed his mind and has now taken S&D relief, from a distance fairly close to where BOL relief would have put him. Before playing his shot, Barney notices that the raked footprints are in his line of play for the short shot over the bunker to the hole that was a mere 6 feet onto the front of the green. After playing his shot, how many total penalty strokes has Barney incurred? GOLFRULES QUESTIONS MERCHANDISE Get yourself a Roo&Coo polo: . DO YOU HAVE A RULES OF GOLF QUESTION: Email - WANT TO TEST YOUR RULES OF GOLF KNOWLEDGE? Head to: WANT A QUICK GOLF RULES REFERENCE Head to Instagram: @golfrules_questions ( OR JOIN THE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY LISTEN TO THE GRQ PODCAST ON APPLE OR SPOTIFY Click here: SUBSCRIBE to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules #GolfRules #GolfRulesQuestions #blakey

1h 2m
Feb 16, 2024
Playing a Wong Ball TWICE, Playing an Incorrectly Substituted Ball, Lifting Another Player's Ball, and Trying to Shield Your Moving Ball from Wind - The GRQ Podcast Bonus #1

Bonus #1 - The GolfRules Questions Podcast This is an advanced GRQ Podcast with some recent questions/answers off the Facebook groups: The Golf Rules Samaritan USGA Rules of Golf Discussion In Bonus#1 we cover: Playing mulitple wrong balls before fixing the error, Trying to shield a ball in motion from wind, Mistakenly identifying an original ball, and then taking an unplayable for the provisional ball, A player lifts and marks the ball of another player in their group that is interfering with their line of play on the putting green. GOLFRULES QUESTIONS MERCHANDISE Get yourself a Roo&Coo polo: . DO YOU HAVE A RULES OF GOLF QUESTION: Email - WANT TO TEST YOUR RULES OF GOLF KNOWLEDGE? Head to: WANT A QUICK GOLF RULES REFERENCE Head to Instagram: @golfrules_questions ( OR JOIN THE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY LISTEN TO THE GRQ PODCAST ON APPLE OR SPOTIFY Click here: SUBSCRIBE to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules #GolfRules #GolfRulesQuestions #blakey

Feb 08, 2024
VIC Open Rules Review, Rory McIlroy and Joaquin Niemann make Rules blunders on Tour, and we have a couple of ClubLand stories to delight - THE GRQ PODCAST EP109

VIC Open Rules Review, Rory McIlroy and Joaquin Niemann make Rules blunders on Tour, and we have a couple of ClubLand stories to delight - THE GRQ PODCAST EP109 GolfRules Questions Podcast Episode 109 is all about the Vic Open, with stories from the Tour by Podcast Man of the People Funny Man McPhee, but Blakey and Stuart also cover a couple of incorrect drops by two of the best players in the world in Rory McIlroy and Joaquin Niemann that were costly.There are also a couple of clubland stories to keep you on your toes. BUT just before we get into that episode, I want to encourage you that if you like these podcast, share it with a friend or two. Send them the link and get them listening.As well as the Podcast, Stuart and Blakey also produce the Drop Zone, which is a weekly Rules newsletter, that gives you some helpful hints, a few Rules questions and there is usually a funny video to keep you entertained and educated. So send us your email address if you have yet to sign up, and when you receive the newsletter, make sure to forward that on to the captain or manager at your club, they are free to distribute it to all of their club members.We also have merchandise that you can purchase so that you are representing the best Golf Rules podcast in the world. Grab a t-shirt, a hat, or even a hoodie featuring the Rules Roo, or the Wombat caddie.And now whether you are in your car, or going for a walk, or just taking a break after mowing your lawn.Enjoy this episode of the GolfRules Questions Podcast. GRQOTW108: Andy scored a 9 as he incurred a General Penalty for his caddie deliberately deflecting his golf ball in motion. As it was known that the ball would have gone into a penalty area, he wasn't required to proceed under Rule 11.2 if he was going to proceed under Rule 17.1d for an extra one stroke penalty, but there was no issue for him doing so, as he may have decided to play it as it lies. VIC OPEN referee run-down by Podcast McPheeRabbit holesBall moved on the greenTransportation of players for S&D, but how about other situations, and does it have to be a Rules Committee memberA player found their ball on top of an abandoned oneWhen a car can’t be moved, what is it determined to be under the Rules?Hitting a ball out of bounds from the wrong teeing areaWhat is a broken piece of boundary fence wire determined to be GRQOTW 109: Danni the D Grade Golfer hits her tee shot way left into thick bushes on the 14th hole at Wombat Hills.After 1 minute of searching, she finds and identifies her ball and decides to take unplayable ball relief. Unable to retrieve her original ball, she drops another ball correctly in the lateral relief area. As she is working through her yardage book and waiting for others to play, a child crawls under the bush and retrieves her ball. The child asks the caddie if he can keep the ball, when the caddie realises it is not Danni the D Grade Golfer's ball. The caddie advises Danni, and they continue searching for her ball, finding it about 1 minute later, however now 5 minutes after they began searching originally.She picks up the dropped ball and continues play with the original ball, holing out in 5 more strokes. She tees off on her next hole - what is her hole score for the 14th hole? GOLFRULES QUESTIONS MERCHANDISE Get yourself a Roo&Coo polo: . DO YOU HAVE A RULES OF GOLF QUESTION: Email - WANT TO TEST YOUR RULES OF GOLF KNOWLEDGE? Head to: WANT A QUICK GOLF RULES REFERENCE Head to Instagram: @golfrules_questions ( OR JOIN THE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY LISTEN TO THE GRQ PODCAST ON APPLE OR SPOTIFY Click here: SUBSCRIBE to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules #GolfRules #GolfRulesQuestions #blakey

Feb 06, 2024
Stories From the Tour, including rabbit holes, medical timeouts for wasp stings, sprinker boxes, and mounds of dirt. As well as a couple of ClubLand Stories and the GRQOTW - THE GRQ PODCAST EP108

Stories From the Tour, including rabbit holes, sprinker boxes, the three minute search time, and mounds of dirt. As well as a couple of ClubLand Stories and the GRQOTW - THE GRQ PODCAST EP108 You are listening to Ep 108 of the GolfRules Questions Podcast, and in this episode Podcast Man of the People McPhee talks about a lot of rules situations from the last few weeks on Tour. Including sprinkler boxes, an original and provisional ball in the same area, and rabbit holes. We also have a few clubland stories from the real people, and of course our golfrules question of the week to answer. GRQOTW107: Andy incurs no penalty for accidentally causing his ball to move whilst simulating the act of a stroke to determine whether he has interference. Podcast 'Man of the People' McPhee takes us through a few of his latest refereeing jaunts, at WPS Cobram and WPS Rosebud, where the winner was one person - 22 year old Kazuma Kobori from New Zealand. Topics spoken about: - Dropping Zones - Yellow Penalty Areas - Sprinkler Boxes that is in the way - Medical timeouts for wasp stings - Playing two balls OR just figuring out what the actual Rule is. ClubLand stories from Colin and Feather Duster: - pretending to play left-handed to try get a better lie - believing a accidental movement of the ball from a practice swing counts as a stroke GRQOTW 108: Playing in a stroke round at Wombat Hills, Andy the Average Golfer has a 12yr old caddie, as part of a school program. He is playing the driveable par 4 5th hole, and he plays his 2nd shot to the green however it goes too far and over the green towards a red penalty area. As Andy arrives behind the green, he finds his caddie, who had walked ahead, standing there near the red line, laughing with some of his friends. Andy the Average Golfer enquires about his ball and discovers that his caddie had deliberately kicked his ball as it was approaching the penalty area, which kept it out. Andy estimates the spot where the ball would have come to rest in the penalty area, based on a brief conversation with his caddie and friends. He drops a ball inside the PA based on that estimation. He then decides to take penalty area relief and drops his ball again outside the PA. Andy holes out in four more strokes. What is Andy the Average Golfer's score for the hole? GOLFRULES QUESTIONS MERCHANDISE Get yourself a Roo&Coo polo: . DO YOU HAVE A RULES OF GOLF QUESTION: Email - WANT TO TEST YOUR RULES OF GOLF KNOWLEDGE? Head to: WANT A QUICK GOLF RULES REFERENCE Head to Instagram: @golfrules_questions ( OR JOIN THE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY LISTEN TO THE GRQ PODCAST ON APPLE OR SPOTIFY Click here: SUBSCRIBE to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules #GolfRules #GolfRulesQuestions #blakey

1h 5m
Jan 30, 2024
ClubLand Stories January: Animal Footprints, Airswings at a Wrong Ball TWICE, Moving another player's ball, Moving their ball with a practice swing, and The Heritage Classic - THE GRQ PODCAST EP107

We are back in 2024 and bringing you Episode 107, and with it are five clubland stories, a massive thank you to our contributors and those following along. We also have Podcast McPhee and Blakey go into their time at the recently played heritage classic, which is a tournament on the PGA Tour of Australasia - THE GRQ PODCAST EP107 Join this channel to get access to perks: SUBSCRIBE to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules GRQOTW106 - Big P incurs one penalty stroke under his option to go back to the previous place played OUTSIDE the Penalty Area - Rule 17.2a(2). Firstly, we cover a few Clubland Stories: - Rhys would like to know what the match score is when no one heard his partner concede a putt. - DK wants to tell us about a player that made airswings at a wrong ball, and then had to proceed with the provisional ball, and whether their pro shop told him the right score. - DK also has another story about a player taking free relief from an animal footprint, which is not allowed unless there is a Local Rule. - Mr Roberts asks us about the apparent confliction of Rule 14.1 and 9.6. - Mr Roberts also tells us about a player accidentally moving their ball with a practice swing and whether that was a penalty. Blakey and Podcast then discuss their time at The Heritage Classic, a 200k tournament on the PGA Tour of Australasia. - Stuart explains when the search starts. - We had a ball moved during a search in a penalty area - One player dropped their marker on their ball just before putting - A player hit their ball less than a metre, and only just found their ball within the 3-minute time limit - Trying to distinguish where the edge of the gravel path is. GRQOTW 107 - After his tee shot, Andy the Average Golfer's ball is lying close to an irrigation box in the right rough on the 3rd hole at Wombat Hills. He is concerned he will have interference from the box so he simulates his swing and in doing so, causes his ball to move. He advises his marker that he moved his ball and he replaces the ball. He does have interference from the box, however he decides the shot is too risky so he doesn't take relief and he plays out sideways to the fairway. His next stroke lands on the putting green and he takes 3 putts to hole out - what is his hole score? . . GOLFRULES QUESTIONS MERCHANDISE Get yourself a Roo&Coo polo: . DO YOU HAVE A RULES OF GOLF QUESTION: Email - WANT TO TEST YOUR RULES OF GOLF KNOWLEDGE? Head to: WANT A QUICK GOLF RULES REFERENCE Head to Instagram: @golfrules_questions ( OR JOIN THE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY LISTEN TO THE GRQ PODCAST ON APPLE OR SPOTIFY Click here: SUBSCRIBE to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules #GolfRules #GolfRulesQuestions #blakey

Jan 17, 2024
Podcast McPhee is back from his refereeing journey, and he fills us in on his Australian Open experience. We also delve into four Clubland Stories - THE GRQ PODCAST EP106

Podcast McPhee is back from his refereeing journey, and he fills us in on his Australian Open experience. We also delve into four Clubland Stories, including two from a now regular question-asker Mr Roberts as well as his close second, Colin - THE GRQ PODCAST EP105 Join this channel to get access to perks: SUBSCRIBE to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules GRQOTW104 - Whilst the ball that was found was unknown to be the original or the provisional ball, it was definitely one of them, and so the player must play that ball as the provisional ball. The ball that was found after three minutes is lost either way, and therefore can not be used at all. Firstly, we cover a few Clubland Stories:- Mr Roberts wants to know what happens when a struck ball doesn't make its way out of a Red Penalty Area. This comes under Rule 17.2.- Colin wants to know if he proceeded correctly when his ball was stuck up a tree. He dropped within two club-lengths of where the ball was, and this was under Rule 19.2.- Mr Roberts goes again with another tricky one and Blakey and Podcast disagree on what spray foam is deemed to be. But they do agree Mary was able to get some free relief.- Chip gives us a situation that is probably pretty common in Clubland, where a player tries to play a provisional ball for a ball that most likely went into a penalty area. GRQOTW 106 - Big P has hit his tee shot into the red penalty area running down the right side of the 14th hole. After two minutes of searching, he finds and identifies his ball. He makes a stroke at the ball and only advances it 3m. Frustrated, he makes another stroke at it from inside the PA moving it very little and makes another stroke. Very frustrated, he says he is returning to the teeing area to start the hole again.Despite some objections from others in the group, he returns to the teeing area, tees up a ball and makes a stroke, and finishes the hole. There are no players behind waiting to hit.How many penalty strokes must Big P add to his hole score? . . GOLFRULES QUESTIONS MERCHANDISE Get yourself a Roo&Coo polo: . DO YOU HAVE A RULES OF GOLF QUESTION: Email - WANT TO TEST YOUR RULES OF GOLF KNOWLEDGE? Head to: WANT A QUICK GOLF RULES REFERENCE Head to Instagram: @golfrules_questions ( OR JOIN THE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY LISTEN TO THE GRQ PODCAST ON APPLE OR SPOTIFY Click here: SUBSCRIBE to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules #GolfRules #GolfRulesQuestions #blakey

Dec 19, 2023
Guest Star: Fraser Nicol fills us in on his refereeing journey. How he has gone from Level 1 to Level 4, and continued to build his facebook community along the way - THE GRQ PODCAST EP105

Guest Star: Fraser Nicol fills us in on his refereeing journey. How he has gone from Level 1 to Level 4, and continued to build his facebook community along the way - THE GRQ PODCAST EP105 Join this channel to get access to perks: SUBSCRIBE to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules GRQOTW104 - Tyson is unable to get free relief for the safety fence that is on his line of play, as line of play interference by an immovable obstruction is only available when the player's ball is on the putting green.If a Committee believes that a safety/protective fence is interfering with the normal playing of the game, they can adopt Model Local Rule E-6. Fraser Nicol, the founder of The Golf Rules Samaritan facebook group: on Episode 48 of The GRQ Podcast, and spoke to us about starting the facebook group, and creating an amazing excel spreadsheet to help others learn the Rules of Golf.Since then, Fraser has got himself into a full time job with the PGA in the United Kingdom, and really enjoys applying the excellent Rules knowledge, as well as picking up other skills along the way, such as the craft of refereeing, and setting up courses for the professionals. GRQOTW105 A player is searching for their tee shot and then finds a ball in the rough that he knows is a ball he hit from the teeing area.Their three minute search time then expires.He then finds another ball, and he knows this is also a ball he hit from the teeing area.The problem is he doesn't know which ball is the original and which ball is the provisional ball.What is the ruling?. . GOLFRULES QUESTIONS MERCHANDISE Get yourself a Roo&Coo polo: . DO YOU HAVE A RULES OF GOLF QUESTION: Email - WANT TO TEST YOUR RULES OF GOLF KNOWLEDGE? Head to: WANT A QUICK GOLF RULES REFERENCE Head to Instagram: @golfrules_questions ( OR JOIN THE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY LISTEN TO THE GRQ PODCAST ON APPLE OR SPOTIFY Click here: SUBSCRIBE to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules #GolfRules #GolfRulesQuestions #blakey

2h 49m
Dec 04, 2023
Stories From The Tour - THE GRQ PODCAST EP104

Stories From The Tour - THE GRQ PODCAST EP104 Join this channel to get access to perks: SUBSCRIBE to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules GRQOTW103 - Big P incurs a one stroke penalty and must play the ball as it lies. Whether the player gets a general penalty depends on whether the player knew where the relief area was. Stories from the Tour: Moving a Penalty Area Stake Hitting a Provisional Ball when the Original had gone in a Penalty Area Improving CATS when a Loose Impediment is moved Original ball found after Known or Virtually Certain How close does your marker need to be to save you from penalty GRQOTW104 Tyson hits his ball into the general area behind a safety fence that is guarding a different teeing area. He has no interference by the fence with his swing or stance, but the safety fence is on his line of play. Is Tyson able to get free relief from the fence? And if not, what are Tyson’s options? . GOLFRULES QUESTIONS MERCHANDISE Get yourself a Roo&Coo polo: . DO YOU HAVE A RULES OF GOLF QUESTION: Email - WANT TO TEST YOUR RULES OF GOLF KNOWLEDGE? Head to: WANT A QUICK GOLF RULES REFERENCE Head to Instagram: @golfrules_questions ( OR JOIN THE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY LISTEN TO THE GRQ PODCAST ON APPLE OR SPOTIFY Click here: SUBSCRIBE to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules #GolfRules #GolfRulesQuestions #blakey

1h 14m
Nov 21, 2023
Clubland Stories October - THE GRQ PODCAST EP103

Clubland Stories October - THE GRQ PODCAST EP103 Join this channel to get access to perks: SUBSCRIBE to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules GRQOTW102 - There are no penalty strokes, as any player is allowed to move a removed flagstick whilst a ball is in motion. Clubland Stories 1. Known or Virtual Certainty Ball is in Penalty Area - Karin 2. Player Wants to Continue with Provisional Ball But Another Player Finds Their Original - Sue 3. Player Likes to Move Tee Markers - Webbo 4. Player Penalised for Getting Angry in a Bunker, Finds Out Later it Shouldn't Have Been a Penalty - 5. Incorrect Line of Flight Relief From a Penalty Area - Colin GRQOTW102 Big P is playing an individual stroke round at Wombat Hills. His tee shot on the 15th hole has come to rest in very thick grass near the top of a bunker. Big P decides to take unplayable ball relief, using lateral relief. There is GA and the bunker within the relief area. Prior to dropping, Big P replaces a divot in the relief area and then drops where the ball hits the GA first but rolls into the bunker. Marcela advises Big P that he needs to drop again as it rolled into another part of the course but also suggests that he has improved one of his CATS. For his second drop, Big P drops into the bunker, where the ball comes to rest in the relief area. . GOLFRULES QUESTIONS MERCHANDISE Get yourself a Roo&Coo polo: . DO YOU HAVE A RULES OF GOLF QUESTION: Email - WANT TO TEST YOUR RULES OF GOLF KNOWLEDGE? Head to: WANT A QUICK GOLF RULES REFERENCE Head to Instagram: @golfrules_questions ( OR JOIN THE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY LISTEN TO THE GRQ PODCAST ON APPLE OR SPOTIFY Click here: SUBSCRIBE to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules #GolfRules #GolfRulesQuestions #blakey

Oct 27, 2023
Clubland Stories September - THE GRQ PODCAST EP102

Clubland Stories September - THE GRQ PODCAST EP102 Join this channel to get access to perks: SUBSCRIBE to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules GRQOTW101 - Although Andy has done the wrong thing, by dropping under Rule 17.1d(3) when he wasn't allowed to, because his original ball was found outside the PA, he was able to pick up the dropped ball and continue play with the original ball for no penalty. Clubland Stories 1. Reasonable judgement on whether a ball is in a Penalty Area or OOB - Geoff 2. Player accepts a penalty that he didn't incur - DK 3. Jimbo doesn't replay his stroke after his devious friends stop his ball - Jimbo 4. Marker doesn't know whether player is telling the truth - CBY 5. Peter moves his ball without first marking it - Colin 6. Ball in motion accidentally hitting equipment - Zuma Golf GRQOTW102 Blakey and Stuart are playing a match at Wombat Hills. It is Blakey's turn to putt on the 1st green and he removes the flagstick from the hole, placing it on the green behind the hole. Blakey's putt is way too hard and believing the ball will definitely hit the flagstick, Stuart rushes over and picks up the flagstick. Blakey's ball continues to roll past where the flagstick was on the green. Blakey is not happy and requests a ruling. Are there any penalty strokes and what happens next? . GOLFRULES QUESTIONS MERCHANDISE Get yourself a Roo&Coo polo: . DO YOU HAVE A RULES OF GOLF QUESTION: Email - WANT TO TEST YOUR RULES OF GOLF KNOWLEDGE? Head to: WANT A QUICK GOLF RULES REFERENCE Head to Instagram: @golfrules_questions ( OR JOIN THE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY LISTEN TO THE GRQ PODCAST ON APPLE OR SPOTIFY Click here: SUBSCRIBE to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules #GolfRules #GolfRulesQuestions #blakey

Oct 22, 2023
Qualifying School - THE GRQ PODCAST EP101

Qualifying School - THE GRQ PODCAST EP101 Join this channel to get access to perks: SUBSCRIBE to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules GRQOTW100 - Ross has hit two wrong balls, but was unaware of the second wrong ball that they played, so they only get the one general penalty in stroke play. Then Ross goes back and drops his ball, but needs to actually go back to the teeing area - where the ball was last played from. The fact that the original was then found, makes no difference as the original ball was lost after the three minute search time had elapsed. The Asian Tour held a Stage 1 Q School event at Mt Derrimut Golf & Community Club last week, of which Blakey was the Tournament Director. Podcast McPhee also assisted as a referee. Prior to the start of the players arriving, Jeff Ward - the chief referee, Doug O’Keeffe - assistance Tournament Director and Blakey set up the course for the tournament. Podcast took us through a situation where a player ‘cowboy-dropped’ his ball when putting a ball into play after his original ball had gone Out Of Bounds. Podcast was able to step in and assist the player in correcting their drop, and thus saving a certain penalty. Podcast also gave us a run-down on a few rulings he had at a recent DPWT qualifying school that was also held in Melbourne, or more specifically down at Rosebud Country Club. There was a situation with a cut ball, of which Podcast provided the player a ‘yes, you can replace your ball for free’ response. Then Blakey showed a picture he had received very recently, of a ball that had almost split in half, and the important word there is almost, as the ball was still attached and from all accounts still in one piece. Being in one piece just meant that the player could replace their ball on the spot where it had come to rest. Whereas had the ball split into pieces, even if just two pieces, the player must cancel the stroke, replace a ball on the previous spot and then play again. Finally, an absolute beauty of a ruling when a player hit his ball over the back of the green, or so he thought. He searched for three minutes before heading back to hit another ball. Just as he was chipping on for what could have been a five, his original ball was found in the hole, to which Podcast delivered the good news that he had made an eagle. His second ball did not count, as his hole was already over. GRQOTW101 In an individual stroke play event, Andy the Average Golfer hooks his tee shot left towards a red penalty area on the 3rd hole at Wombat Hills. His group searches for around 1 minute in the thick grass outside the PA and frustrated, Andy drops a ball using lateral relief from the red penalty area, even though it is not known or virtually certain to be in the PA. He is about to play his next stroke with the dropped ball, when someone else finds his original ball in the thick grass outside the PA, well within the 3 minutes of search time. Which ball must Andy play and are there any penalty strokes? . GOLFRULES QUESTIONS MERCHANDISE Get yourself a Roo&Coo polo: . DO YOU HAVE A RULES OF GOLF QUESTION: Email - WANT TO TEST YOUR RULES OF GOLF KNOWLEDGE? Head to: WANT A QUICK GOLF RULES REFERENCE Head to Instagram: @golfrules_questions ( OR JOIN THE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY LISTEN TO THE GRQ PODCAST ON APPLE OR SPOTIFY Click here: SUBSCRIBE to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules #GolfRules #GolfRulesQuestions #blakey

1h 23m
Oct 02, 2023
Cracked a Century - THE GRQ PODCAST EP100

Cracked a Century - THE GRQ PODCAST EP100 Join this channel to get access to perks: SUBSCRIBE to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules GRQOTW99 Answer: Blakey definitely incurs a general penalty for his advice to Stuart, whereas Stuart was merely making a remark about his poor bunker play. Although a referee could go into further questioning to confirm the assumption. Stuart does incur the one stroke penalty for the stroke-and-distance. Stuart and Blakey got the gang back together and are joined by the very special guest, from The My Love of Golf Podcast - Rossco 'BMW' Flannigan to take a trip down memory lane.We cover all things GolfRules Questions podcast, how it got started, how cheap Blakey is, and how the Rules and the Rules knowedge of Stuart and Blakey have developed during that time. GRQOTW 100 Ross pushes his tee shot right into the rough. He playshis 2nd shot across the fairway into the left rough. He plays his 3rdshot to just short of the green. Upon reaching that ball short of thegreen, he realises it is not his ball and he has played a wrong ball.He returns to where he made his 3rd shot from to search and cannotfind his ball, although he does find another in the area, which he nowbelieves was the ball he hit for his 2nd shot. He returns to the right rough, where he made his 2nd shot from, to proceed under S&D for a lost ball. He drops correctly in the right rough using his bestestimate, when he finds his original ball which he hit from the teeingarea. Where must Ross make his next stroke from and what stroke will it be? . GOLFRULES QUESTIONS MERCHANDISE Get yourself a Roo&Coo polo: . DO YOU HAVE A RULES OF GOLF QUESTION: Email - WANT TO TEST YOUR RULES OF GOLF KNOWLEDGE? Head to: WANT A QUICK GOLF RULES REFERENCE Head to Instagram: @golfrules_questions ( OR JOIN THE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY LISTEN TO THE GRQ PODCAST ON APPLE OR SPOTIFY Click here: SUBSCRIBE to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules #GolfRules #GolfRulesQuestions #blakey

1h 37m
Sep 21, 2023
YouTube Community Question Run-Down - THE GRQ PODCAST EP99

YouTube Community Question Run-Down - THE GRQ PODCAST EP99 GRQOTW98 Answer: Sharon played from a wrong place that was also a serious breach, as they should have taken stroke-and-distance for their ball out of bounds. They failed to fix their mistake in time and therefore the only penalty for them is disqualification. Podcast and Marcela go through the last five Community Questions on YouTube. GRQOTW 99 During an individual stroke round, Stuart's ball lies in a greenside bunker on the 17th hole at Wombat Hills. He makes a stroke and the ball flies right over the green and into a red penalty area behind the hole. In frustration, he calls out, "what am I doing wrong?" Blakey standing nearby, says, "Mate, you need to take more sand during the shot." Stuart then rakes the bunker. After considering his penalty area relief options, Stuart decides to proceed under stroke and distance and drop in the same bunker that he just played from, which he does. Are there any penalty strokes to either player?

Sep 04, 2023
Guest Star: Marcela Smith - THE GRQ PODCAST EP98

Guest Star - Marcela Smith - THE GRQ PODCAST EP98 Join this channel to get access to perks: SUBSCRIBE to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules . GOT A CLUBLAND STORY - Submit it here GRQOTW 97 Unfortunately Stuart got some bad Rules advice, which meant that he incurred a one stroke penalty in stroke play and needed to replace his ball on the correct spot. Stuart would also incur a one stroke penalty in match play, but Blakey could choose to ignore this breach, since it was his bad advice that caused the Rules imbroglio in the first case. Stuart 'Podcast' McPhee hosts Episode 98 and has a special guest of Marcela Smith from Girlfriends Guide to Golf. They talk about what Marcela thinks is the four of the most misunderstood Rules in golf. Marcela also brings two Clubland stories to the table, and a GRQOTW. GRQOTW 98 - Sharon and Nina are playing in an individual stroke play tournament at Santaluz Golf Club, with two other competitors in their foursome. Sharon pulls her tee shot on the 8th hole and thinks she will find her ball in the bushes. After the other ladies tee off, Sharon starts looking for and finds her ball in about 90 seconds. Her ball is just beyond a white OB stake. Not wanting to go all the way back to the tee, Sharon assumes she can use the model local rule E-5 and drop a ball into the fairway for a two stroke penalty, which she does. The other ladies weren’t aware that Sharon’s ball was found out of bounds until Sharon casually mentioned it on the 9th tee (which is across a long street and a great distance from the 8th hole). At that time, the other ladies informed Sharon that if her ball was OB she would not be allowed to drop it into the fairway, as Model Local Rule E-5 was not in effect at that course. Since Sharon didn’t want to slow down the group behind her, she said she would take an 8 on the hole and move on. What’s the ruling? GOLFRULES QUESTIONS MERCHANDISE Get yourself a Roo&Coo polo: DO YOU HAVE A RULES OF GOLF QUESTION: Email - WANT TO TEST YOUR RULES OF GOLF KNOWLEDGE? Head to: WANT A QUICK GOLF RULES REFERENCE Head to Instagram: @golfrules_questions ( OR JOIN THE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY Https:// LISTEN TO THE GRQ PODCAST ON APPLE OR SPOTIFY Click here: SUBSCRIBE to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules #GolfRules #GolfRulesQuestions #blakey

1h 6m
Aug 29, 2023
Clubland Stories August 23 - THE GRQ PODCAST EP97

Clubland Stories August 23 - THE GRQ PODCAST EP97 Join this channel to get access to perks: SUBSCRIBE to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules . GOT A CLUBLAND STORY - Submit it here GRQOTW 95 No penalty, but it is certainly cause for a warning from the Committee for rude manners.If the behaviour continues, a Committee would certainly be correct to breach the player for Code of Conduct. Forgetting to move the marker/ball back and then played from a wrong place.A mixed Greensomes stableford mix-up - thank goodness it was stableford.A revisit of the couples/pairs tournament in Canada. GRQOTW 96 - Blakey and Stuart are playing in an individual stroke round at Wombat Hills.  On the 9th hole, Stuart's ball becomes embedded in the putting green after his 2nd shot.  Not knowing what to do, he asks Blakey, who jokingly tells him he must drop the ball within a one club length relief area on the putting green, no nearer the hole.  Stuart does this.  Blakey then notices Stuart's ball on the green away from the embedded spot and with no ball marker down.  Blakey tells Stuart that he was only joking and that you cannot get embedded ball relief on the green.  How must Stuart proceed and are there any penalty strokes to either player? GOLFRULES QUESTIONS MERCHANDISE Get yourself a Roo&Coo polo: DO YOU HAVE A RULES OF GOLF QUESTION: Email - WANT TO TEST YOUR RULES OF GOLF KNOWLEDGE? Head to: WANT A QUICK GOLF RULES REFERENCE Head to Instagram: @golfrules_questions ( OR JOIN THE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY Https:// LISTEN TO THE GRQ PODCAST ON APPLE OR SPOTIFY Click here: SUBSCRIBE to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules #GolfRules #GolfRulesQuestions #blakey

1h 4m
Aug 13, 2023
Character Assassination Drive-Bys - THE GRQ PODCAST EP96

Character Assassination Drive-Bys - THE GRQ PODCAST EP96 Join this channel to get access to perks: SUBSCRIBE to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules . GOT A CLUBLAND STORY - Submit it here GRQOTW 95 True - Rule 4.3 Getting any type of weather information (including wind speed) that is available from weather forecasts or measuring temperature and humidity at the course. Pitch Marks question from Tony. Worm castings question from Mr Roberts. Forgetful golfer question from Webbo. Pace of play suggestion from Captain Ray. GRQOTW 96 - Blakey and Stuart are partners in a four-ball match play.  Blakey has scored 5 and Stuart misses his putt for a 4.  Before either of the opponents have completed play of the hole, Stuart moves his ball back to where he just putted from and makes a practice stroke towards the hole.  The opponents call in a referee - what is the ruling? GOLFRULES QUESTIONS MERCHANDISE Get yourself a Roo&Coo polo: DO YOU HAVE A RULES OF GOLF QUESTION: Email - WANT TO TEST YOUR RULES OF GOLF KNOWLEDGE? Head to: WANT A QUICK GOLF RULES REFERENCE Head to Instagram: @golfrules_questions ( OR JOIN THE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY Https:// LISTEN TO THE GRQ PODCAST ON APPLE OR SPOTIFY Click here: SUBSCRIBE to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules #GolfRules #GolfRulesQuestions #blakey

Aug 08, 2023
Clubland Stories July23 - THE GRQ PODCAST EP95

Clubland Stories July23 - THE GRQ PODCAST EP95 Join this channel to get access to perks: SUBSCRIBE to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules . GOT A CLUBLAND STORY - Submit it here GRQOTW 94 Answer: Ross was right to proceed under Rule 19.3, but unfortunately Andy convinced him otherwise, so he moved his ball in play and dropped it and played from a wrong place, which we didn't consider a serious breach. Total strokes 9. CLUBLAND STORIES #embeddedball#wrongball#outofbounds #bunkers #conditionsaffectingthestroke#wrongball#morethan14clubs GRQOTW 95 - T/FDuring the round, a player may access local weather information, including wind, temperature and humidity, through an application or internet browser on a multifunctional device. GOLFRULES QUESTIONS MERCHANDISE Get yourself a Roo&Coo polo: DO YOU HAVE A RULES OF GOLF QUESTION: Email - WANT TO TEST YOUR RULES OF GOLF KNOWLEDGE? Head to: WANT A QUICK GOLF RULES REFERENCE Head to Instagram: @golfrules_questions ( OR JOIN THE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY Https:// LISTEN TO THE GRQ PODCAST ON APPLE OR SPOTIFY Click here: SUBSCRIBE to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules #GolfRules #GolfRulesQuestions #blakey

1h 5m
Jul 31, 2023

TOUR TIME July - THE GRQ PODCAST EP94 Join this channel to get access to perks: SUBSCRIBE to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules . GOT A CLUBLAND STORY - Submit it here GRQOTW 93 Answer: Ross incurs a general penalty for being in the restricted area that would then help his play. Fraser's score still counts. TOUR TIME#lydiako #samburns#rorymcilroy #unplayable GRQOTW 94 - Ross is playing at Wombat Hills and his tee shot comes to rest in the only pot bunker on the course, right up against the face.  He decides to take unplayable ball relief and drop outside the bunker.  He goes back on the line about 5m behind the bunker, and drops correctly.  Andy the Average Golfer, reminds Ross that the club has not adopted the local rule allowing 'outside the bunker' unplayable relief, and he needs to drop inside the bunker.  Disappointed, Ross picks up his ball to correct the mistake and drops within the bunker.  He takes 4 more shots to hole out - what is his score for the hole? GOLFRULES QUESTIONS MERCHANDISE Get yourself a Roo&Coo polo: DO YOU HAVE A RULES OF GOLF QUESTION: Email - WANT TO TEST YOUR RULES OF GOLF KNOWLEDGE? Head to: WANT A QUICK GOLF RULES REFERENCE Head to Instagram: @golfrules_questions ( OR JOIN THE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY Https:// LISTEN TO THE GRQ PODCAST ON APPLE OR SPOTIFY Click here: SUBSCRIBE to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules #GolfRules #GolfRulesQuestions #blakey

Jul 24, 2023
Referee Report LIV GOLF June/July 2023 - THE GRQ PODCAST EP93

Referee Report LIV GOLF June/July 2023 - THE GRQ PODCAST EP93 GRQOTW 92 Answer: Marcela incurs a general penalty (two stroke penalty in stroke play) for playing from the wrong place. There is no further stroke or penalty for playing again from the original place, as the hole was over. LIV GOLF ANDALUCIA Pride of Spanish golf. Tough track, with trees very much taking centre stage. Pace of play issues, and very fast greens. LIV GOLF LONDON Back at Centurion Club, where it all began. Setting up the course. Negotiating Last Point Crossed. Ripper GC almost got the team win. GRQOTW 93 - Fraser and Ross are partners in a four-ball match play against Blakey and Stuart.  Fraser's ball is on the putting green 10m from the hole. Ross' ball is 6m from the hole on a very similar line to his partners'.  To help with his own upcoming putt, Ross stands behind Fraser on an extension of the line of his putt while Fraser putts, but he does stand off the putting green.  As soon as Fraser putts, Blakey states, "thanks guys, we just won that hole!  Ross was standing in the restricted area."   Fraser doesn't agree and calls in a referee.  What is the ruling? GOLFRULES QUESTIONS MERCHANDISE Get yourself a Roo&Coo polo: DO YOU HAVE A RULES OF GOLF QUESTION: Email - WANT TO TEST YOUR RULES OF GOLF KNOWLEDGE? Head to: WANT A QUICK GOLF RULES REFERENCE Head to Instagram: @golfrules_questions ( OR JOIN THE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY Https:// LISTEN TO THE GRQ PODCAST ON APPLE OR SPOTIFY Click here: SUBSCRIBE to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules #GolfRules #GolfRulesQuestions #blakey

Jul 15, 2023
Clubland Stories Part II June23 - THE GRQ PODCAST EP92

Clubland Stories Part II June23 - THE GRQ PODCAST EP92 Join this channel to get access to perks: SUBSCRIBE to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules . GOT A CLUBLAND STORY - Submit it here GRQOTW #91 Big P was supposed to place the ball not drop, and as such he played from a wrong place. So his final hole score was eight. Ball Marker vs Alignment Device Clubland Stories - Can you use a ball that you discarded on a previous hole/round - Mixed Foursomes order of play - Using Local Rule E-5 for a penalty area GRQOTW #92 Marcela is playing the 4th hole at Wombat Hills.  She is on the putting green for 3 and she marks the spot of and lifts her ball. Helen asks her to move her marker due to interference, which she does.   Marcela forgets to return her ball marker, replaces her ball on the new spot and holes out in two strokes. Unfortunately, Marcela then realises her mistake of not returning her ball marker so she estimates where she originally lifted the ball, puts her ball back into play by placing it there and takes three putts to hole out.   What is her score for the hole? GOLFRULES QUESTIONS MERCHANDISE Get yourself a Roo&Coo polo: DO YOU HAVE A RULES OF GOLF QUESTION: Email - WANT TO TEST YOUR RULES OF GOLF KNOWLEDGE? Head to: WANT A QUICK GOLF RULES REFERENCE Head to Instagram: @golfrules_questions ( OR JOIN THE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY Https:// LISTEN TO THE GRQ PODCAST ON APPLE OR SPOTIFY Click here: SUBSCRIBE to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules #GolfRules #GolfRulesQuestions #blakey

Jun 18, 2023
Clubland Stories June23 - THE GRQ PODCAST EP91

Clubland Stories June23 - THE GRQ PODCAST EP90 Join this channel to get access to perks: SUBSCRIBE to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules . GOT A CLUBLAND STORY - Submit it here GRQOTW #90 Andy incurs a wrong ball penalty and must replace the provisional ball and continue play with it. Currently lying six, as he picked up the marker for the provisional ball BEFORE he hit the wrong ball. Clubland Stories - Individual Hole Score in stableford, is it important? - Canadian Foursomes hypothetical - Pressing a ball into the ground GRQOTW #91 Big P hits his tee shot on the par 3 3rd hole which comes to rest right at the back of the green, with the hole right at the front of the green, about 20m away.  The green is steep and his 2nd stroke runs right by the hole, off the front edge of the green and comes to rest in a yellow penalty area. Big P decides to play again from the putting green, dropping a ball into the relief area on the green and holes out in 3 more strokes.  What is Big P's score for the 3rd hole? GOLFRULES QUESTIONS MERCHANDISE Get yourself a Roo&Coo polo: DO YOU HAVE A RULES OF GOLF QUESTION: Email - WANT TO TEST YOUR RULES OF GOLF KNOWLEDGE? Head to: WANT A QUICK GOLF RULES REFERENCE Head to Instagram: @golfrules_questions ( OR JOIN THE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY Https:// LISTEN TO THE GRQ PODCAST ON APPLE OR SPOTIFY Click here: SUBSCRIBE to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules #GolfRules #GolfRulesQuestions #blakey

Jun 15, 2023
Definitions Part II - THE GRQ PODCAST EP90

Definitions PART II - THE GRQ PODCAST EP90 Join this channel to get access to perks: SUBSCRIBE to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules . GOT A CLUBLAND STORY - Submit it here GRQOTW #89 Clarification 8.1d(1)/2 Blakey can request that Stuart leaves his clubs as they were when Blakey's ball came to rest. What is the ruling? DEFINITIONS - Mark - Marker - Match Play - Maximum Score - Movable Obstruction - Moved - Natural Forces - Nearest Point of Complete Relief - No Play Zone - Obstruction - Opponent - Outside Influence - Out of Bounds - Par/Bogey - Partner - Penalty Area - Point of Maximum Available Relief - Provisional Ball - Putting Green - Referee - Relief Area - Replace - Round - Scorecard - Serious Breach - Side - Stableford - Stance - Stroke - Stroke and Distance - Stroke Play - Substitute - Tee - Teeing Area - Temporary Water - Three-Ball - Wrong Ball - Wrong Green - Wrong Place GRQOTW #90 Andy the Average Golfer hits his tee shot way through the green on the par 3 5th hole. As it may be lost in the thick bushes, he announces and plays a provisional ball which lands on the green around 6m from the hole. As the group arrives at the green, Andy announces that he doesn't want to look for his original ball and is declaring it lost. Andy plays his provisional ball to within 1m of the hole, marks and lifts it. Another player sees a ball in the bushes behind the green about 15m from the hole, and it is Andy's original ball. Dejected, Andy picks up the marker on the green and completes the hole with the original ball, scoring 5. Walking to the next tee, the players discuss what just happened and they consult a referee. What is the ruling? GOLFRULES QUESTIONS MERCHANDISE Get yourself a Roo&Coo polo: DO YOU HAVE A RULES OF GOLF QUESTION: Email - WANT TO TEST YOUR RULES OF GOLF KNOWLEDGE? Head to: WANT A QUICK GOLF RULES REFERENCE Head to Instagram: @golfrules_questions ( OR JOIN THE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY Https:// LISTEN TO THE GRQ PODCAST ON APPLE OR SPOTIFY Click here: SUBSCRIBE to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules #GolfRules #GolfRulesQuestions #blakey

Jun 06, 2023

Definitions PART I - THE GRQ PODCAST EP88 Join this channel to get access to perks: SUBSCRIBE to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules . GOT A CLUBLAND STORY - Submit it here . . GRQOTW #87 Applying Disqualification Penalties, Concessions and Wrong Number of Strokes in a Stroke-Play Play-OffDuring a play-off in a stroke-play competition the Rules are applied as follows:If a player is disqualified (such as for making a stroke with a non-conforming club), the player is disqualified from the play-off only and the player is entitled to any prize that may have been won in the competition itself.If two players are in the play-off, one player is allowed to concede the play-off to the other player.If Player A mistakenly gives the wrong number of strokes to Player B and that mistake results in Player B lifting their ball (such as when Player B thinks they have lost the play-off to Player A), Player B is allowed to replace the ball without penalty and complete the hole. There is no penalty to Player A. . DEFINITIONS - Abnormal Course Condition - Advice - Animal - Animal Hole- Areas of the Course- Ball-Marker- Boundary Object- Bunker- Caddie- Club-Length- Committee- Conditions Affecting the Stroke- Course- Drop- Embedded- Equipment- Equipment Rules- Flagstick - Four-Ball- Foursomes (also known as 'Alternate Shot')- General Area- General Penalty - Ground Under Repair- Hole- Holed- Honour- Immovable Obstruction- Improve- In Play- Integral Object- Known or Virtually Certain- Lie- Line of Play- Loose Impediment- Lost . GRQOTW #89Stuart has a bunker shot, so he takes two wedges and a putter to the bunker.   He chooses one of the wedges and leaves the other clubs on the green.  Blakey also has a bunker shot in a different bunker. He hits his ball out, and is just on the green.  Stuart hits his ball out too. Stuart picks up his putter and wedge left on the green, and immediately Blakey asks him to put them back ... The clubs are directly behind the flag on an extension of Blakey's line of play.  Stuart doesn't believe this is allowed.  What is the ruling? . GOLFRULES QUESTIONS MERCHANDISE Get yourself a Roo&Coo polo: . DO YOU HAVE A RULES OF GOLF QUESTION: Email - WANT TO TEST YOUR RULES OF GOLF KNOWLEDGE? Head to: WANT A QUICK GOLF RULES REFERENCE Head to Instagram: @golfrules_questions ( OR JOIN THE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY Https:// LISTEN TO THE GRQ PODCAST ON APPLE OR SPOTIFY Click here: SUBSCRIBE to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules #GolfRules #GolfRulesQuestions #blakey

May 30, 2023
Stuck Range Ball, Incorrect Scorecard, and a GUR that borders a Penalty Area - THE GRQ PODCAST EP88

Stuck Range Ball, Incorrect Scorecard, and a GUR that borders a Penalty Area - THE GRQ PODCAST EP88 Join this channel to get access to perks: SUBSCRIBE to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules . GOT A CLUBLAND STORY - Submit it here . . GRQOTW #87 Blakey and Ross mistakenly hit each other's ball on the 1st fairway (ie. a wrong ball each) and this is only discovered when they arrive near the green and Blakey is 1m from the hole and Ross is in the greenside bunker. They both walk back down the fairway to estimate where the balls were lying, and Blakey finds the divot Ross made. Using that divot as the reference point, Blakey drops a ball and plays it back on to the green. How many penalty strokes must Blakey add to his hole score? . CLUBLAND STORIES - A range ball that is stuck in the ground - Signing an incorrect scorecard in a multi competition - When a Penalty Area and GUR are side-by-side . PODCAST MCPHEE'S GOLF TRIP STORIES - Local Rule E-3 and substituting in a different ball . GRQOTW #88 Blakey and Stuart are in a stroke-play play-off. Stuart gives a wrong score to Blakey by mistake, which causes Blakey to lift his ball from the putting green without marking it, as he believes he cannot win. Stuart then corrects the misunderstanding. Who gets a penalty and what is the penalty? . GOLFRULES QUESTIONS MERCHANDISE Get yourself a Roo&Coo polo: . DO YOU HAVE A RULES OF GOLF QUESTION: Email - WANT TO TEST YOUR RULES OF GOLF KNOWLEDGE? Head to: WANT A QUICK GOLF RULES REFERENCE Head to Instagram: @golfrules_questions ( OR JOIN THE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY Https:// LISTEN TO THE GRQ PODCAST ON APPLE OR SPOTIFY Click here: SUBSCRIBE to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules #GolfRules #GolfRulesQuestions #blakey

May 19, 2023
Singapore Sling - THE GRQ PODCAST EP87

Singapore Sling - THE GRQ PODCAST EP87 Join this channel to get access to perks: SUBSCRIBE to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules . GOT A CLUBLAND STORY - Submit it here . . GRQOTW #85 Big P has five strokes and three penalty strokes (total eight). One for the only applicable Rule for taking relief in a penalty area, and two for playing from a wrong place. . CLUBLAND STORIES - Tee Markers Moved - White Stake with Green Top - Switching Balls Before Teeing Off PODCAST MCPHEE'S GOLF TRIP STORIES - Searching for more than three minutes - Local Rules and Stakes on the course differ - Player tees off from in front of the markers LIV SINGAPORE - Temporary Immovable Obstructions on Hole 15 - Local Rule F-5 for Louis Oosthuizen - Cart Path Relief for Phil Mickelson GRQOTW #86 Blakey and Ross mistakenly hit each other's ball on the 1st fairway (ie. a wrong ball each) and this is only discovered when they arrive near the green and Blakey is 1m from the hole and Ross is in the greenside bunker. They both walk back down the fairway to estimate where the balls were lying, and Blakey finds the divot Ross made. Using that divot as the reference point, Blakey drops a ball and plays it back on to the green. How many penalty strokes must Blakey add to his hole score? . GOLFRULES QUESTIONS MERCHANDISE Get yourself a Roo&Coo polo: . DO YOU HAVE A RULES OF GOLF QUESTION: Email - WANT TO TEST YOUR RULES OF GOLF KNOWLEDGE? Head to: WANT A QUICK GOLF RULES REFERENCE Head to Instagram: @golfrules_questions ( OR JOIN THE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY Https:// LISTEN TO THE GRQ PODCAST ON APPLE OR SPOTIFY Click here: SUBSCRIBE to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules #GolfRules #GolfRulesQuestions #blakey

1h 20m
May 08, 2023

Join this channel to get access to perks: SUBSCRIBE to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules . GOT A CLUBLAND STORY - Submit it here . CLUBLAND STORIES - THE GRQ PODCAST EP86 . GRQOTW #85 Marcela has until someone tees off from the next teeing area, to correct the match score. . CLUBLAND STORIES - Preferred Lies - Provisional Ball vs Second Ball - Penalty Area Local Rule (B-3) - Teammates cannot give advice - Ball Not Found Options - Switching Balls Before Teeing Off . GRQOTW #86 Big P's ball lies just inside a red penalty area on the 4th hole at Wombat Hills.  His ball is playable and in taking his stance for a reasonable stroke, his left foot is standing in temporary water in the general area.  He takes free relief and drops correctly within the relief area within the penalty area. He plays his 2nd shot, chips onto the green with his third and has two putts to hole out.  What is his score for the hole and why? . GOLFRULES QUESTIONS MERCHANDISE Get yourself a Roo&Coo polo: . DO YOU HAVE A RULES OF GOLF QUESTION: Email - WANT TO TEST YOUR RULES OF GOLF KNOWLEDGE? Head to: WANT A QUICK GOLF RULES REFERENCE Head to Instagram: @golfrules_questions ( OR JOIN THE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY Https:// LISTEN TO THE GRQ PODCAST ON APPLE OR SPOTIFY Click here: SUBSCRIBE to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules #GolfRules #GolfRulesQuestions #blakey

Apr 26, 2023