Village Green Community Church

Jon Korkidakis


Welcome to the Village Green Community Church sermon podcast. Village Green is a vibrant Christian community in London, Ontario that seeks to love God, love others and change the world. To learn more about our ministry, please visit our website at

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603 episodes

Against All Odds - Part 1: Jesus Weeps

As Jesus rides into Jerusalem, the crowds greet him as a conquering hero. 

Mar 25
Revelation Part 10: All Things New

The picture of a new heaven and new earth depicts a paradise and the reward for all who have persevered in faith.

Mar 18
Revelation - Part 9: A Thousand Years

The culmination of the great battle is seen in the imagery of a thousand-year reign which brings about a final defeat.

Mar 10
Revelation-Part 8: Seven Bowls, Blasphemy, and Babylon

God's ultimate wrath is now unleashed against the forces of evil.

Mar 03
Revelation - Part 7: Unholy Beasts and the Lamb

The unholy alliance against the Lamb and his people grows, intensifying the cosmic conflict that pits good against evil.

Feb 25
Revelation - Part 6: War and Conquest

The great conflict between heaven and earth escalates, portrayed through the imagery of a woman and a dragon.

Feb 19
Revelation - Part 5: Seven Trumpets

The trumpet judgments are reminiscent of the ten plagues of Egypt and have the same purpose – to show the powerlessness of earthly gods.

Feb 11
Revelation - Part 4: Seven Seals

As John's vision continues to unfold, the march of history as viewed from God's perspective is presented.

Feb 05
Revelation - Part 3: The One Seated on the Throne

As John's vision begins to unfold, a lamb appears, but not just any lamb.

Jan 29
Revelation - Part 2: Seven Churches, One Theme

As John is told to write to seven churches in Asia Minor, they are each given a specific message, but one theme is found in all.

Jan 22
Revelation - Part 1: Island Exiles

John, the author of Revelation has been exiled to the island of Patmos. What starts as a prison sentence, turns into a vision for the ages.

Jan 15
Revelation- An Introduction

Revelation is one of the most misunderstood books of the Bible, yet properly understood, gives us a rich theological tapestry. In this message, we present an introduction in preparation for our 10-part series of the book.

Jan 08
The Heart of Christmas - Part 4: The Advent of Love

Mary, a young teenager, when confronted by the revelation that she will bear the Messiah, responds with a message of love.

Jan 03
The Heart of Christmas - Part 3: The Advent of Joy

What do heavenly beings and lowly shepherds have in common?

Dec 18, 2023
The Heart of Christmas - Part 2: The Advent of Peace

Simeon, a man who waitedeagerly for the coming of the Messiah, talked of the peace he experienced when he met the baby Jesus.

Dec 12, 2023
Part 1 - The Heart of Christmas - The Advent of Hope

The prophetic voice of Zechariah was centered on the promise of hope. 

Dec 04, 2023
The Rejected for the Rejected

When we see Jesus as one of us, as belonging to us, as being for us, it’s easy to love him. But what if Jesus also belongs to the outsider? Guest speaker: Matthew Burkholder

Nov 27, 2023
Making Jesus Real. Part 4: Come Together

The church serves as a collective demonstration of the reality of Jesus, his life, his message, and his sacrifice for our sins. 

Nov 20, 2023
Making Jesus Real. Part 3: Safe

Are we safe to be around, or do people see us as judgmental, hypocritical, or just plain weird? How can anyone see Jesus in us if we aren't safe enough to be around?

Nov 20, 2023
Making Jesus Real - Part 2: Break My Heart

What breaks your heart? Often, the thing that breaks our heart is often where we place our energy and resources, and where we make the biggest difference.

Nov 06, 2023
Making Jesus Real - Part 1: Real to Me

I will never be able to make Jesus real for anyone else unless he becomes real to me. Are there ways of creating a more authentic relationship with Jesus so that others can more easily see Jesus in me.

Oct 30, 2023
The Awakening - Part 6: Acceptance

One of the biggest personal challenges we face is the ability to fully embrace God's love and acceptance.

Oct 23, 2023
The Awakening - Part 5: Looking In, Looking Out

Our pursuit of self-awareness, if done with the right intent, will dramatically frame the way we serve others.

Oct 16, 2023
The Awakening - Part 4: Who's in the Driver's Seat

Am I just a product of my own desires or am I guided by something greater outside myself?

Oct 10, 2023
The Awakening - Part 3: My Authentic Self

The cultural message of today is to be your authentic self. Whatever you feel inside is essentially who you really are.

Oct 02, 2023
The Awakening - Part 2: Mirror, Mirror

Love is one of the key themes of Scripture and one of the essential characteristics of God. Yet, it is often difficult to love ourselves. Is there a healthy form of self-love?

Sep 25, 2023
The Awakening - Part 1: I Believe, Therefore I Am!

What is self-awareness? Is it even biblical for those who claim to be believers? Does it inform us on our identity and is it important for our spiritual growth?

Sep 18, 2023
Get a LIFE

Getting a LIFE is a journey. From first breath to last, life can be full of adventure and excitement one moment, then full of doubt and pain the next. ...Despite all that life can throw at us, we all want to have confidence that we are heading in the right direction: one that will help us to confidently navigate all of life with endurance and hope.  At Village Green Community Church, we believe that Jesus points us to a better way, a better life, a better hope. COME, AND EMBRACE THE JOURNEY WITH US. COME AND GET A LIFE.'

Sep 11, 2023
Come Together

Communion is one of two ordinances in the evangelical church, the other being baptism. In this message, we dive into the rich theological treasure that is Communion, and why it is such a vital piece of our spiritual walk.

Sep 05, 2023
Prepare for Impact: Part 6 - Holding Pattern

Trust is not an easy thing to surrender to someone else. We need proof and a willingness that trusting another is worth it. The same holds true with faith. Though we are taught to be self-reliant, faith really soars when we learn to surrender and trust God fully 

Aug 28, 2023