In this sermon well watch as Jesus disciples are filled with the Holy Spirit. Series:Easter Speaker: Matt Menzel Date: March 31, 2024 Text: Acts 3:11-16 To connect with us or find more resources visit us at
In this sermon well watch as Jesus disciples are filled with the Holy Spirit. Series:Acts Speaker: Cliff Ursel Date: March 24, 2024 Text: Acts 3:11-16 To connect with us or find more resources visit us at
In this sermon well watch as Jesus disciples are filled with the Holy Spirit. Series:Acts Speaker: Matt Menzel Date: March 17, 2024 Text: Acts 3:1-10 To connect with us or find more resources visit us at
In this sermon well glimpse a vision of what Jesus desires to do through His people in the world. Series:Acts Speaker: Matt Menzel Date: March 10, 2024 Text: Acts 2:43-47 To connect with us or find more resources visit us at
In this sermon well see what it looks like when Jesus people are devoted to the priorities God has for His church. Series:Acts Speaker: Matt Menzel Date: March 3, 2024 Text: Acts 2:42 To connect with us or find more resources visit us at
In this sermon well see Jesus exalted at the right hand of the Father and understand why He poured out His Spirit on us from there. Series:Acts Speaker: Cliff Ursel Date: February 25, 2024 Text: Acts 2:37-41 To connect with us or find more resources visit us at
In this sermon well watch as Jesus disciples are filled with the Holy Spirit. Series:Acts Speaker: Matt Menzel Date: February 18, 2024 Text: Acts 2:25-36 To connect with us or find more resources visit us at
In this sermon well listen in as Peter begins preaching the gospel to thousands who are about to come to Jesus. Series:Acts Speaker: Matt Menzel Date: February 11, 2024 Text: Acts 2:22-32 To connect with us or find more resources visit us at
How would you respond if you saw peoples lives completely upended by God in a good way? Would you want that for yourself? Series:Acts Speaker: Cliff Ursel Date: February 4, 2024 Text: Acts 2:14-21 To connect with us or find more resources visit us at
In this sermon well watch as Jesus disciples are filled with the Holy Spirit. Series:Acts Speaker: Matt Menzel Date: January 28, 2024 Text: Acts 2:1-13 To connect with us or find more resources visit us at
In this sermon well watch as Jesus disciples begin preparing themselves for the fulfillment of Jesus promise. Series:Acts Speaker: Matt Menzel Date: January 21, 2024 Text: Acts 1:12-26 To connect with us or find more resources visit us at
In this sermon well listen in as Jesus prepares His disciples for the greatest outpouring of His Spirit the world had ever known. Series:Acts Speaker: Matt Menzel Date: January 14, 2024 Text: Acts 1:6-11 To connect with us or find more resources visit us at
As we open the book of Acts well see how Jesus continues His work in our world today. Series:Acts Speaker: Matt Menzel Date: January 7, 2024 Text: Acts 1:1-5 To connect with us or find more resources visit us at
Its easy to feel tossed about these days. Todays text gives us confidence to navigate these days in a way that we dont just scrape by, but with our heads up and a smile on our face. Series:Stand-Alone Sermons Speaker: Cliff Ursel Date: December 31, 2023 Text: Ephesians 5:15-20 To connect with us or find more resources visit us at
In this Christmas Eve sermon well look at one of the ways Jesus displays the hospitality of God. Series:Heaven To Earth Speaker: Matt Menzel Date: December 24, 2023 Text: Luke 2:1-21 To connect with us or find more resources visit us at
What if wishing someone Merry Christmas had nothing to do with the kitschy hallmarks that Christmas is usually associated with? What if wishing someone Merry Christmas was something that reminds people of power and encounter? Series:Heaven To Earth Speaker: Cliff Ursel Date: December 17, 2023 Text: Micah 5:2 To connect with us or find more resources visit us at
In this sermon well see how the love of God leads to our invitation to live through Jesus. Series:Heaven To Earth Speaker: Matt Menzel Date: December 10, 2023 Text: 1 John 4:9 To connect with us or find more resources visit us at
In this sermon well look at the ways Jesus came to bring us peace, not only through the cross but in His life. Series:Heaven To Earth Speaker: Matt Menzel Date: December 3, 2023 Text: Isaiah 9:2-7 To connect with us or find more resources visit us at
In this sermon well begin a walk through the incarnation of Jesus by setting our hearts to encounter the God who came for us. Series:Heaven To Earth Speaker: Matt Menzel Date: November 26, 2023 Text: Colossians 1:15-20 To connect with us or find more resources visit us at
In this sermon, well close our series in Ruth by focusing on how the emptying of Naomi and the redemption of Ruth became a means of grace and love for the world. Series:Ruth Speaker: Matt Menzel Date: November 19, 2023 Text: Ruth 4:13-22 To connect with us or find more resources visit us at
As the book comes to a close, were still asking How will this story play out? This week, we find out as we join Boaz at the city gate. Its here that well see that theres only one whos willing to pay the cost of redemption. Series:Ruth Speaker: Nathan Harrison Date: November 12, 2023 Text: Ruth 4:1-12 To connect with us or find more resources visit us at
What do you do when many of societys anchor points that are supposed to bring security seem to be breaking down? Series:Ruth Speaker: Cliff Ursel Date: November 5, 2023 Text: Ruth 3:1-18 To connect with us or find more resources visit us at
In this sermon well watch as Ruth continues to experience radical grace. Well see what that means for us as Jesus people. Series:Ruth Speaker: Matt Menzel Date: October 29, 2023 Text: Ruth 2:14-23 To connect with us or find more resources visit us at
In this sermon well watch as Ruth sets out with an expectation of finding grace. Well see how we can position ourselves for a first or an ongoing experience of grace through Jesus. Series:Ruth Speaker: Matt Menzel Date: October 22, 2023 Text: Ruth 2:1-13 To connect with us or find more resources visit us at
In this sermon well see Gods heart to bless those whove walked away from Him and through them to bless the world. Series:Ruth Speaker: Matt Menzel Date: October 15, 2023 Text: Ruth 1:19-22 To connect with us or find more resources visit us at
How far does Gods grace go? In this weeks text, well see from the story of Naomi and Ruth that God desires to extend grace in unexpected places and to unexpected people, all so that He can bring hope and life. Series:Ruth Speaker: Nathan Harrison Date: October 8, 2023 Text: Ruth 1:6-18 To connect with us or find more resources visit us at
In this sermon well open our study in the book of Ruth and see how Naomis emptying is actually the hand of God moving to bless her. Series:Ruth Speaker: Matt Menzel Date: October 1, 2023 Text: Ruth 1:1-5 To connect with us or find more resources visit us at
In this sermon well talk about the third of our three values: Jesus Kingdom. Well see that the call to holiness for us as a church is the call to live for the will of God. Series:Vision Speaker: Matt Menzel Date: September 24, 2023 Text: Acts 2:1-13 To connect with us or find more resources visit us at
In this sermon well talk about the second of our three values: Jesus Image. Well see that the call to holiness for us as a church is the call to become like Jesus. Series:Vision Speaker: Matt Menzel Date: September 17, 2023 Text: Acts 2:42-47; 4:32-35; 9:31 To connect with us or find more resources visit us at
In this sermon well talk about the first of our three values: Jesus Presence. Well see that the call to holiness for us as a church is the call to be set apart entirely to Jesus. Series:Vision Speaker: Matt Menzel Date: September 10, 2023 Text: Acts 2:1-13 To connect with us or find more resources visit us at