American FLOTUS Preview - Mary Todd Lincoln
JUL 12, 2022
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American POTUS is proud to present a special preview episode of our brand new show, American FLOTUS!  Just like our highly successful series on the history of the presidency, this podcast will include national experts, facts and important perspective to the amazing women who have served as First Lady.  We have a lot of terrific guest experts lined up for future episodes, so be sure to subscribe to American FLOTUS today!  

On this episode:  By all appearances, Mary Todd Lincoln and her famous husband had no business being together. Vastly different upbringings, different types of friends, and very different physically! But they say opposites attract, so the Lincoln’s did get together, said “I Do”, raised several children and rose to become the First Family of the United States! And while there were good times, there seemed to be more bad times. Losing children, losing a husband, and losing her freedom! The tragic life of the very consequential First Lady, Mary Todd Lincoln, on this episode of American FLOTUS!

The American POTUS podcast is a 501c3 non-profit show, supported by listener patriots like you.  To help us keep the program going, please join others around the nation by considering a tax-deductible donation.  You can make your contribution and see what exciting plans we have for new podcasts and other outreach programs, at  Thank You for your support and we hope you enjoy this episode. 
