Dear Theodosia Burr, sir - the Bald Head Island Ghost
OCT 05, 2023
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The extraterrestrial comedy podcast where we probe the daughter of Aaron Burr, sir, but they don’t teach you about this in Hamilton. We breeze through the late 1700’s in to the early 1800’s as we learn all about the close relationship between Aaron Burr and Burr’s daughter, Dear Theodosia. But Burr had to flee the country and when Burr returned to America, Theodosia faced some difficulty in returning to her father. The remnants of that difficulty may still plague the Bald Head Island shoreline today. There be pirates in these waters, Jaaaaaaaack. There be spirits in these waters, Jaaaaaaaaaack. Alongside that we ponder who shot first aka who was the Han between Burr and Alexander Hamilton? We also question whether there is an official honeymoon record? Are Moonwalker and Greybeard married? Change the name and nobody knows… All that and more on this week’s file.








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Music created via Garageband. Additional music via: - thank you most kindly good people. As we introduced the circumstances of today’s probe, we felt obligated to include the ‘Aaron Burr, Sir’ tune from Hamilton created by Lin-Manuel Miranda and performed by the Original Broadway Cast of Hamilton (via Atlantic Records). When discussing ships wrecking, you may have clocked the use of a Rare Sea Of Thieves tune entitled ‘Shipwrecks’ which is courtesy of Microsoft and composed via the majestic Robin Beanland. We finished up with the ’Staff Roll’ theme from Nintendo’s 1990-1992 Super Mario World from the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, composed by Hero of Sound Kōji Kondō.




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