373: Learning to Cope with Emotions Instead of Eating Them with Susie Pettit
JAN 01
Description Community

Do you feel guilty when setting boundaries?
Do you get frustrated, angry, resentful, or hurt by what other people do (or don’t do to you?)
Do you have great intentions to take care of yourself, but always seem to put other people’s needs first?
Do you feel like you care too much about what other people think?
Do you find yourself turning to food to cope with emotions?
Are you a human being?

If you answered YES to any of these questions, you’re going to LOVE my interview with Susie Pettit.

Susie Pettit has been helping women live lives they love for over 20 years. She is the founder of the Love Your Life School and the podcast host of the Love Your Life Show. She is a certified Parent, Life + Wellness Coach, and a mom of 5 sons ages 18-25.

Susie is passionate about helping women live lives that feel as good on the inside as they look on the outside. She spent more than half her life living a life she did not love; as a people pleaser and codependent perfectionist. She reflects that it’s as if she was trying to win an award for ‘Martyr of the Year’.

Luckily she hit rock bottom and now has the breadth of experience to teach firsthand about setting healthy boundaries, beating your inner critic, conscious parenting, and how to use mindfulness-based tools to beat overwhelm and anxiety.

In this episode, we covered:

  • What is emotional intelligence and how we can use it to gain FREEDOM in our life

  • What boundaries actually are, and the common mistakes we make when setting them

  • Why compassion and curiosity are necessary to overcoming unwanted patterns


Get in touch with Susie:

https://smbwell.com/subscribe (the podcast)

